Well Victor/VLS and me go long back in time and i like him for who he is or was ?
Now he open up a new site selling different kind of bet selections or you subscribe/pay money to take part of he's writings.
Would you say is the same thing as being a roulette system seller - yes or no ...
link:://betselection.co.cc/ (link:://betselection.co.cc/)
Let it put it like this - you pay him you get nothing and if you pay me you get everything you been looking for ... :twisted:
I have not visit the site, but I do not think it is wrong to offer something for money.
The society runs because of this.
Its not a door knocker!
Ego, there is nothing wrong with victor is doing. What Ralph said is simple and adequate. What you are doing is throwing mud because you have a personal issue with him. I have people throw mud at me too for much the same reasons.
Hi Ego, I'm not a System seller.
Just ask around :)
link:://softwaremarket.cc (link:://softwaremarket.cc)
link:://betforum.cc (link:://betforum.cc)