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Started by thelaw, Feb 23, 09:17 PM 2016

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Big EZ


In the tool you provided how is it possible to test for R/B sequences? Do you just type in X amount of numbers that are either red or black?
Quitting while your ahead is not the same as quitting


Quote from: Steve on Mar 01, 06:36 PM 2016
So far who has actually tested the system over 1M spins? Is it just BA himself? If thats the case, then why would be publish a fantastic chart and not let anyone test it?

Isnt it a bit suspicious, like saying "Here's my system and I'll make millions. But you cant have it. You cant even have the spins I tested with" Its the kind of thing CEH did.

Anyway refer back to my points that indicate it is just a martingale. Nobody should take my word for it. Just test the free software I provided and see for yourself his approach wont work.

I dont know the guy but if I'm right about the above, then shouldnt it all be obvious?

Close......but a few clarifications:

-He put the method out for free in response to from another member of a "horror sequence", so he's not trolling by waving his system in front of everyone without details. It's all there in black and white.

-I agree about not showing the spins as proof, but that's up to him. I only criticize members who are withholding about the details of their system, not long-term testing. The exception being if they are selling their method.......then we need to see everything. :thumbsup:

You sir.......are a monster!!!


Download the file (right click and save): :.roulettephysics.com/files/1and2.txt

1 is red, 2 is black.

Then search for any sequence you want. There are over 4,00,000 spins in the file.
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Law, if he is giving it all away for free, good on him. But in any case he should expect people to test, and to not get offended by results. By the look of it he is getting offended. Anyway I'd love to be proven wrong but I dont see the system has any merit at all. I'm sure proper and independent testing will show this.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: Steve on Mar 01, 06:58 PM 2016
Download the file (right click and save): :.roulettephysics.com/files/1and2.txt

1 is red, 2 is black.

Then search for any sequence you want. There are over 4,00,000 spins in the file.

Do you have any with actual numbers?

The method requires actual numbers as it changes for each and every cold ec over each 37 spins cycle.

You sir.......are a monster!!!


Quote from: Steve on Mar 01, 07:01 PM 2016
Law, if he is giving it all away for free, good on him. But in any case he should expect people to test, and to not get offended by results. By the look of it he is getting offended. Anyway I'd love to be proven wrong but I dont see the system has any merit at all. I'm sure proper and independent testing will show this.

Where is he getting offended? :question:
You sir.......are a monster!!!


On the note of system sales, sellers are subject to even more scrutiny. And they should be, because most systems are scams. Thats why I do things like give computers for free testing, open free trials, public demos etc. I understand skepticism but really roulette physics aint that complicated. You cant beat all wheels, but you can beat more than enough with considerable edge.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: Steve on Mar 01, 06:58 PM 2016
Download the file (right click and save): :.roulettephysics.com/files/1and2.txt

1 is red, 2 is black.

Then search for any sequence you want. There are over 4,00,000 spins in the file.

hola ,por cada 1800 numeros que ustedes gasten , no tendran menos de 25 aciertos  ni mas de 75,
pleno =1



Law, from what I saw he is having a go at Reyth calling him a liar with big bold letters etc. He looks pretty angry when it looks like Reyth is saying what he found
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


hello for every 1,800 numbers you spend, shall be not less than 25 nor more than 75 successes
by chance = 18
Dozen = 12
seisena = 6
box = 4
Calle 3 =
semipleno = 2
full = 1 Greetings


Quote from: Steve on Mar 01, 07:09 PM 2016
Law, from what I saw he is having a go at Reyth calling him a liar with big bold letters etc. He looks pretty angry when it looks like Reyth is saying what he found

Yes.....but not without reason...........I followed that whole interaction.

So Reyth claims that he ran 1,000,000 spins and that the method needed a 3000 unit bankroll as opposed to a 600 unit bankroll to survive. Not that it failed, but just needed a larger bankroll.

So BA asks him to provide the sequence where it fails. Not the whole million, but just the few hundred where it went sideways.

Reyth then goes silent.................then refuses to present the sequence............then BA called him out in bold letters.

I jumped in to ask about this and Kav immediately came to Reyth's rescue, saying that he didn't need to provide proof to anyone.

If you know their history, it makes sense that Kav would defend Reyth. :thumbsup:
You sir.......are a monster!!!


None of that matters. What matters is that it beat 1mil spins. The fights or talk about it can't be etc....we not need this at this point.
we need prove.

So can it be done again? 
Who can help ?
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Why would Kav defend Reyth? I read that Reyth tested Kav's system and found it failed. And once this was published, Kav quickly made Reyth a mod to keep him happy. Whether or not its true, I dont know.

I can engineer a system to win against 1m spins. But try it on another set. But anyway if you have a strong progression like the martingale, you can either go broke in spectacular fashion or get lucky. I have no doubt that proper testing will show the system loses. But I would love to eat my words really.

"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Quote from: Steve on Mar 01, 07:27 PM 2016
Why would Kav defend Reyth? I read that Reyth tested Kav's system and found it failed. And once this was published, Kav quickly made Reyth a mod to keep him happy. Whether or not its true, I dont know.

I can engineer a system to win against 1m spins. But try it on another set. But anyway if you have a strong progression like the martingale, you can either go broke in spectacular fashion or get lucky. I have no doubt that proper testing will show the system loses. But I would love to eat my words really.

Reyth was an obsessive poster, and Kav saw this as a huge asset. Reyth was testing a system, which failed, and then Kav started selling his method soon after (literally one day after Reyth stopped posting on the thread after posting multiple times daily, Kav's system went on sale, and Reyth was made a mod).

There was even a time when Reyth was cutting and pasting failed methods from other forums (including some of yours), just to keep the forum active. This is what kav likes about Reyth.......he keeps the forum humming!!! :thumbsup:
You sir.......are a monster!!!


Quote from: denzie on Mar 01, 07:25 PM 2016
None of that matters. What matters is that it beat 1mil spins. The fights or talk about it can't be etc....we not need this at this point.
we need prove.

So can it be done again? 
Who can help ?

Agreed. I put out a call to BA on Betselection, so we'll see what happens. :question:
You sir.......are a monster!!!
