In the popular book called "Monte Carlo Anecdotes and Systems of Play", where there are presented many famous systems, the author presents the ''best system'' in his opinion, which is called Tier et tout'' and he claims that the casino would give him thousands of francs in order not to reveal it!!!!
I don't have time to describe it, so I attache the book, so you can see this system on page 147.
Generally, the money management consists of a positive progression which has inside a two-step negative progression.
As money management is genious.
As bet selection he prefers to bet on change of colors.
Now, in my opinion, when we'll fall on a series of colors, we'll face a lot of 3-6 = 9 losing bets and this makes difficult to recover.
So, I was thinking two ways of eliminating this drawback:
1. A simple way is in case of lost a 3-6, we don't continue to bet, until a change of color appears and then we continue, as described at the book.
2. The second thought, if we don't want the above tweak, is to play this system with differential betting, so in this way we can take advantage not only a series of changing colors, but also a series of the same color too.
I tested and the only way of series of lost is a series of 3 same colors interrupted with one of the other color (BBB R BBB R BBB R.....)
What do you think?
The attached copy has first page blocked, here is a copy of just the Tier et tout pages.
You can also download it from here: link:s://
Quote from: huskerdu on May 24, 07:36 AM 2016
You can also download it from here: link:s://
Yes that is the one I cut the 3 pages from for the system, the moderators just won't let the attachment be seen. :question: