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Roulette-focused => Main Roulette Board => Topic started by: buffalowizard on Jan 15, 12:02 PM 2014

Title: Trips in the 6
Post by: buffalowizard on Jan 15, 12:02 PM 2014
New system if there is such a thing

4 groups of 9 on the carpet:


As they come out, register them in blocks of 6 like so:

2 4
4 1
2 3

Going from left to right down, wait for a repeat number and then ATTACK!
Bet that it will show a third time within the 6 block

This example is a winner:

1 3
3 2
3 4

The 3 became a trip.

Always bet on the first to repeat and not change or double up

2 2
1 1
4 2

Here you'd bet the 2 only by the rules - annoying when it doesn't turn to trip but best to stick with one.

My tests show that repeats regularly become trips so this takes advantage

Flat bet

Although in this example

2 2
3 1
4 2

Is only one when a Flat bet would be -1 result

See for yourself