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Get ready, things are about to change

Started by Steve, May 03, 07:29 PM 2022

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I can't take anyone seriously who gets their "news" from infowars. But Steve, just keep buying what Alex Jones is selling (and yes, he's made a fortune from it) and in a couple of years come back to this thread and explain why it didn't turn out as you predicted. Though I'm sure you'll tell us it's just around the corner.  You've been spouting this nonsense for YEARS and are now completely unhinged.

Get some help mate, before you do something really stupid.


Quote from: Steve on May 03, 07:29 PM 2022
The nwo is in their final stages of trying to take over completely. To achieve this they need to collapse existing systems of control, and present themselves as the savior, most likely in the form of the UN.

All the laws and agreements are in place for it, not they need a few good crises. Among other things it is engineered weather (like cloud seeding) For example see bitchute.com/video/m4OUTr2MJfbV/ (We've had major floods down here. But in other areas, fires and drought can be initiated).

A major one is disruption of food supply.

Another is war, potentially nuclear (or at least the perceived threat of nuclear).

And of course financial depression, and the global digital currency (part of the "great reset")

There may also be further "plandemics", possibly avian flu.

I'm guessing there's about 6-12 months before some major events, or at least life becomes far more challenging.

The squeeze will get tighter, by design. The idea is to push everyone into the NWO, which is the total system of control - by the groups that are behind the major problems around the world.

This has been a long time coming. It's no longer speculation. These people openly publish their plans for total control via the WEF, WHO, UN etc. They just know people are too dumb and complacent to actually read what they're saying.

The major things anyone can do are:
Start growing food (potatoes and chickens/eggs are easiest for survival)
Stockpile food and supplies (things like spirulina can supplement food for nutrition)
Arm yourself for your own protection
Align with your community (family and friends) to support each other.
Learn to live outside the system. Be ready for the change.
The world is being split in two: people who do comply, and people who don't. The vaccine mandates are only part of it.

The social credit system is their ultimate goal, where you only earn points to live if you're compliant.

The only way out is to LIVE OUTSIDE THEIR SYSTEM. Don't rely on them for anything. This includes money, fuel, groceries etc. So you'll have some major changes in your life either way. If you submit, you're trapped and it will only get worse. If you resist, think of it like camping. But you'll at least be able to live on either your own land, or other people's land - as long as you're self sufficient. Remember to align with community so it will not be such a struggle.

It's not an exaggeration, it is what they plan.

Very importantly, when mass-resistance starts (inevitable), you need to be already out of and away from cities - and populated areas. AND DO NOT USE VIOLENCE AT ALL (unless needed for self-defence).

The NWO want a violent uprising, so they can use that as an excuse for more power. And even if everyone is peaceful, paid provocateur's will be used. Besides, it only takes one act of violence from an idiot, then it gets worse from there.

Peaceful non-compliance, and building communities, is the best chance of success.

I have no doubt we win this. It goes well beyond mere politics and power. Tyrants win for a while, but lose, every time. What is happening is not new. We have a 100% success rate against tyrants. But this cycle of tyranny and freedom is tremendous. We're on the edge of major positive changes, but the worst of the negativity is about to happen first. It sounds negative, but actually its positive.

To the morons who said it was all conspiracy "theory".. You total dicks. We warned you but you were too fucking stupid. Now we're all in deep shit. But perhaps it was always going to happen, and going through it all was the only way for most people to LEARN. So buckle up.
100%  TRUE.




WOW!!!  :o Hahaa I thought I was crazy?? Steve you've got balls I'll give you that much. Never thought I'd see you MR. I CAN'T BE SCAMMED breaking out in a rash?? DAMN you took a risk throwing this out there! Why you would do this can only be explained by the fact you whole heartedly believe this NWO set up. Again just caught people off guard.

Regardless. We butted heads you and I a little way back. My fault really because I wasn't aware of who was who and what was what. I was just looking for a quick fix and I thought I was going to get that here. Again my fault for being to impatient and having the wrong expectations.

I started prepping for whats coming 12mths ago. I left it too late I know that now. Actually truth is I don't think it matters anymore because hiding under a rock while nukes are raining down all around us is hardly a life worth living. So I agree with a lot of what you say here. However I don't think Putin is in on it. I believe he was but then had a change of heart. Russia is the only thing standing between the us and the US, NATO, LGBT, BLM and the rest of the WOKE movement  world domination.

US/NATO disguised as Ukraine vs Russia is no doubt a precursor for WW3. Putin is a problem late in their game they weren't anticipating. The US is desperate to take Russia out and will put boots in Ukraine once they run out of Ukrainian soldiers.

Anyway I was passing through looking for someone who apparently isn't here anymore. But Steve again never would've picked it from you. Hahaa stay frosty.

PS. Gold went up and I reckon the Yuan will replace the greenback if the US fails to topple Russia.


Some of you are truly clueless. I don't care anymore. Good luck.
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Alexander Emerick Jones (1974â€"imminent FEMA takeover) is a "despicable, pustule of a man…" nutritional supplement salesman who moonlights as a psychotic radio shock-jock and a legally certified self-proclaimed "performance artist". His specialty is making up conspiracy theories to amuse his audience (that or he's either the world's best parodist or a con artist who pretends to be a conspiracy theorist so he can sell overpriced junk to actual conspiracy theorists), and is the world's most powerful conspiracy pusher, with his shows drawing millions of views daily weekly. Just about the only conspiracy theories he doesn't push are the ones founded in Bigotry, Creationism, or wherever the Hell Flat Earthery comes from. Any time anything interesting happens anywhere on Earth, there's a 100% chance Jones has found "proof" it is either (1) a false flag operation by the New World Order or (2) a "massive coverup operation" run by the New World Order. No exceptions. Seriously, the guy can't stub his toe without blaming a shadowy cabal of furniture manufacturers. You would think the white coats would have taken him away in a straightjacket by now New World Order would've eliminated this widely-known bearer of all their secrets, but nope. For some reason they see fit to let him continue.

Like all good showmen, you must understand his early work to truly appreciate his art. Jones got his start in 1995 on Access TV in Austin, and first tasted the limelight with Y2K. And he was ready: grunting about the end of money, reporting on millions of deaths worldwide, and shilling for his survivalist shop called "The Hardware Store", with guns, ammo, MREs,Wikipedia and eight-stage water filtration systems. And we all awoke on January 1, 2000 to… absolutely nothing.

Most Texans assumed he was done. Then 9/11 swooped in and bailed the charlatan out. Then Obama became the antichrist of choice. (Literally). Then Trump became Jones' best pal, despite Jones otherwise generally assuming that anyone associated with the government is a [insert snarl word here].

In short: Jones has been predicting the end of the world for 27 years. And it gets worse from there. Goat help us all.

For the rest on Jones (there's lots more), go to to rationalwiki . com and look up Alex Jones

Social media has a lot to answer for. They are in the business of making money through ads, and to this end they build up a picture of your browsing history and give you more of what you want. In this way, someone who has a tendency to believe in conspiracy theories gets fed more and more of them, so in the end they get sucked in to a black hole of utter garbage and eventually lose their capacity for rational thought, just like Steve has. This is a very dangerous state of affairs and does incalculable damage to democracy.


InfoWars just filed for assisted bankruptcy.


So many Couch-experts here  :twisted:
Before talking strategic you should first figure out where the ball is gonna land …
A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Algojack, actually almost everything Alex predicted has either happened, or the plan has been announced publicly by the NWO themselves (The UN, WEF, WHO etc.). You're just not getting it. How did Alex know? The NWO announce their plans ahead of time. And people like you are literally brainwashed. I mean literally, you can see these people telling you their plan. And years ago if you said it was their plan, you'd be called a conspiracy "theorist". Even back then, we kept saying it's not theory because the NWO themselves announce the plan. The only difference is now they more widely publish their plans. The truth is TEABAGGING you in the face, and you still don't see it. So honestly, you deserve what you'll get.

Besides, Alex is just one guy who saw it coming. There are so many others now awake, like umm let's see, the guy who invented MRNA vaccines who's now speaking out against the NWO. And the guy who invented the PCR test, who warned everyone about the test, and of Fauci. There are far more, but as long as you think it's all about Alex Jones, you stay in a neat little box the NWO made for sleeping and weak people. And that's what most of you are, which is why they despise and literally want to kill you.

You're trying to win an argument here, but your argument is against the truth, so you'll keep coming out with bullshit. It digs a deeper hole for you, because it becomes about pride.  If you aren't awake by now, you're not likely to ever wake up - until it's far too late. Just keep taking your booster shot.
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Quote from: TRD on May 11, 08:33 AM 2022
InfoWars just filed for assisted bankruptcy.

They were pushed into a corner in attempt to censor them. Remember this is a war, and a large part is financial. Their filing protects their free speech. That's why the NWO are trying to reject their filing.

The NWO are smart people, but not as smart as they think (In other ways, they're incredibly dumb (spiritually bankrupt) and chose poorly. Mostly because they dont understand energy balance, implosion/love vs explosion/hate. Only one path is sustainable, but there is still the balance and cycles. Tyranny never lasts. This has all happened before. And they are near the end of their cycle. If you pay attention, the cracks are everywhere and they're getting desperate - to keep the illusion of their power going.

As I said a while back, the world will be split in two. Because there will always be the minority that would rather die than submit - and they've been underestimated. For a while, they'll be the outcasts, looking like the war is lost. We see it already with the "unvaxxed", but it will get worse with the social credit system (like already in China, and now being introduced to other countries). Again it's fact the NWO themselves announce, not mere "theory".

Many people aren't going to cope if or when they learn more of the story. Most of you cant even cope with or understand the basics.

Anyway I shouldnt waste more time explaining it. It's not "coming". It's already here.
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Steve, you're a hopeless case. Just keep buying the tin-foil.

Anyone can find out the facts for themselves, unless they're so blinded like you are that they don't want to see them.
It's hopeless trying to argue with the paranoid, because they always interpret the facts as supporting their theories.

The supreme irony is that if enough people believe in this garbage and start acting on it then it will bring about the very things you're afraid of.
