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Grassroots-1,2,3 A dozens idea

Started by onetaste, Nov 02, 10:29 AM 2015

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Here's a silly programme which I wrote instead
of doing what I was supposed to be doing.

Does nothing but list the occurrences of the
27 possible combinations of 1,2 and 3.

I'm not even going to put a pic.  Try it just for fun.
Eighty- four and counting.  Is age an excuse?


Hello sorry to bump up this thread but i am new to this forum and read almost all 80 plus pages with interest. May i ask if any of the posters (if they are still active on this forum) still use this strategy and how they find it overall? i have tried it a few times and it does win most of the time. i do like the idea of betting against the previous dozen but i wait for a trigger (i.e 1 2 3 then i wait for 1 to appear and bet against 2nd dozen)


Might be one or two of them lurling from time to time i guess.

Its a good thread thought, lots of good information in there. The 1,2,3 unlikeliness, pitting random vs random (continally changing sets betting against 2,1,3 then 3,2,1 etc.) ,progressions and set length. Best thing i got from the thread was that its kinda pointless betting into long progression .. even if its a set of 3, betting more than twice is just pointless as you rarely hit the third bet anyway so no 1, 3, 9, 27 ..not even 1,3, 9 just the 1,3.

I dont play the 3 set, 1,2,3 or dozens anymore, but i do play double columns from time to time using the best advice ive gotten on double dozen/columns so far: i think it was GLC who mentioned it a handfull of years ago that you should never bet after a loss. So that what i do now. Just playing against the coldest column.  On a win i play continually play down like 15, 8, 4, 2 (sometimes steeper its not set in stone) .. On first loss (aka lets say i lost at 2) i wait for a virtual win and reset up & bets 15 .. if this "first bet" also looses i wait again for a new virtual win and bet 45 (or sometimes smaller like 40 or 35 if im much ahead). If i loose this bet (it happens but very rarely) i either reset again to 15 or walk away.

Quite a bit of a grind like 3 steps forward then 2 back all the time, but after an hour there is usually a nice little profit. Also i do keep an eye on the column stats, so if the coldest column suddenly becomes the hottest its time for a change, however i rarely change columns more than once every half hour. Of cause i cant see no reason why this wouldnt work with double dosens its just because i see long streaks often on dosens at my local wheel, where as columns seem to be more random & smaller streaks.
I am Thunder Pants




Thanatos, how do you determine the coldest column?
At an online casino, they give you the columns and dozens strength percentage wise, but what method do you use in a b&m casino to determine the coldest one?


Quote from: Tekunda on Sep 17, 03:29 PM 2018
How do you determine the coldest column?
At an online casino, they give you the columns and dozens strength percentage wise, but what method do you use in a b&m casino to determine the coldest one?
I definately dont have a "magic" way of choosing the right cold column, but it thankfully do seem not to matter too much because of the way its played. Aka since we never bet after a loss and wait for a virtual win we dont fall into the trap on betting into a streak. Like lets say column 3 is the cold column but suddenly becomes super hot, then it usually streaks like 13333212 where "bad" column is in a streak. That is usually how a column peak over the 33% and its usually short termed & temporary.  Even if the "bad" column goes crazy for a bit longer so even the dealer notices it like 23333113333321333313333312 or 1231322332123331311322 we manage to pull ahead.

Analyzing the "death" pattern is always a good idea and in this case its like 131313 (where 3 is the bad column) in the shortest version. Not gonna lie and pretend this pattern cant happen as the wheel can produce anything.However do note that in just 6 spins the "bad" column need a 50%+ hitrate (a very short time) & usually means that to actually hit this pattern with the "streaks" the column need a very noticable higher 70%+ hitrate, So basicly a giant red flag in myface that its time to change columns.

So in a real brick & mortar casino id probably choose a quick trigger, like looking at the last 10 spins & choose to bet the 2 most hot ones, untill it later on becomes "flag" time.

Oh and i have had a bit of theory of changing up the "death" pattern so instead of always waiting for virtual win (after a loss), then mix up things waiting 2 virtual wins sometimes. Aka instead 131313 then 13113113 or 1311313 or 1313113 etc. etc. Of cause this is a bit longer patterns (slower wins) but might be safer as instead playing a pattern untill it finally shows, then mixing up the pattern. Then again you can argue that it dosnt matter or is even worse.

Quote from: poluvolo on Sep 17, 11:16 AM 2018

Sure  ;)

Europe table:
Column 1 (c1): 1,4,7,10, 13 ..
Column 2 (c2):2,5,8,11,14 ..
Column 3 (c3): 3,6,9,12,15 ..

Looking at the table stats we happen to choose column 1 & 2 to bet on, aka we bet against column 3.

We bet initially 2x 15 units.
13 (c1)     2x15     +15      +15 (We won the first spin +15, we put aside part of the winning/ "regression" so next we bet 2x 4 units)

4 (c1)     2x4     +4     +19 (we won the bet, next we bet 2x 2 units)

23 (c2)    2x2     +2     +21 (we won the betnext we bet 2x 1unit)

28 (c1)     2x1    +1     +22 (we won the bet, next we bet 2x unit as you cant go lower)

9 (c3)     2x1      -2     +20 (we lost the bet, so no next bet, we wait for a virtual win)

18 (c3)     -      -     +20 (virtual loss, no bet, we wait again)

11 (c2)     -     -     +20 (virtual win, so now we "reset" & bet 2x 15 units)

29 (c2)     2x15    +15     +35 (we won the bet, next we bet 2x 4 units)

3 (c3)      2x4     -8     +27 (we lost the bet, no bet, )

33 (c3)    -      -     +27 (virtual loss, no bet)

36 (c3)     -     -     +27 (virtual loss, no bet)

10 (c1)     -     -     +27 (virtual win, so we reset & bet 2x 15 units)

12 (c3)     2x15    -30     -3 (Loss, so no bet & we wait for virtual win).

2 (c2)     -     -     -3 (virtual win, so next bet is 2x 40 units).

34 (c1)   2x40    40  +37 (we won, next bet is 2x4 units)


Probably got inspired by the EC "mazimum betting strategy" aka basicly go down units on a win & go up units on a loss. Definately want to point out that the progression steps arnt set in stone, like if im ahead & the wheel is kind to me i may regress down 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 2, 1. But if its a grinding pain to barely win i may chicken out and go 15, 30 or even 15, 25 and hope that the 66%-ish hitrate will finally catch up. The main thing to take away from this i guess is that the short column streaks tend to take up the major part of the columns hitrate, so if you play to avoid it then the 2 remaining columns hitrate should prevail in  the long run.
I am Thunder Pants
