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Started by Downtown, Mar 05, 04:01 AM 2019

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How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Hi Notto, are we having fun yet, tried to reply to your posts earlier but wouldn't let me post off the quotes.

Hi Maui13, been playing with this little system for a couple of years now and for me has proved to fairly consistent, but as I said I use a stop/loss and a reset after three lines as I don't like to get into large progressions. The system will recoup quickly then, I use the Labby and go back if with a win or end of a line so it keeps the bet amounts low, in saying that, there are probably better progressions, which I thought someone would come up with. In the early days I started out using a layered martingale with six bets at seven levels but bets got high quickly which is why I started using three lines as a stop/loss and continue to do so now. Remember follow the chart, on a win drop to the next line as it works going down as well as across to help with the runs.


It's a fun method of bet selection, but if the chart were all red or all black or alternating red/black or any other combination including the one you have there, the chance of it winning or losing against the wheel over 50 spins would be the same  ;)


Hi Firefox,
You are correct, but it works.  ^-^


I've been thinking about this and can see an advantage .... but not a mathematical one, it's a psychological one!

It enables you to bet fairly randomly on both red and black but have the pressure of bet selection taken off you.

This could be an advantage if you're playing a progression fairly deep. There's  some pressure to choose the right target and it's possible to beat yourself up if you get it wrong.

But following the chart, that pressure is taken off you. You can always blame the matrix if it was the wrong choice

Therefore the system is more fun and relaxing to play, and for that reason better than making a personal decision each time  :smile:


Hi Firefox, I'm in my sixty's and not completely computer savvy, so I can't test it with thousands of spins, I have trouble posting sometimes, but I earn my living at B&M and while this is not my breadwinner, I find it's a nice mechanical system where I can sit and relax for a while and make a few dollars and for me it works well.  :thumbsup:


Quote from: Downtown on Mar 07, 01:06 AM 2019
Hi Firefox, I'm in my sixty's and not completely computer savvy, so I can't test it with thousands of spins, I have trouble posting sometimes, but I earn my living at B&M and while this is not my breadwinner, I find it's a nice mechanical system where I can sit and relax for a while and make a few dollars and for me it works well.  :thumbsup:


You have my attention, FULL ON.... this post has created more questions than answers, but that's a good thing if you can answer my questions.
You can also PM me if you don't want to share openly.

"earn my living at B&M and while this is not my breadwinner, I find it's a nice mechanical system where I can sit and relax for a while and make a few dollars and for me it works well."

Make your living at B&M casino? - this is wonderful if you manage to get it right! Good job  :thumbsup:

I would love to know what your breadwinner system/s are? As a youngster - I am all ears.

In the meantime, I'm going to continue to work on your color matrix and see if I can master it.


Trust the timing of your life!


I don't doubt it works well if your luck is in.  You've got a seven step progression so it's going to take a nasty run to sink you. Although it's insurance and cut loss after the third bet, that's practical.

The best idea is taking the pressure off making decisions. I don't play systems myself but I do spend a long time hanging around looking at wheels. In that respect I make the odd minimum bet on ECs occasionally, so as not to draw attention. I adopt similar tactics; to  take any pressure off, I always bet the same colour that day. Usually black, but  sometimes red for variety.

I wouldn't bother doing any testing on this personally, just enjoy as is  :smile:


Ha ha great minds Firefox, I sometimes do a colour day as well for a change also on black. I use a two up two down mm.


Maui13 don't get deceived mate, the biggest lesson I've learnt is when to go home. I know most of the dealers in my local Casino and it's amazing how many actually have a little bias, but it cost me a lot of money to learn that,  I go with a large bankroll and bet as small as I can with a low stop/loss, but variance will always catch you out.

I have a little system you can try that's been a good steady earner for me I call a 3x3. I play the Dozs, but I play a separate game within the 3x Dozs. Play the three streets within each Doz, when a street is hit in a particular Doz take the bet off that street so you are running only three streets in each one at all times and treat each separately.
This system I do as a flatbet, but if I find I start to fall behind a bit I'll use a one up progression.
Now when I play this I look for the dealer whos playing the whole table, some dealers spin out consistent sections so you'll get a lot of repeats in which case I change my system, so I guess it also comes down to intuition. Try it out on Dublin Live, take a peice of paper and mark down each street as it comes up for different dealers and you'll soon see what I mean about dealer bias. You could just about bet on it lol.
3x3 is a simple system and I earn good money off it, give it a try and good luck.


Dtown yes fun over R-sim

#3 is last spin.
A BBB quote; job done
How do you win at roulette, simple, make the right decision


Quote from: Downtown on Mar 07, 04:30 AM 2019
Maui13 don't get deceived mate, the biggest lesson I've learnt is when to go home. I know most of the dealers in my local Casino and it's amazing how many actually have a little bias, but it cost me a lot of money to learn that,  I go with a large bankroll and bet as small as I can with a low stop/loss, but variance will always catch you out.

I have a little system you can try that's been a good steady earner for me I call a 3x3. I play the Dozs, but I play a separate game within the 3x Dozs. Play the three streets within each Doz, when a street is hit in a particular Doz take the bet off that street so you are running only three streets in each one at all times and treat each separately.
This system I do as a flatbet, but if I find I start to fall behind a bit I'll use a one up progression.
Now when I play this I look for the dealer whos playing the whole table, some dealers spin out consistent sections so you'll get a lot of repeats in which case I change my system, so I guess it also comes down to intuition. Try it out on Dublin Live, take a peice of paper and mark down each street as it comes up for different dealers and you'll soon see what I mean about dealer bias. You could just about bet on it lol.
3x3 is a simple system and I earn good money off it, give it a try and good luck.

Thank you very much for taking time to answer and sharing your other system! Much appreciated  :thumbsup:
Trust the timing of your life!


Hi Notto, I must have missed something mate, I followed your numbers on the card but I couldn't see the reason for the big drawdown, looks like you had a win every line.


Quote from: Downtown on Mar 07, 07:31 AM 2019
Hi Notto, I must have missed something mate, I followed your numbers on the card but I couldn't see the reason for the big drawdown, looks like you had a win every line.

Drawdown was 2000 units too.

Whereas the progressions used by Downtown were quite mild, only a couple of hundred units total. Are the figures on the bankroll axis correct?


Maybe he's betting 100 each time not 5 or 10 since he started with such a healthy bankroll  :twisted:
