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@ turbo

Started by Steve, Dec 29, 07:00 AM 2016

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Looking from your replies, its obvious you will get it eventually.  You are asking the right questions. Just follow the guidance from turbo and you will eventually reach there.
Please understand that i can not reveal more than i already have, as we are not alone in here. The only thing i can do is tell you what works and give you a direction.
I hope you all get the solution, you have all the data in here. Just remember when you do get the "Evrika!" moment, you owe me a beer and to turbogenius, eternal gratitude.😀😀😀



Quote from: romano0327 on Aug 05, 08:24 AM 2017
Alex I also found that if it works flat bet then it would only be possible for it to work in short cycles, te more spins the more new repeaters would have to be bet and a win would not make up for the amount of chips bet in the previous spins. Do you play flat bet for a 37 spin cycle and then reset?
No. Definately you need to use the 37 spin cycles to start with. You are not restricted afterwards by anything else. Do not put hurdles in front of you.



Quote from: Madi on Aug 05, 08:37 AM 2017

In that case i think u cant play all the time. Need to play in specific position only.
Your assumption is very correct, Madi!



QuotePlease understand that i can not reveal more than i already have, as we are not alone in here

why...do you think casinos will close just because numbers repeat...lol...wake up and smell the cofffffeee..

Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Guys, has anyone tried out Nickmsi spreadsheet? Take a look if you have not, extend it beyond 37.


Quote from: maestro on Aug 05, 09:01 AM 2017

why...do you think casinos will close just because numbers repeat...lol...wake up and smell the cofffffeee..


Most definately they won't, maestro! They will continue to prosper as its a proportion ratio.
There will be more people that play their birthday number ready to fill up the casino's bank accounts than there are winners. But to think about ut for a second, i am surely not the first one to get the solution, how come no one before turbogenius shared this in public?

How about the other lies like Progressions and side bets Bullshit we see in all forums?

Where there is a will there is a way. You have all info you need in this thread to arrive at resolution.



Alex thank you very much for your help, I am very greatfull, I just quite did not follow your last reply well,  did you mean that once I start flatbetting for numbers to hit a 3x I should only do it for a 37 numbet cycle then if I lost reset( take the loss) and If I won reset as well, or should I move pass the 37 number cycle until in profit.


I send you a pm Alex, I am testing hardly on RX.


Quote from: romano0327 on Aug 05, 09:20 AM 2017
Alex thank you very much for your help, I am very greatfull, I just quite did not follow your last reply well,  did you mean that once I start flatbetting for numbers to hit a 3x I should only do it for a 37 numbet cycle then if I lost reset( take the loss) and If I won reset as well, or should I move pass the 37 number cycle until in profit.

There are no resets as you see it. The bets keep going on. You will always be in profit flat betting as your bet selection is correct. Stop making reset checkpoints (if/else) on the current bankroll.the money will rise naturally.



I think I got it Alex, I sent you a pm, could you correct me if I am wrong.


QuoteYou have all info you need in this thread to arrive at resolution

i need no info nor resolution..need whisky over 25 years and rock music :thumbsup:
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Quote from: maestro on Aug 05, 09:50 AM 2017

i need no info nor resolution..need whisky over 25 years and rock music :thumbsup:

And some hot chicks  :thumbsup:
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: probasah on Aug 05, 09:18 AM 2017

How about the other lies like Progressions and side bets Bullshit we see in all forums?


It's a path we all walk(ed) on  :)
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Hi Probasah
I have a question like what amount of spins you tested such an approach.
Edge is not big, playing a flat rate, we can not make a mistake because one hit can cost us a daily profit.
I'm curious how many thousands of spins you have simulated to achieve an average profit.
I used to play from 2 repetitions, after 3 hit and play only 3 repeaters and ended up  session with 8 time hit. It reduced the number of numbers played.
My tests were not long and maybe I did not see the edge.


Quote from: ozon on Aug 05, 12:13 PM 2017
Hi Probasah
I have a question like what amount of spins you tested such an approach.
Edge is not big, playing a flat rate, we can not make a mistake because one hit can cost us a daily profit.
I'm curious how many thousands of spins you have simulated to achieve an average profit.
I used to play from 2 repetitions, after 3 hit and play only 3 repeaters and ended up  session with 8 time hit. It reduced the number of numbers played.
My tests were not long and maybe I did not see the edge.

Hi ozone,
Tested for 40 sessions x 25,000 spins for a total of 1 million random.org samples ( 10 days x 100k to collect them ) :)
Flat betting. i did not see the point in going above that but i do not mind testing it for any number of spins any time.

Do not ask if the bet selection is good or not. Test your bet flat betting and you will get the answer for your self. If it does not win flat bet, it doesn`t win at all and all you have is just wishful thinking.

Do not lose hope.

