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Roulette Simulator - Method Testing

Started by MoneyT101, Sep 09, 10:07 PM 2021

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I tried it with streets and I ran into many long cycles causing unnecessary losses so I gave that up.

I then combined streets with lines and it's technically looking better but still sometimes long cycles.  So to avoid this I am starting over and only focusing on catching the wins that end the cycle.
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


Quote from: MoneyT101 on Jul 24, 06:27 PM 2022I tried it with streets and I ran into many long cycles causing unnecessary losses so I gave that up.

I then combined streets with lines and it's technically looking better but still sometimes long cycles.  So to avoid this I am starting over and only focusing on catching the wins that end the cycle.

Ok so when i attempted streets somehow I changed the strategy and that's why my results kept getting longer cycles.  I didn't notice I was doing the bet wrong

While seeing my mistake and doing it over I learned something new.  So changing approach once again but this time sticking with str8's  :twisted:

Hopefully tomorrow night I will share 100 spins and show what bets the method makes and profit/loss

Not promising an HG but the next best thing  :xd:

Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole



Quote from: 777vic on Jul 25, 04:02 AM 2022exciting :thumbsup:
I know right  :thumbsup:

Alright just I like promised tested manually and its worth going into Roulette simulator.  I will attempt to program some of the plays first cause im not fast enough to play live yet. But in the mean time i attached images below...

If you can figure out the bets please keep to yourself and enjoy  8)

Quote from: MoneyT101 on Jul 25, 02:33 AM 2022Not promising an HG but the next best thing  :xd:

Spins 1-24.png

Spins 24-44.png

Spins 44-72.png

Spins 72-90.png

Spins 90-105.png     
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


Mel, DS→ST you say it changes the dynamic too much.
QuoteI then combined streets with lines and it's technically looking better but still sometimes long cycles.  So to avoid this I am starting over and only focusing on catching the wins that end the cycle.

What about doing DS→Q combo.

First is 5:1, next is 8:1.
So best case scenario +13.

What I find great about Q
(=quad, but not priyanka's =quarters .. 4-numbers or corner)
is that you can fit in a ds area smoothly;
  • some numbers in ds usually won't be active, or quiescent
  • also, in addition, you can use columns streaks to adjust the position


But betting the Q in same ds area after a hit, a hit in the very next spins ain't that often .. you should give it at least a window/interval of 3x-4x spins .. or a block of spins.

Given that you make +5, you can afford that, afford to leverage that by reinvesting the gains made.

1st hit = +5u

2nd hit
spin1 -1 = 4u | hit +13
spin2 -1 = 3u | hit +12
spin3 -1 = 2u | hit +11
spin4 -1 = 1u | hit +10
spin5 -1 = 0u | hit + 9


you can also adjust the block length = dynamic block size,
by adding another factor .. exposition

.. or how many no-hit DS spins you had before the 1st hit,
accounting for that


Why I wrote that Mel, coz its my approach .. so more familiar with it + giving you an idea of how to potentially use it.

In that way your example & the underlying dynamic will be more readable to me .. in case you make it so.



Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


Quote from: MoneyT101 on Jul 26, 07:28 PM 2022RNG play sheet

31 spins +88 units live rng tonight

It took me 1.5 hrs  because i was calculating the next play.  Im definitely working on the sheet tonight lol
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


Great profit! Not easy to find the way to bet...

I like that the cycels are not too long and very much playable.

Hope you will share some more  :smile:


Quote from: TRD on Jul 26, 02:02 PM 2022What about doing DS→Q combo.

First is 5:1, next is 8:1.
So best case scenario +13.

What I find great about Q
(=quad, but not priyanka's =quarters .. 4-numbers or corner)
is that you can fit in a ds area smoothly;

Diagram of probabilities of any repeat (birthday problem) of ds (upper curve) and TRD quads. (zero excluded)TRD.png


Heading to the casino for round 2 on live rng testing.

-updated my excel sheet to do most of the work for me.  I just have to agree to bet or not

-added a duplicate system to play at same time

So should cut down my calculating time and bring more profit.

Haven't decided if I will use two bankrolls or one.  I'll decide after a few wins and see what works best for me
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


Live RNG testing didn't go well

The two systems did not compliment each other.  So I ended up trying to chase losses and played wrong numbers in the process  :twisted:  It's better to play them with separate bankrolls!

But what's interesting is I can visualize the pigeonhole principle at work while playing. So an idea came into my head.  Not sure how to implement it at this moment but will put some thought to it
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole


Hey money- yes my experience with casino rng is exactly like yours- the system wins maybe for a short while then it catches on to how you are betting or decides you have won enough then here comes the run from hell! These are essentially slot machines with the casino being able to determine what results they want to come out.

I trust live online roulette a bit more (although I know these can be rigged also) but more because there are other players getting the same numbers out so while they may turn the gaze to you if you're betting big- small flat bets will most likely allow you to stay under the radar to some extent.

Downside to live online wheel is 15 secs to place bets which is pretty tough for anything more than a few numbers.

All of these reasons have meant I have decided to give up on the rng and only play live online from now on. This also sadly rules out some of the more intricate and complex methods but then I think they know that as that's why they put these measures in place.

Thanks for all the posts on these boards and keeping the hopes alive we can one day get the system that stays one step ahead of the casinos!




Quote from: Akiraa on Jul 28, 01:07 PM 2022the system wins maybe for a short while then it catches on to how you are betting or decides you have won enough then here comes the run from hell! These are essentially slot machines with the casino being able to determine what results they want to come out.

Thanks for all the posts on these boards and keeping the hopes alive we can one day get the system that stays one step ahead of the casinos!

I noticed the rng cheating making cycles longer then usual but it still wont stop the method. The issue i ran into was using one bankroll for two systems and mild progression and not preparing for it.

The game would have to give me a very specific sequence to get me to reach the max limit. Even if it discovered this sequence it would have to do so avoiding repeats.

I appreciate your reply, Thank you!!!
Simple once you get it!  Chased all the pigeons away and they were already in their hole
