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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 08, 05:46 PM 2011

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My strongest personal method maintains great consistency. Holding at a strikerate around 12/1 over the last 300 games. And still only a single double loss over the the whole 1700 games. CONSISTENCY. Is what its all about. PATTERN BREAKER along with CODE 4 have shown that in abundance.


Quote from: Johnlegend on Nov 09, 04:51 PM 2011







My strongest personal method maintains great consistency. Holding at a strikerate around 12/1 over the last 300 games. And still only a single double loss over the the whole 1700 games. CONSISTENCY. Is what its all about. PATTERN BREAKER along with CODE 4 have shown that in abundance.

TOTAL GAMES LOST 133 This only means you lost first 3 bets and recovered in next 3 bets with progression right?
DOUBLE LOSSES 1 This is actually your ONLY loss because it lost at 6th bet right?

What progression do you use? Can you clarify this? because if you only lost ONCE it means this is the ultimate system.
From little ACORNS GROW MIGHTY OAKS. (Johnlegend)


Quote from: Mudiru on Nov 11, 07:29 AM 2011
TOTAL GAMES LOST 133 This only means you lost first 3 bets and recovered in next 3 bets with progression right?
DOUBLE LOSSES 1 This is actually your ONLY loss because it lost at 6th bet right?

What progression do you use? Can you clarify this? because if you only lost ONCE it means this is the ultimate system.

I assume you got that correct - who say two loses in a row would be a total loss - you can use a 12 or 15 steps or 4 to 5 levels witch would fail or tank if you lose 4 or 5 times in a row ...
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


Quote from: Mudiru on Nov 11, 07:29 AM 2011
TOTAL GAMES LOST 133 This only means you lost first 3 bets and recovered in next 3 bets with progression right?
DOUBLE LOSSES 1 This is actually your ONLY loss because it lost at 6th bet right?

What progression do you use? Can you clarify this? because if you only lost ONCE it means this is the ultimate system.
Hello Muduri, a game is opposing the last combination standing. Lets say that was HLH. And the next three spins produce HLH or H0H. I have lost a game. For the first game I stake as follows at level 1.
2--4--8 A total risk of 14 units. And I play two simultaneous games for HIGH/LOW and ODD/EVEN. Lets say HIGH/LOW qualified first and I lost the game as in above. When ODD/EVEN qualified I would stake at LEVEL 2 STAKES. 8--16--32. Aiming to recover around 50% of the previous loss. So when I say I have suffered ONE double loss in 1,700 games. You know this is pretty special. A DOUBLE LOSS meant I lost a total of 70 UNITS.

This scarceness of losing both games for HIGH/LOW AND ODD EVEN in the SAME SESSION. Is where PATTERN BREAKER stands up as one of the most consistent methods you could ever use. Its POWER-POINT and VALUE comes from that awesome consistency.


Quote from: ego on Nov 11, 01:31 PM 2011
I assume you got that correct - who say two loses in a row would be a total loss - you can use a 12 or 15 steps or 4 to 5 levels witch would fail or tank if you lose 4 or 5 times in a row ...
You could use 10 levels. The point ego is PATTERN breaker rarely loses two games in a row. When playing HIGH/LOW---ODD/EVEN simultaneously in a HIT AND RUN APPLICATION. You are destined to make tidy profits if you can STICK TO THE PLAN...


Quote from: Johnlegend on Nov 11, 02:53 PM 2011
2--4--8 A total risk of 14 units. And I play two simultaneous games for HIGH/LOW and ODD/EVEN. Lets say HIGH/LOW qualified first and I lost the game as in above. When ODD/EVEN qualified I would stake at LEVEL 2 STAKES. 8--16--32. Aiming to recover around 50% of the previous loss. So when I say I have suffered ONE double loss in 1,700 games. You know this is pretty special. A DOUBLE LOSS meant I lost a total of 70 UNITS.

1) Why do you play 2--4--8 8--16--32 instead of 2--4--8 16--32--64? (i play with 100% recover)
2) Do you only use H/L , E/O without B/R why? (i also don't use B/R)
3) Can you define a session? How many times you bet with Pattern Breaker during a session and how long does it take?
From little ACORNS GROW MIGHTY OAKS. (Johnlegend)


Quote from: Mudiru on Nov 12, 12:23 PM 2011
1) Why do you play 2--4--8 8--16--32 instead of 2--4--8 16--32--64? (i play with 100% recover)
2) Do you only use H/L , E/O without B/R why? (i also don't use B/R)
3) Can you define a session? How many times you bet with Pattern Breaker during a session and how long does it take?

Pay some and read the thread from the start. Most of your answers are already here.



@ BV NZ just had a double loss followed by a 3rd loss(on which i bet the rest of my money to recover) i guess betvoyager is not so *fair* after all, even without the 0 i still lost 3 times in row, betvoyager is a fraud!!! i'm so pissed, the system worked well for a few days!!
From little ACORNS GROW MIGHTY OAKS. (Johnlegend)


Quote from: Mudiru on Nov 12, 01:51 PM 2011
i guess betvoyager is not so *fair* after all, even without the 0 i still lost 3 times in row, betvoyager is a fraud!!! i'm so pissed, the system worked well for a few days!!

I'm saddened to here of your loss.  :'(  ....but..... your..... Plain......

BV is incredibly fair and not 'Staged' at all.

The Matrix bets are not suited to BV or in my opinion, any RNG output.

RNG uses a 'Manufactured' form of random.... not one from the Ether of the World/Universe or Beyond.

please don't blame RNG at BV for your loss.  :-X

I have lose my entire BR at BV NZ, many times, and I too blamed the Casino Interface.
I questioned it at 1st, we all did I guess, and asked others opinions.
But now, if I have a loss... its cause I made the wrong choices!
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Well i think one thing is good about this - it is the reverse way to use sleeper or imbalance.
I woundering if there is any need to play all even money position as you mention.

Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.



I am very sorry about your loss but some people will never learn... I won't say that they cheated you (although i am pretty much sure about so) just hope you will learn something from this...

And by the way all of you who are playing there and are ready to make monument to darn BV NO zero just remember why are you making monument. Because there is a fair payout ratio? No edge? Realy? Suckers...

Thanks them for BV NO ZERO, with this finaly there is a way to beat this game and less important of course, CASINO. Realy?...  >:D Haha

Real RNG exists, but it is light years away from gambling world... Gambling RNG-s are created to simulate roulette and make a wanted profit for bosses.. When it is time to fill THE TREASURY they will do it, and you would be suprised how simple... I study informatics and belive me i know some people who are great programers, i spoke to them about this, although even before that i was assured about RNG-s are not fair, and they explained me in details how they cheat you actualy... All of you are blinded with some "fairness certificates", i realy laugh when i read that. BS. For company like that and were so much money is involved, one of the best programers of the world are employed. They can cheat God about computers and not some naive suckers, saying that on their roulette there is no zero? How they will earn money then?

We are in the middle of one of the worls greatest crysis and other word for our planet today is CAPiTALISM. There is no fairness of any kind when money is in question.... And gambling RNG is created just for that. Wake up people!

DISLACMER. With this i didn't wanted to stress that Jl-s method would work maybe better on realy wheels. I don't know becasue i don't play it and honestly from my tests doesn't show results like his. Even with his way of playing... But don't want to discuss about it... Every one has his way for this game, right?




Quote from: Mudiru on Nov 12, 01:51 PM 2011
@ BV NZ just had a double loss followed by a 3rd loss(on which i bet the rest of my money to recover) i guess betvoyager is not so *fair* after all, even without the 0 i still lost 3 times in row, betvoyager is a fraud!!! i'm so pissed, the system worked well for a few days!!

No doubt JL will be along soon to tell you that you should have stayed away from RNG.  ::)

Sorry about your loss Mudiru, but others have posted negative results from PATTERN BREAKER and polls have shown that almost no members have achieved similar results to JL with any of his systems. Not saying that he's trying to fool anyone or is lying, he could have just been lucky - that's random!

It really isn't fair to blame BV or accuse them of cheating just because you had a loss. I've said it before, JL should tone down the hype and not lead people to believe that his systems are infallible.
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Quoteno members have achieved similar results to JL with any of his systems

Yes, all his systems/methods have been tested against all types of platform, live wheel, RNG, random.org and lists of spielbank results, they fail at some point on ALL as you've just found out, even without a zero to contend with. Don't believe or fall for the hype.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


I don't blame anyone but BV NZ and i'll write the whole story here:

After reading several hundreds of pages on this forum i settled with 2 systems: PB and Code4
After reading many comments about BV NZ being a fair roulette game i created an account there and deposited 10E.
I started playing both systems simultaneously PB and C4 using MSTracker. I played with only 0.1 chips to 25E then using 0.2chips to 50E. Until this point i have only lost once with C4 but i soon recovered using both systems. At 50E i started using 0.5chips after a few spins i lost with C4 again 40E!! (with 0.5/0.5 1.5/1.5 4.5/4.5 13.5/13.5 progression) I was at 10E AGAIN but i didn't give up and started building with 0.1 and 0.2 chips up to ~40E. I then started again using 0.5chips and only after few spins i lost at step one 0.5--1--2 using PB O/E(nothing abnormal i lost before with PB at step 1 but recovered in second game) then i waited for PB H/L and went to step 2 progression 4--8--16 and got double loss losing a total of 31.5E. I was AGAIN at ~10E and i was sure it can't lose the 3rd time in row and i waited for PB O/E again and bet using 1.5--3--6 progression and lost the 3rd time and with this my whole BR!! I'm only sorry for the days i played using god damn 0.1--0.2chips to build up my BR and lost everything in few minutes!!

I don't blame the system because with 0.1--0.2chips i got to 50E from only 10E. I blame BV NZ for making me lose each time i started using 0.5chips. I'm pretty sure they mess up with roulette once you start betting more than usual. I'm not sure if i should give another try with 10E and recover or leave BV NZ.
If somebody wants to help pm me a FAIR LIVE ROULETTE SITE WITH 0.1 CHIPS!
From little ACORNS GROW MIGHTY OAKS. (Johnlegend)


Quote from: Mudiru on Nov 13, 03:25 PM 2011
I don't blame anyone but BV NZ and i'll write the whole story here:

After reading several hundreds of pages on this forum i settled with 2 systems: PB and Code4
After reading many comments about BV NZ being a fair roulette game i created an account there and deposited 10E.
I started playing both systems simultaneously PB and C4 using MSTracker. I played with only 0.1 chips to 25E then using 0.2chips to 50E. Until this point i have only lost once with C4 but i soon recovered using both systems. At 50E i started using 0.5chips after a few spins i lost with C4 again 40E!! (with 0.5/0.5 1.5/1.5 4.5/4.5 13.5/13.5 progression) I was at 10E AGAIN but i didn't give up and started building with 0.1 and 0.2 chips up to ~40E. I then started again using 0.5chips and only after few spins i lost at step one 0.5--1--2 using PB O/E(nothing abnormal i lost before with PB at step 1 but recovered in second game) then i waited for PB H/L and went to step 2 progression 4--8--16 and got double loss losing a total of 31.5E. I was AGAIN at ~10E and i was sure it can't lose the 3rd time in row and i waited for PB O/E again and bet using 1.5--3--6 progression and lost the 3rd time and with this my whole BR!! I'm only sorry for the days i played using God darn 0.1--0.2chips to build up my BR and lost everything in few minutes!!

I don't blame the system because with 0.1--0.2chips i got to 50E from only 10E. I blame BV NZ for making me lose each time i started using 0.5chips. I'm pretty sure they mess up with roulette once you start betting more than usual. I'm not sure if i should give another try with 10E and recover or leave BV NZ.
If somebody wants to help pm me a FAIR LIVE ROULETTE SITE WITH 0.1 CHIPS!

Mudiru, I wouldnt play BV no Zero if you payed me. I am serious, its hard enough to beat the physics of a real wheel and true random. Than a man-made wallet fleecer.
Now Bayes and Superman ought to know better. But since they don't I will say this again. Play only live with any of my methods. And play them FOR NO MORE THAN 4 GAMES A SESSION. Now theres the problem. Nobody can stick to the plan PROPERLY.

Then they all want to say "well geez how come my results don't look anything like JLs ??? ". They are not going to because you don't play like I do, simple really.
If even one member on this forum could TRUELY do it properly. You will get the rewards. If I tell you playing for example Scooby Doos DIVIDE AND CONQUER. 5 times 4. Spaced throughout the day is SUPERIOR to sitting there and playing 20 straight games in the LONG-TERM. I'm telling you from the results I've obtained by doing so. Not to be clever and start a revolution on a roulette forum. But because that's how its panned out.

You can take it or leave it, but until you do it over several 100 live games you have no business commenting negatively on it. And that's what's sadly lacking on ALL roulette forums. And why I have pulled back from contributing anymore on here. The human mind is the number one barrier to any of you truly moving forward. You are stuck in old thinking and flawed beliefs. And drawn to the lure of that fatal FAST TURNOVER. ***RNGS*** Fools gold for certain.

Until the penny drops and you realize why RNGS were created in the first place you are going nowhere with this game fast. I will beat a real wheel until I draw my last breath. An RNG I will never beat in the longterm. And you should ALL know why by now. Its basic common sense.
