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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 08, 05:46 PM 2011

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Quote from: Andre Chass on Feb 09, 03:49 PM 2018
I'm playing in a different way.
I wait one of the patterns to form for 3 times and I bet against it. For example:


That's my trigger.
Im playing it three times per day using a 4 steps progression 10, 10, 30, 60
No losses so far.

I know some players will say my trigger is a fallacy but If you play against a pattern, would you start for example betting after only one red hit or would you start betting after 15 reds hit? This is my thinking.

R start betting B for 4 times.
RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR start betting B for 4 times.

Which one will you choose?
Hi Andre,
I like your variation. My records show many games where the same pattern keeps repeating for 2-4 times before moving on to other patterns. So this could work. But as JL says you just need to read the game and see whats going on with random. Dealers can leave a very distinct signature on the wheel so you need to approach any game with caution.
Yesterday, I played at my B&M casino the MV5 method expecting any easy run and full of confidence that the systems present here by JL and others are sound. You wouldn't believe what random threw at me. I played the electronic tables with live dealer European Roulette. First table dished out 2 five pointers in a row for my first two games. I am down $120. I then take a break and play my recovery rounds on another wheel thinking the first was just pure bad timing. I back tracked the last 20 spins and immediately see a five pointer already hit. I think to myself great I missed another potential loss. So now I wait for the next trigger to present. I am waiting for a quad to form and bet it not to become another five pointer. So put another recovery bet on when it forms. What do you think came out. That's right another five pointer. I am now down $200 of my $385 bankroll that I had happily been building up over the last week using PB and MV5. Now I getting concerned random is getting untameable. So I wait for the next quad and decide to put a smaller recovery in case my luck runs out. Again, another five pointer. I was ready to give up. But remembered what JL said about patience. By this time I am down to my last $120 and decide to give it one last chance all or nothing. It could have went either way but I finally got a breakthrough and won the next bet to be only down $140. Over the next few games I played more conservatively and gradually recovered my bankroll.
Finally took a break and decided to try PB. Fortunately it was kinder to me and I won the next 6 games for a $100 profit. All up spent 4 hours but happy to come out a winner after a shocking start to the night



Quote from: Herby on Feb 09, 05:32 PM 2018
Hi sentinel,
this sounds interesting.
I think you are able to full understand the topics binomial distribution, normal distribution, hypothesis testing etc., all these tools necessary to talk about the mathematics of your kind of game.
I think you are an intelligent and responsible guy, so you wouldnt talk about maths nonsense without very strong reasons, which you will be so kind to tell us.
Have a nice day
I will be so kind to tell you. Your precious math has nothing to do with roulette.

Can your math explain for example, why no game of PB now takes more than 48 spins to qualify.

No matter where you enter the stream of variance. No matter which even chance delivers the first pattern 8. The 50 spin barrier cannot be breached.

A virtual limit has been identified for the second time in my career with roulette. Its the most powerful thing in the game. When you find a virtual limit. It means you have broken the game.

Its as good as being able to jump into the future  and see where the ball will land next.

No roulette computer no nothing compares to a virtual limit. You carry this powerful knowledge around in your head. I found one with MATRIX VERTICAL 7. And now I have identified one within PATTERN BREAKER.

And math cannot BEGIN TO EXPLAIN IT. All math does is tell you roulette is a game of NEGATIVE EXPECTANCY. A VIRTUAL LIMIT tells you roulette is now a game of POSITIVE EXPECTANCY.

What i have just dropped on this forum. If understood and utilized by anyone playing this game. Assures their longterm success and prosperity with this game.


Quote from: Ricky on Feb 09, 05:49 PM 2018
Hi Andre,
I like your variation. My records show many games where the same pattern keeps repeating for 2-4 times before moving on to other patterns. So this could work. But as JL says you just need to read the game and see whats going on with random. Dealers can leave a very distinct signature on the wheel so you need to approach any game with caution.
Yesterday, I played at my B&M casino the MV5 method expecting any easy run and full of confidence that the systems present here by JL and others are sound. You wouldn't believe what random threw at me. I played the electronic tables with live dealer European Roulette. First table dished out 2 five pointers in a row for my first two games. I am down $120. I then take a break and play my recovery rounds on another wheel thinking the first was just pure bad timing. I back tracked the last 20 spins and immediately see a five pointer already hit. I think to myself great I missed another potential loss. So now I wait for the next trigger to present. I am waiting for a quad to form and bet it not to become another five pointer. So put another recovery bet on when it forms. What do you think came out. That's right another five pointer. I am now down $200 of my $385 bankroll that I had happily been building up over the last week using PB and MV5. Now I getting concerned random is getting untameable. So I wait for the next quad and decide to put a smaller recovery in case my luck runs out. Again, another five pointer. I was ready to give up. But remembered what JL said about patience. By this time I am down to my last $120 and decide to give it one last chance all or nothing. It could have went either way but I finally got a breakthrough and won the next bet to be only down $140. Over the next few games I played more conservatively and gradually recovered my bankroll.
Finally took a break and decided to try PB. Fortunately it was kinder to me and I won the next 6 games for a $100 profit. All up spent 4 hours but happy to come out a winner after a shocking start to the night

EXACTLT RICKY. Better is to find a point where something is virtually ALWAYS delivered to you. I have found such a point within the new revised version of PB. It has the game completely broken. And ready to be exploited.


Quote from: Herby on Feb 09, 05:32 AM 2018
This kind of topic was discussed in german forums 13-14 years ago. Similar quarrelings and fightings as here. And of course the "winners". Winkel could remember.
I am familiar with EC/Figures and so on and did a lot of programming. But I dont have the time to find out what is "revised JL PB " within 135 pages.
What I understand until now:

You wait for 7 of 8 (=2^3) possible EC figures (length=3) to come.
Then bet against the 8th with secret rules and progressions.

So if you can give exact rules I could do some testing.
Exact means the rules are of the form :
If ... Then ... Else ...  (Mathematic rules)  :thumbsup:

Have a nice day
Hi Herby,
I am new to this forum also and have read most of the pages on this thread. You are correct in the early days of the formation of this system the rules kept bouncing around a bit. But this was because the originators were testing the ideas and found from their live play that the system needed to be tweaked. One observation JL made was that of all his losses from 2600 odd games of playing PB the losses mostly came after 45+ spins. The possible cause of this was the one remaining pattern that had not presented itself was now more "DUE" to come. Although you can't predict what random is going to do, this situation should be approached with caution. So one tweak JL suggests is that in this situation you would be better off betting for the pattern to show. But, as you suggest you still have 8 possibilities for the next three spins to show so as long as you match one of the spins with your bet you will win. What this system does though is it forces the casino to pick a lock created by its own history not by your random selection. So, to beat you, the wheel has to get its timing perfect rather than you get your timing perfect. You just follow the rules. Most times you should win. But as I posted in my previous post you can get days when random feels like its reading your mind and taking you to the cleaners.
As mentioned in this thread and probably goes for every method created, you cannot beat roulette with one method alone playing continuously. You will either need to play it in a hit and run mode or switch systems after making a quick profit. So play a few good systems in your sessions and you should end up ahead. But as I have witnessed many times impatience is the killer of any system. If you do not  have the discipline and patience to wait out the bad streaks you will go home a loser.
If you look back at my recent posts I have been posting some charts of my BOT testing with the goal of turning $1K into $100K using PB alone. If this works then it will be a sound system to use in your everyday play. But as I mentioned one system alone cannot beat the game if you are playing yourself.
More results posted shortly.

I have already built PB in a BOT to test this method on live play and although it is winning and losing its the best method I have seen for making large profits.
The rules I use are:
1. Track all 8 patterns and wait for the last pattern left
2. If the number of spins to get to this last pattern is less than 45 (or 15 sets of 3) then bet for the last pattern else bet against the last pattern
3. Use a progression system that allows you to recover. I use a D'Alembert progression rather than Martingale as I am playing continuously in my BOT and need to stay in the game and withstand a long string of losses before recovering. My progression is 1 2 3 4 5 6 Units. Up if I lose, down if I win.
4. I track all 3 E/C (H-L, O-E, B-R)
5. For O-E I also bet the 4th Pattern will not match the 1st pattern
6. Finally, on all my systems, I cover the Zero bet placing about 5% of my E/B on it and adjusting the progression to recover the Zero Bet on the E/C. eg $50 on E/C and $5 on Zero. This nets up yo 3 times my outlay if and WHEN it hits.



Quote from: Ricky on Feb 09, 06:28 PM 2018
Hi Herby,
I am new to this forum also and have read most of the pages on this thread. You are correct in the early days of the formation of this system the rules kept bouncing around a bit. But this was because the originators were testing the ideas and found from their live play that the system needed to be tweaked. One observation JL made was that of all his losses from 2600 odd games of playing PB the losses mostly came after 45+ spins. The possible cause of this was the one remaining pattern that had not presented itself was now more "DUE" to come. Although you can't predict what random is going to do, this situation should be approached with caution. So one tweak JL suggests is that in this situation you would be better off betting for the pattern to show. But, as you suggest you still have 8 possibilities for the next three spins to show so as long as you match one of the spins with your bet you will win. What this system does though is it forces the casino to pick a lock created by its own history not by your random selection. So, to beat you, the wheel has to get its timing perfect rather than you get your timing perfect. You just follow the rules. Most times you should win. But as I posted in my previous post you can get days when random feels like its reading your mind and taking you to the cleaners.
As mentioned in this thread and probably goes for every method created, you cannot beat roulette with one method alone playing continuously. You will either need to play it in a hit and run mode or switch systems after making a quick profit. So play a few good systems in your sessions and you should end up ahead. But as I have witnessed many times impatience is the killer of any system. If you do not  have the discipline and patience to wait out the bad streaks you will go home a loser.
If you look back at my recent posts I have been posting some charts of my BOT testing with the goal of turning $1K into $100K using PB alone. If this works then it will be a sound system to use in your everyday play. But as I mentioned one system alone cannot beat the game if you are playing yourself.
More results posted shortly.

I have already built PB in a BOT to test this method on live play and although it is winning and losing its the best method I have seen for making large profits.
The rules I use are:
1. Track all 8 patterns and wait for the last pattern left
2. If the number of spins to get to this last pattern is less than 45 (or 15 sets of 3) then bet for the last pattern else bet against the last pattern
3. Use a progression system that allows you to recover. I use a D'Alembert progression rather than Martingale as I am playing continuously in my BOT and need to stay in the game and withstand a long string of losses before recovering. My progression is 1 2 3 4 5 6 Units. Up if I lose, down if I win.
4. I track all 3 E/C (H-L, O-E, B-R)
5. For O-E I also bet the 4th Pattern will not match the 1st pattern
6. Finally, on all my systems, I cover the Zero bet placing about 5% of my E/B on it and adjusting the progression to recover the Zero Bet on the E/C. eg $50 on E/C and $5 on Zero. This nets up yo 3 times my outlay if and WHEN it hits.

Ricky send me a PM and I will introduce you to MV7. Random can be in any mood it likes. Its not defeating MV7.


Quote from: Ricky on Feb 09, 05:49 PM 2018
Hi Andre,
I like your variation. My records show many games where the same pattern keeps repeating for 2-4 times before moving on to other patterns. So this could work. But as JL says you just need to read the game and see whats going on with random. Dealers can leave a very distinct signature on the wheel so you need to approach any game with caution.
Yesterday, I played at my B&M casino the MV5 method expecting any easy run and full of confidence that the systems present here by JL and others are sound. You wouldn't believe what random threw at me. I played the electronic tables with live dealer European Roulette. First table dished out 2 five pointers in a row for my first two games. I am down $120. I then take a break and play my recovery rounds on another wheel thinking the first was just pure bad timing. I back tracked the last 20 spins and immediately see a five pointer already hit. I think to myself great I missed another potential loss. So now I wait for the next trigger to present. I am waiting for a quad to form and bet it not to become another five pointer. So put another recovery bet on when it forms. What do you think came out. That's right another five pointer. I am now down $200 of my $385 bankroll that I had happily been building up over the last week using PB and MV5. Now I getting concerned random is getting untameable. So I wait for the next quad and decide to put a smaller recovery in case my luck runs out. Again, another five pointer. I was ready to give up. But remembered what JL said about patience. By this time I am down to my last $120 and decide to give it one last chance all or nothing. It could have went either way but I finally got a breakthrough and won the next bet to be only down $140. Over the next few games I played more conservatively and gradually recovered my bankroll.
Finally took a break and decided to try PB. Fortunately it was kinder to me and I won the next 6 games for a $100 profit. All up spent 4 hours but happy to come out a winner after a shocking start to the night

You were lucky you got off the hook.

I was taken to the cleaners twice.

1st case - in my early playing days I had this great idea that if I played 8steps marty, 10/20/40/80/160/320/640/1280 I was certain I will never lose, no way.

I lost in my first attempt. Yes I was shell shocked that the impossible happened on my very 1st attempt.

2nd case - I betted $1000 low and $500 3rd doz after that double street hits twice consecutively vv.

I lost all 3 attempts on random roulette tables at different locations of the casino played at different times of the day. The impossible has happened to me.

3rd case - This happened to another guy. After 15 Players hit, this punter waited for 3Bankers to hit immediately after. He betted 10 steps marty 100/200/400/800/1600/3200/6400/12800/25600/51200

Another guy after this 1st guy lost 8hands started play with a 6steps marty 500/1000/2000/4000/8000/16000

Both of them lost. The banker streak went 16 long.

It was a costly lesson to learn that the impossible can happen and do happen regularly.

I also learn that I am not a luckyfella at gambling. Never going to pick that outsider horse,  never going to strike the jackpot. But always possible for the roll from hell(rfh) to visit me - that sums up my gambling experience.

In turn, it has helped shape my gambling philosophy - conservative,  defensive and prudent to protect the br always.

Random does not recognise impossible. In gambling never say never !


Quote from: cht on Feb 09, 07:34 PM 2018

In turn, it has helped shape my gambling philosophy - conservative,  defensive and prudent to protect the br always.

Random does not recognise impossible. In gambling never say never !

Grind hard with the patience and discipline 👊


Quote from: Apolloo on Feb 09, 07:38 PM 2018
. If roulette had to take a piss it would roll to the nearest corner and take a piss.Never under estimate the wheel .just sayin . :twisted:


A lot of people talk about winning systems.

Most people talk about winning system from this point, eg.  that they win 15 times lose 1time in a 1/2/4 betting sequence. They interprete that they have a 15:1 win rate.

It's actually 15/7:1 win rate or approximately 66% win rate.

This means for every 3games cycle of 7games each, you win 2cycles lose 1cycle giving you a net 1cycle.

That's pretty good.  :thumbsup:

But even with 66% win rate, we must know the possible max loss streak that can happen in order to play with the correct size br. This rfl is a math possibility.

Read this to understand about loss streak related to win rate.

To double your correct size br is no easy matter. You need a system that wins,  play at the correct size br to withstand the calculated variance. That's a lot of testing and research to do.  :o

If you have a winning system with a high win rate,  then Madi's reference to Kelly equation comes into play - you aim to optimise your bets.


Quote from: Tinsoldiers on Feb 09, 11:12 AM 2018ok. I have been testing this with real money 5 games a day in Betfair casino exactly the same way describes by sentinel. I started on 28th. Today is the 13th day.  I do play the magic first game at 3AM as well. I will be posting the results along with the spins for everyone to see and will continue to do this until I reach 100th day. 
First of all, I would like Sentinel to understand that I am neither here to prove you right or wrong. I am here to find profitable methods to play and share ideas so that we can find a way to beat the casino. Lot of your comments focussed on mathematics here either border on ignorance or disillusion.

Now, having said that I trust everything you claim in your play. I am that kind of person who places trust in what people say. Again, my only opinion was not everyone will get the same results as you have got. 


Quote from: Tinsoldiers on Feb 09, 08:54 PM 2018
First of all, I would like Sentinel to understand that I am neither here to prove you right or wrong. I am here to find profitable methods to play and share ideas so that we can find a way to beat the casino. Lot of your comments focussed on mathematics here either border on ignorance or disillusion.

Now, having said that I trust everything you claim in your play. I am that kind of person who places trust in what people say. Again, my only opinion was not everyone will get the same results as you have got.
Your current attempt will prove nothing. Any conclusion drawn from this result is misleading in that it's not the representation of the actual distribution.  :(

So,  don't blame sentinel if he does not accept your result. His result applies to him only - that is what he is sharing with us.

There will be winners and losers at both end of the spectrum,  the same as the math told us.


Quote from: cht on Feb 09, 07:34 PM 2018

In turn, it has helped shape my gambling philosophy -
conservative,  defensive
and prudent
to protect the br always.

In soccer lingo, it is also called "parking the bus."

Are you sure you are not Jose Mourinho  coming here in disguise to satiate your gambling addiction, eh?

:twisted:   :twisted:
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Quote from: cht on Feb 09, 09:04 PM 2018Your current attempt will prove nothing. Any conclusion drawn from this result is misleading in that it's not the representation of the actual distribution
Why do you think so?


My results.

13 days, 65 games. 48 wins and 10 losses. Now what has not been discussed here is, I got 7 games where two ECs qualified. 6 of those games both ECs won and 1 game one won and one lost. So total 72 attempts, 61 wins and 11 losses, 1 loss every 5.5 wins.

Magical first game at 3AM turned out to be worst. 13 games, 10 wins and 2 losses. One game was two qualifiers with 1 in and 1 loss. Total tally 14 attempts and 3 losses putting at 1 loss every 3.6 games.

I got a qualifier for almost all the games within 48 spins except 1 which went to 51 spins. Following is the game history. I will continue to play every day, and I really hope the wins catch up. I REALLY DO. The second column here is the number of spins before the qualifier happens.

Just so that someone can confirm that i playing exactly as described am writing the spins from the last game i played today. Qualifier came in 27th spin in RRR and the next 3 spins were 19, 25 and 21.

Is there anyone here who play exactly as Sentinel describes? What are your results?


Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Feb 09, 09:09 PM 2018

In soccer lingo, it is also called "parking the bus."

Are you sure you are not Jose Mourinho  coming here in disguise to satiate your gambling addiction, eh?

:twisted:   :twisted:
Actually it's SAF,  I started with Rock of Gibraltar.  :smile:

Watch my Clan Des Obeaux at Cheltenham.
