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@ turbo

Started by Steve, Dec 29, 07:00 AM 2016

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I've played this game for 20+ years.  Started out with even bets, but became bored.  Then, for years, I would play some type of "cold number" system thinking numbers are due....I know, very naive.

But, now I only play recent hits, or repeaters.  And my game has greatly improved!  My winning sessions are way up.  And variance seems to be greatly reduced. 

Honestly, for all the years playing my "cold number" strategy, I was seeing a much worse rate of loss than expectation. 

For me, the math may say we're all losers.  But by not chasing cold numbers, I've seen a great improvement.


In 3 rounds of 36 spins (108 total), there is normally 1 to 3 numbers that don't hit at all.  So, after 36 spins, 24 numbers have hit and 12 numbers have not.  If you were gonna get only 3 numbers for the next 72 spins what would you choose? 

Well, there are already 12 unhit numbers.  So, knowing the probability that 1 to 3 numbers will not hit in the next 72 spins, I would not pick any of these 12 numbers. 

What's cold tends to stay cold.  And what's hot tends to stay hot...at least in the short term.  Of course, eventually things change and you have to change with it.  But if my selection is hitting, why move it to something that isnt.


Quote from: Scarface on Jun 17, 09:52 AM 2018Honestly, for all the years playing my "cold number" strategy, I was seeing a much worse rate of loss than expectation. 

Instead - note the cold numbers and play them as they start appearing.
Cold numbers stay cold (lose), show at average (lose to house edge) or go hot (win)
Hot numbers stay hot (could win), show at average (lose to house edge) or go cold (lose)
The key is to play any number as it's becoming hot - once it's hot it could go anywhere.
You could chart as your playing - when you have the 6 coldest numbers for example, play them and then just add 1 unit to them all on each win. One of them will take the hot route, or a few of them - but they won't all stay cold as a group because.....
Random has limits (Steve is laughing). Sadly it does, anyone can test this and see it.
Ken said once about Celtic (and is completely right)... the listing of "cold" numbers after you check back in a hour ? Some of those numbers are now in the hot column.
Those are the key numbers to win, and you win on them because they are hot and repeating.
You could have 6 numbers with 5 total shows over 111 spins for example, and the next cycle of 37 spins you'll have 13 shows on them. You could have the expected 6 shows, or I've seen as high as 14 wins, it can go higher. But they won't stay cold where they are as a group into the future. Just a suggestion, test and find what works for you.


Quote from: Anastasius on Jun 17, 08:46 AM 2018
Sorry Mr. Turbo face I think past spins do matter.... Do u agree Mr jhkb76? Lol  :thumbsup: especially within 37 spin sets....
No, Sorry i don't agree.
The only spins that matter are the spins you play from the moment you begin until you End your session.


Quote from: Ricky on Jun 16, 10:38 PM 2018That's 21 spins of a 7 spin pattern. Well I started playing this and even waited for the first 2 spins to start to repeat after the pattern formed. I lost the next 5 spins. The pattern repeated. Well that's a rare event you say. I bet it could not repeat a 3rd time. So started betting it again with another Martingale. Another 7 spins. I stopped half way after losing my whole bankroll

My suggestion for that type of play would be to use all 3 even money locations and note those, bet against a group of them repeating. You'd have a better chance than 1 even money bet alone.
Like... R R R R R B R  and betting against it being R R R R R B R again... because this happens and isn't that rare.
Instead use all 3 even money bets and bet against that sequence repeating.

25...R O H
11...B O L
32...R E H
27...R O H (now you could look at your history and bet against B O L)
20...B E H  2 of 3 won
etc. Just a suggestion. a rare event in this case would be all 3 even money bets
in a sequence over a few spins all repeating themselves.


talking rare event if you like them you can get 21 spin window<sample> say and bet against even chance to form
7 in a row

7 successes in 21 spins is   0.0619

6successes in 200 spins   0.8009
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Quote from: TurboGenius on Jun 17, 10:07 AM 2018You could have 6 numbers with 5 total shows over 111 spins for example, and the next cycle of 37 spins you'll have 13 shows on them. You could have the expected 6 shows, or I've seen as high as 14 wins, it can go higher. But they won't stay cold where they are as a group into the future. Just a suggestion, test and find what works for you.

Here is an example I just ran off - 111 spins, noting the 6 coldest numbers.
Playing them once they show, increasing after a win (on the individual number itself)
using a 5/10/20 progression, stopping on a 20 unit win.
After 111 spins, numbers 3,26,27,28,29,35 were the "coldest"

It only took 50 spins and ended with these stats :
#3....4 shows / 3 wins (ended with a 20 unit win)
#26..1 show / 0 wins
#27..0 shows / never played
#28..3 shows / 2 wins
#29..3 shows / 2 wins
#35..0 shows / never played

11 appearances of 6 numbers over 50 spins..... nothing to see there, 1 went hot.

Now don't forget, I'm misleading - no one can test this themselves and do the same thing.....Random has limits. (laughs and claps from the ignorant)


Quote from: TurboGenius on Jun 16, 10:43 PM 2018Now it's not common no, but 14 in a  row surely happens and most people see it at least once during a casino trip - the reader board all reds for example, or all odds, etc.
Your "rare" event wasn't a rare event and that's why it didn't work.
Hi Turbo,
just to clarify because I know a simple pattern like RRRRRR or BBBBBB can repeat 21+ times and is common to see 14 in a row. These are called streaks. I am talking about a more complex pattern where the pattern changes from red to black and black to red in a more unbelievable accuracy.  I can't recall the exact pattern I was too dejected. But it was someting like BRBBRRB BRBBRRB BRBBRRB
Now you would think the exact switches from red to black would be rare to happen when sliced in 3 sessions of 7 at exact the time you start betting against it. But it just goes to show any pattern no matter how rare you think it is can be found if you look hard enough.



Quote from: TurboGenius on Jun 17, 08:21 AM 2018nything that happened before the player began betting is past spins and have no value whatsoever.
It's impossible to win or lose on spins that happened before you started playing, but the current session while your are playing contains all the info you need.
Now if you used a strategy that tracked x spins to get the information before you placed your first bet would you still suggest that those last say 20 spins showing in the history bae before you sat at the table are irrelevent. Your statement implies the way you play you pretty much start betting immediately if the opportunity presented. eg if the next two numbers are repeats you would see them has hot and start playing them along with any other number in your current session that starts repeating.

For me I like to use the last 37 spins before deciding which numbers are becoming hot and which are still cold with a non hit. It takes about 20 minutes to generate those 20 numbers so if they are already showing there on the monitor isn't it wise to save those 20 minutes and use the information?



Dear turbo!
You say....

"So ALL players ended as a group EVEN. The house edge 0.00 !"

Thus if there no immediate repeat, and we wait or delay every  new number hit, then.....!


Quote from: Ricky on Jun 17, 10:45 AM 2018just to clarify because I know a simple pattern like RRRRRR or BBBBBB can repeat 21+ times and is common to see 14 in a row. These are called streaks. I am talking about a more complex pattern where the pattern changes from red to black and black to red in a more unbelievable accuracy.

The math is exactly the same for a pattern of R R R R R R R R R R
and a pattern of R B B R B R R B B B or any other combination you can come up with.
They aren't any different according to the math or the chances of them appearing.
So anyone waiting for 14 reds in a row for example can simply use the last 14
reds and blacks and the results will be the same.
I know it doesn't seem like this is true, but amazingly even people who don't like me
will agree lol... R R R R and R B B R are no different when it comes to what comes next.
It can be R R R R again or R B B R again and the math is exactly the same.


Quote from: Ricky on Jun 17, 11:02 AM 2018It takes about 20 minutes to generate those 20 numbers so if they are already showing there on the monitor isn't it wise to save those 20 minutes and use the information?

No, they are past spins.
On the cold number suggestion I posted above, that's fine. Use the reader board if you want to save time. That type of play works when it works and doesn't when it doesn't.

If you want to play hot numbers, the "past spins" before you begin playing are useless.
If you sit down and see

and then you sit down and think "HELL !!  0 is hot ! I'm playing it" - if that's how someone
thinks it works - you're terribly wrong. Those 0's are irrelevant unless you were playing them at the time. They won't mean a thing about future spins.
The wins you'll have is from the point where you begin playing and forwards.
A number that gets hot while your betting on it will produce a profit.
If you're on #23 for example and have 5 wins and player B walks up and sits
down, looks at the "past spins" and sees the 23's on the board - they won't be relevant to him at all (if he's smart). He'll be on new hot numbers that appear during his play that he can win on. He can't win on your 23's because they already happened and there's nothing saying that number will stay hot.. more than likely it will stop appearing and other hot numbers will take over.


You say,
2808bet placed, will have zero edge,
Thus by delaying , say eight numbers, then only 28000bets placed, with profit of 8unit?

The General

Quote from: TurboGenius on Jun 16, 08:22 PM 2018
It's not a fallacy. One of the chapters in my book is going to be all about how "Gambler's Fallacy" is nonsense and doesn't exist. But that's for another time.
Patterns are everywhere - a pattern also doesn't repeat (in 3 places at once for example).
If I win every time a pattern fails to repeat then I win.
There are patterns all throughout the table layout (or wheel if you prefer) and they won't repeat thanks to random. I can give examples but anyone can do it themselves and see.
Therefore if I win when a pattern that never repeats doesn't repeat... it's a no-brainer
that they have immense value for the player.
Ignore the "Fallacy" talk and do testing, you'll see there is NO fallacy and this is created to stop people from looking into ways that work.

This is hypnotically funny stuff.   :twisted:

Why is it the less experienced and naive a gambler is the more certain they are that all of the experts, mathematicians and history are all wrong?  :twisted:
Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


Quote from: TurboGenius on Jun 17, 11:10 AM 2018
The math is exactly the same for a pattern of R R R R R R R R R R
and a pattern of R B B R B R R B B B or any other combination you can come up with.
They aren't any different according to the math or the chances of them appearing.
So anyone waiting for 14 reds in a row for example can simply use the last 14
reds and blacks and the results will be the same.
I know it doesn't seem like this is true, but amazingly even people who don't like me
will agree lol... R R R R and R B B R are no different when it comes to what comes next.
It can be R R R R again or R B B R again and the math is exactly the same.
I totally agree from maths this is true but you have to admit from an observation of watching a live dealer spin the wheel and all those diamonds to cause the scatter and the sping of the wheel and reverse spin of the ball it pretty damn spectacular when you see this happen more so when a sequence of reds appears. How can a dealer be so precise. Plus this concept goes totally against your explanation of the dart thrower and the spinning room and blindfold. Its like saying if he still gets 6 bulls eyes in a row under those conditions its bloody spectacular. This is what I was thinking back then. What are the odds this can happen the very moment  I decided to bet against it? But it did.

