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Roulette-focused => General Discussion => Topic started by: MrJ on Jul 13, 07:14 PM 2011

Title: Interesting point from the Wiz site
Post by: MrJ on Jul 13, 07:14 PM 2011
A few days ago, someone brought up an interesting point regarding (yet again) past numbers. *ALWAYS* a favorite subject of mine.

We'll use the 00 wheel for my example. When the AP (cough) crew do their thing regarding looking for a bias wheel/tilted wheel (use whatever term you like), they either jot down many numbers OR we have also read that it only takes a couple spins to spot it IF it exists. I say thats a load of BS but thats a different thread (lol). Anyways, those AP guys are using PAST RESULTS ('gamblers fallacy') to now make their bets and hopefully a profitable day.

Example being, the tilt (or bias) is in the 30, 11, 7, 20 section. Ok, fine whatever. Now take the method guy that also did some tracking etc. and he wants to include those same 4 numbers into his betting METHOD. Whether its flat betting or a progression, does not matter. My point? Its comical that when the AP (cough) crew use PAST RESULTS, its somehow BETTER or more acceptable.....God like almost (lol).

When a hard working method guy wants to use those EXACT SAME numbers, for some reason HE is using gamblers fallacy and destined to lose. Hmmmm, I'm a bit confused.

Title: Re: Interesting point from the Wiz site
Post by: ZeroBlue on Jul 13, 07:55 PM 2011

The Gamblers F. is the most appealing to every serious roulette player. For some reason there are stats and benchmarking.

When one observe as example five spins (a streak) for any even chance without a repeater one should bet that same EC for the next three spins, often with a repeater hitting in it. If you want test it, sir.
Even the Advantage Crew will admit on this.
All Advantage Play and VB stuff is based on observation.

For the method player, observation of past spins should mean stats.

And thats all.
Very nice rabbit...

Title: Re: Interesting point from the Wiz site
Post by: MrJ on Jul 13, 08:23 PM 2011
Here is the bottom line for definitions of using past results (gamblers fallacy).

Not EVERY situation can be the SAME definition guys.

I'll give two opposite situations >>

The first, past numbers mean something. I'll track 200 spins. I'll choose 3 numbers for YOU and 3 numbers for me. For myself, I'll take the 3 most recent numbers that have three hits on it (hot).

For you, I choose 3 numbers with the fewest hits in the last 200 spins (very cold). We'll flat bet for the next 20 spins, my numbers against your numbers. We'll do this experiment not once but over 100 different sessions. *ANYONE* who says it will come close to balancing out is LYING, plain and simple. That is an example of past numbers with MEANING.

Now, an example of gamblers fallacy >> The 4 5 6 street has not hit in the last 12 spins so now its DUE to hit SOON.

Are BOTH of my examples the same? Of course not. Do they BOTH use past results? Yes.

Title: Re: Interesting point from the Wiz site
Post by: ZeroBlue on Jul 13, 08:25 PM 2011
so thats playing with stats....
Title: Re: Interesting point from the Wiz site
Post by: Canuck on Jul 20, 09:41 AM 2011
So what you're saying Mr J is that one should look at 200 spins.

The 3 latest repeating numbers, are the numbers that you'll bet on the next 20 spins.

I did that in a B&M Casino, because I thought that there was a dealer signature
that was developing. I"m very new to posting on this forum and don't intentionally mean
to sound stupid.

I bet on number 2 because it had turned up on the marquee in the last 18 spins twice.

I thought that it was a dealer signature. So that is called Advantage Play.  But call it what
ever one wants, whether it's advantage or Gamblers Fallacy/ method, we're still observing
the past spins.

I won with number 2 when I hit a split 2/5.

I won with number 8, which was also a double repeater with a split 5/8.

One thing that I totally agree with you on, is that B&M Casino's are the way to go.

Thank you for your discussing this. I'm starting to understand.

Title: Re: Interesting point from the Wiz site
Post by: MrJ on Jul 20, 11:13 AM 2011
I have a headache.  :'(