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Roulette-focused => Main Roulette Board => Topic started by: Gheorghe Patrascu on Sep 20, 01:03 PM 2016

Title: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: Gheorghe Patrascu on Sep 20, 01:03 PM 2016
Hello !

my name is Gheorghe and i’ve come up with this ideea for a strategy and i’ve made a youtube video about it.I’d like to know what you people think about it ?


Best of luck !
Title: Re: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: BellagioOwner on Sep 21, 07:02 AM 2016
The way you explain just on speaking on the video is not so useful. You wanted it to be confusing. And I think you are also forgetting to mention half of the possibilites. For example you say

First bet: 1 Unit on Red.

If you lose you are -1 Unit
If you win you are +1 Unit

Second bet: 1 Unit on Red.
If you lose you are at 0 (based on what though?? based on that we have won on bet1. What if we had lost? we would be in -2 Units. You don't cover that situation)
If you win you are +2 Units (based on what? again it could be +2 Units or 0 Units depending the first result)

You end up like 11th bet
bet 89 Units
If you lose you are +54 Units
If you win you are +232 Units

There is no positive progression that will be +54 Units with 11 loses in a row as you say. You are avoiding to say some outcomes as I wrote you and I think you did it on purpose. Not that you forgot them.  >:( As you say anyway you worked at casino, you can't have just forgotten the loss outcomes. Are you trying to sell the system or phish users by showing ONLY the positive results of all the possible combinations? Seems suspicious to me.

Maybe at least write with words in details the system here and not by speaking it in  video with not all the possible outcomes.

Title: Re: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: RouletteGhost on Sep 21, 07:29 AM 2016
I think this guy is playing the fisher roulette strategy

He has it linked in the youtube video info, the 2nd link

Play same as last outcome. Wait for 4 virtual losses first

Something like that

Title: Re: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: BellagioOwner on Sep 21, 07:42 AM 2016
Quote from: RouletteGhost on Sep 21, 07:29 AM 2016
I think this guy is playing the fisher roulette strategy

He has it linked in the youtube video info, the 2nd link

Play same as last outcome. Wait for 4 virtual losses first

Something like that


Especially when a new member with JUST 1 POST starts a thread about his system, not showing the whole truth and having outside links on the video. No thanks. I'll pass.  :sad2: :sad2:
Title: Re: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: Gheorghe Patrascu on Sep 21, 08:07 AM 2016
Sorry,i did not mean to be confusing,english is not my primary language,and also this is the first video that i've hade...i'll try to explain in anothe rway,here's a chart....
I'll use as an example the video i made yeah?This way of gambling is meant to be played as a campaign from the first time you bet one unit on one section(low-high ,red-black,even-odd),black,untill a red(opposite)number shows ,and then start over again from 1 unit...
So black shows...you bet on black 1 unit

1ST BET              1U            -1              +1     
3RD BET             2U             0(2UNITS WON ON THE PREVIOUS 2 BETS,IF YOU WIN YOU ARE AT +4)
4TH BET             3U             +1(YOU'VE WON 3 BEST FROM THIS NUGGET,TOTALING 4U-3U,IF WIN YOU'RE AT +7) 
5TH BET              5U            +2U          +12
6TH BET             8U             +4U          +20
7TH BET             13U           +7U          +33
8TH BET             21U           +12U        +54U
9TH BET             34U           +20U        +88U
10TH BET           55U           +33U        +143U
So,you have to bet on a nugget or streak on each spin for as long as in happens,and increase the bet by the Golden mean in case of win;in case of loss,you stop betting and start again from 1 unit....trying to find another nugget...but as you can see in case you find one big nugget,after the 3rd bet you are winning on your bankroll both in case of win or loss.Also this type of betting starts only from one unit,the initial one,which multiplies it'self as you pursue the nugget.In the video there's like a 10black numbers nugget,but i started betting from the 2nd black number so i had 9 consecutive succesful bets including the zero.(on which i started betting 1 unit,from the savings from the previous 3 bets that i've won)just look at the video
In the video i use 80ron as 1unit..first bet 80ron,2nd bet 80ron,3rd bet 160(2u),4th bet 240(3u),5th bet 400ron(5units),i've bet the zero & won so repeated the bet,6th bet 400ron,(5u)7th bet 640ron(8units),8th bet 1040ron(13units),9th bet 1680ron(21 units),10th bet 2720ron(34units)
And at the end the next bet should have been 55units(4400ron),but i hit the table limit at 3200ron,i'lost and i was 4800ron up and i started betting at 200ron so i was up 4600u(almost 34units - 2720units plus the winnings from the 0,plus 3200ron-40units that i've bet and lost),understand?Then after the loss,i've increased the base bet from 80ron to 200ron,cause i was up a lot on my bankroll,and i started betting on red 200,200,400...i've lost,again 200 on black...etc..when was the last time you've hit 10 consecutive bets in a row ? these nuggets are pefect anchors to do consecutive wins ! :D
Title: Re: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: Gheorghe Patrascu on Sep 21, 08:13 AM 2016
Quote from: BellagioOwner on Sep 21, 07:42 AM 2016
Especially when a new member with JUST 1 POST starts a thread about his system, not showing the whole truth and having outside links on the video. No thanks. I'll pass.  :sad2: :sad2:

The links are for two books,that you can download for free,and they are very good books about attitude ! ;)
Title: Re: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: BellagioOwner on Sep 21, 10:26 AM 2016
Quote from: Gheorghe Patrascu on Sep 21, 08:07 AM 20162ND BET             1U             0(U ALREADY WON THIS UNIT THE PREVIOUS BET,SO NOW IN CASE OF WIN IS +2)

Quote from: Gheorghe Patrascu on Sep 21, 08:07 AM 2016in case of loss,you stop betting and start again from 1 unit.

You never said anything about that part in your previous expanations. So when we lose we start from bet1?

So let's say LLWW.
This translates as:
L -1
L -1
W+2  total +1

Is that what you mean? You didn't specify we start over at a loss.

Now it makes better sense but still I think the single losses that won't lead us to move on the positive progression will stack up and balance any profit leading us to the usual House edge smiling at us :/

PS: I have nothing to read about attitude. I'm open to new ideas and concepts as long as they are complete and correct with concrete theory supporting them. The way you started the thread was like a spammer phising for users. I didn't attack you. I wanted to attack tis attitude and any possible spammer.
Title: Re: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: Gheorghe Patrascu on Sep 21, 11:12 AM 2016
Quote from: BellagioOwner on Sep 21, 10:26 AM 2016
You never said anything about that part in your previous expanations. So when we lose we start from bet1?

So let's say LLWW.
This translates as:
L -1
L -1
W+2  total +1

Is that what you mean? You didn't specify we start over at a loss.

Now it makes better sense but still I think the single losses that won't lead us to move on the positive progression will stack up and balance any profit leading us to the usual House edge smiling at us :/

PS: I have nothing to read about attitude. I'm open to new ideas and concepts as long as they are complete and correct with concrete theory supporting them. The way you started the thread was like a spammer phising for users. I didn't attack you. I wanted to attack tis attitude and any possible spammer.

Don't worry and sorry for not being clear enough!
The attitude is everything,it determines your goals,your strategy,the outcome...etc...

L -1
L -1
W+2  total +1  no,the second winning bet has to be 1 unit again...so in this case total is 0.
L  -1
L  -1
L  -1
W +1(total2 -2 =0)
W +2 (total 4-3=1)
The house has an edge over your balance if you play 1unit every hand without increasing the bet,for example 100spins will even out at arround 2zeros,49red & 49blacks,(or if you want over 1000spins it evens out better,im trying to make this point about evening out),so in this case you risk a loss of 2units per 100spins,but if you play by this progression,each time that for example you find a nugget of 6 consecutive wins you are going to be 20 units up if you pull out(i just discovered now that if you push for a 7th win you risk being under,wow this is why i published this,i know there's something about these numbers,but still,there's something missing),but when the leveling comes and you hit an oposite streak of 6 number you are only spending 6 units...so a winning nugget of 6,will get you trough a streak of 20 consecutive loses,makes sense?
And again there are a few ways you can play this progression
-one of them is to start betting on one colour and sticking to it- there are only a few instances where you can lose(like when you have 2 or more repetitions from the oposite colour,LL,LLL,LLL...,it's the only instance where you can lose,and if you stick to a single colour you win one extra win- the 1st one each time it changes from red to black,you are always going to win the first black,where as if you switch colour each time you lose,you are always going to start from the 2nd...)
-another one is where you start betting on the color that just showed each time that you lost,so the color oposite to your previous bet that you've just lost-there are few instances that you can lose here as well,but different from the previos example like R,B,R,B...,but this can buy you extra the streaks from the oposite colour.

do you understand ? what do you think ?
Title: Re: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: falkor2k15 on Sep 21, 03:56 PM 2016
Why stop at 10 wins in a row? Is there an optimal number? Do we have a way of creating dependency and predicting the next campaign length based on previous lengths? Is there any tricks to increasing/decreasing base bet? Is there any tricks to using multiple ECs in parallel?
Title: Re: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: BellagioOwner on Sep 21, 04:21 PM 2016
Quote from: Gheorghe Patrascu on Sep 21, 08:07 AM 2016increase the bet by the Golden mean in case of win

based on what rule you raise the bet per win? Is it any progression?
Title: Re: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: Gheorghe Patrascu on Sep 21, 04:38 PM 2016
Quote from: BellagioOwner on Sep 21, 04:21 PM 2016
based on what rule you raise the bet per win? Is it any progression?

Yes,the progression is what you might know as the fibonacci sequence 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144...etc...The difference between these bets,and always doubling the bet after every win(case in which you always bet the entire ammount won the previous bet);is that when you apply the fibonacci sequence,you increase your bet gradualy,but also save units with each bet.I have to say that this strategy relies heavily on the occurance of these streaks(consecutive repetitions)
Title: Re: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: Gheorghe Patrascu on Sep 21, 05:25 PM 2016
Quote from: falkor2k15 on Sep 21, 03:56 PM 2016
Why stop at 10 wins in a row? Is there an optimal number? Do we have a way of creating dependency and predicting the next campaign length based on previous lengths? Is there any tricks to increasing/decreasing base bet? Is there any tricks to using multiple ECs in parallel?

I'm not saying that you should stop at 10 wins in a row,i used it as an example cause 143units won after 10 hands are quite ok,you have to contain your greed somehow,but greedy me thinks it's best to increase the bet by this progression untill the end of the streak,the further you go,you get a chance for a higher profit,but the less chances you have mathematically to occur for that characteristic that you are beting on(Low or high,red,black,even,odd;but this is also fear,cause from what i shown in the chart,no matter how far you bet,you are always going to save the ammount that you've won 3bets earlier,but at one point the streak is going to end,and the ammount lost is always bigger than your savings from the campaign which is a bit frustrating,but at the same time it's more frustrating to stop betting and then have another number and another number following,so it's up to you to decide).Also it's obvious that your best bets are the first 3 steps(1,1,2-where you double the ammount with each bet,the further you go,the more the ammount that you are going to bet compared to the previous bet tends to decrease towards 1,618 - phi)

I am going to give you an example of lets say 13 black(or red,or high,or low,or even or odd) numbers in a row...
1st bet 1unit         1unit
2ndbet 1u               2u
3rdbet  2u              4u
4th bet 3u              7u
5th bet 5u              12u
6th bet  8u              20u
7th bet 13u             33u
8th bet 21u             54u
9th bet 34u             88u
10th bet 55u           143u
11th bet 89u           232u
12th bet 144u         376u
13th bet 233u         609u
14th bet 377u here let's say the streak ends and you lose the 377u,your savings at the end of this campaign are 609-377=232u exactly as 3 bets before(11th bet).
Also i think you should always bet from your 4th or 5th winning bet onwards on 0 a few marginal units to cover for your bet and then some.

i don't know the answer to the rest of your questions,this is why i posted the ideea,to see if it makes sense,and maybe develop it.
Title: Re: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: mogul397 on Sep 21, 05:32 PM 2016
Quote from: Gheorghe Patrascu on Sep 20, 01:03 PM 2016
Hello !

my name is Gheorghe and i’ve come up with this ideea for a strategy and i’ve made a youtube video about it.I’d like to know what you people think about it ?


Best of luck !

The progression is a fibbonacci. It is a good progression.

Something that I have thought about is a reverse fib progression.
Normally when you play the fib, you play 1 level up on each loss and
a win on any level and the the next lower level get you back to even.

So as a variation to this, play the fib backwards as if you are trying to
give the money back. Increase 1 level on a win. And keep going up. If you
lose you drop back a level. If you lose that level, you lose 1 unit and resolve
the sequence.

It is not hard to climb the fib ladder with losses. So why not turn it around and
then decide where to quit and take profit. And start over.

A variation.  I guess the benefit is that your are not required to have a
solid win or loss string.
Title: Re: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: BellagioOwner on Sep 21, 08:09 PM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Sep 21, 05:32 PM 2016If you lose that level, you lose 1 unit and resolve
the sequence.
Which level? You lost me on your last sentence.

Quote from: mogul397 on Sep 21, 05:32 PM 2016play the fib backwards as if you are trying to
give the money back. Increase 1 level on a win. And keep going up. If you
lose you drop back a level.

I think you and Gheorghe propose almost the same thing.You both move up the fibo on a win. He returns to beginning (1st time 1 unit bet) after a  loss while you go 1 step back at a loss.
Title: Re: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: mogul397 on Sep 21, 09:57 PM 2016
Quote from: BellagioOwner on Sep 21, 08:09 PM 2016
Which level? You lost me on your last sentence.

The 2nd loss. Just like normally the 2nd win resolves the progression, the 2nd loss
closes it out. And you eat 1 unit losses until you climb the progression with wins
and decide to take the profit.

Title: Re: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: Gheorghe Patrascu on Sep 23, 06:51 AM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Sep 21, 05:32 PM 2016
The progression is a fibbonacci. It is a good progression.

Something that I have thought about is a reverse fib progression.
Normally when you play the fib, you play 1 level up on each loss and
a win on any level and the the next lower level get you back to even.

So as a variation to this, play the fib backwards as if you are trying to
give the money back. Increase 1 level on a win. And keep going up. If you
lose you drop back a level. If you lose that level, you lose 1 unit and resolve
the sequence.

It is not hard to climb the fib ladder with losses. So why not turn it around and
then decide where to quit and take profit. And start over.

A variation.  I guess the benefit is that your are not required to have a
solid win or loss string.

I dont understand,can you explain again?
My ideea revolves arround that fact that you only increase the bet as you win,so the risk of loss is minimal,and you only risk the first bet.This morning I divided my bankroll into 10 units,played a session of 160spins with those 10units,and when i finished i was 23units up,I had to stop cause it took about 2 hours,and i had something esle to attend to..
Title: Re: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: mogul397 on Sep 23, 09:36 PM 2016
Quote from: Gheorghe Patrascu on Sep 23, 06:51 AM 2016
I dont understand,can you explain again?
My ideea revolves arround that fact that you only increase the bet as you win,so the risk of loss is minimal,and you only risk the first bet.This morning I divided my bankroll into 10 units,played a session of 160spins with those 10units,and when i finished i was 23units up,I had to stop cause it took about 2 hours,and i had something esle to attend to..

You know what playing a Fibonacci  is right?  Your 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 progression.
Up one level on a loss. If you win that level, you go down one level, and if you win
that level you resolve the series.  Any two wins in a row resolve the series, and each
group of two numbers added together equal the next higher one.

Assuming you know this now, and that you don't think that you reinvented the
wheel with that progression, you are using it, up as you win.  And I guess resetting
on a loss.

So if you won 1+1+2+3+5 you are up 12. Then if you lose the next bet, 8, you still
won 4 units. The problem with this is that you will have a lot of single losses to recover
from that probably eat up the 4 units. And that is a 5 win streak. Pretty long.

All I was saying was to morph what you said into the original methodology. So for this
example, you are up 12, and you lose the 8. You go down 1 level to the 5. You are performing
the same operation with the same progression, but doing it up as you win, and going
down 1 on a loss.

In this example you resolve the sequence with -1 unit.  If you were doing it normally
and lost, you would go up one level, back to 8 units. But you are doing it in reverse,
accepting 1 unit losses instead of playing for 1 unit wins and grinding the progression on

The benefit of the fib progression is that you don't need an EXACT sequence of wins to achieve
your goal. You can bounce back and forth in negative territory similar to how you would in
a D'alenbert. The difference is that any two wins (in a normal negative fib game) resolve
and you get out with +1 unit.

The truth is that I've played fibs on paper many times before. And it doesn't take long
to get into trouble with that either.  And it's nerve racking as you get to 13,21,34 bets.
But it feels awful nice when it's their money.

I did do it once at a craps table. The stick man kept puchin my stack to me and I pushed
it back. He looked concerned.  The crown was ROARING like you read about.  I also was
playing an 8 hardway for $1 an when I hit, I parlayed that to hit my $15 for another
15-1 or whatever.

If you want fun, that's the way to do it.......
Title: Re: NEW even money strategy !
Post by: Gheorghe Patrascu on Sep 24, 04:46 AM 2016
Quote from: mogul397 on Sep 23, 09:36 PM 2016
You know what playing a Fibonacci  is right?  Your 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 progression.
Up one level on a loss. If you win that level, you go down one level, and if you win
that level you resolve the series.  Any two wins in a row resolve the series, and each
group of two numbers added together equal the next higher one.

Assuming you know this now, and that you don't think that you reinvented the
wheel with that progression, you are using it, up as you win.  And I guess resetting
on a loss.

So if you won 1+1+2+3+5 you are up 12. Then if you lose the next bet, 8, you still
won 4 units. The problem with this is that you will have a lot of single losses to recover
from that probably eat up the 4 units. And that is a 5 win streak. Pretty long.

All I was saying was to morph what you said into the original methodology. So for this
example, you are up 12, and you lose the 8. You go down 1 level to the 5. You are performing
the same operation with the same progression, but doing it up as you win, and going
down 1 on a loss.

In this example you resolve the sequence with -1 unit.  If you were doing it normally
and lost, you would go up one level, back to 8 units. But you are doing it in reverse,
accepting 1 unit losses instead of playing for 1 unit wins and grinding the progression on

The benefit of the fib progression is that you don't need an EXACT sequence of wins to achieve
your goal. You can bounce back and forth in negative territory similar to how you would in
a D'alenbert. The difference is that any two wins (in a normal negative fib game) resolve
and you get out with +1 unit.

The truth is that I've played fibs on paper many times before. And it doesn't take long
to get into trouble with that either.  And it's nerve racking as you get to 13,21,34 bets.
But it feels awful nice when it's their money.

I did do it once at a craps table. The stick man kept puchin my stack to me and I pushed
it back. He looked concerned.  The crown was ROARING like you read about.  I also was
playing an 8 hardway for $1 an when I hit, I parlayed that to hit my $15 for another
15-1 or whatever.

If you want fun, that's the way to do it.......

I know what you are talking about,but,i find it wastefull to risk more units for one unit.The way the fibonacci it's been played before it's similar to martingale's negative prgresion...whereas my ideea revolves arround the goal of minimising your investment(cause you only play one unit at the time until the lucky string occurs),preety much like parasites behave in nature untill they find the right conditions to develop.
I'll give this example...lets says you want to play for 100 spins and you only bet on black...the only instance where you lose,is when you run into a string of two or more reds,0(but it has to be 2 or more consecutive lost bets).Apart from that it does not matter wether there are 60 red and 40 black in 100spins,or 40 reds and 60black or 50 reds ,50 blacks,just how the resulting strings are arranged on the results list.
One thing that i've noticed about this way of betting is that because you increase your bet after every win,your 2nd win has a negative value of -2(2-0-2) compared to a string of 2 reds(-2) if the 3rd bet is lost.Your 3rd win,when converted into the 4th bet,also has a negative value of -2(4-3-3) as well compared to a string of 3 red consecutive numbers.Your 4th win also has a negative value of -2(7-5-4) compared to 4cons reds(-4).Your fifth win also has a negative value of -1(12-8-5).Your 6th win has an edge of +1(20-13-6) over 6 cons reds,your 7th win has an edge of +5(33-21-7),your 8th win and edge of +12(54-34-8) and it keeps increasing winth every win.The nice thing about this strategy is that you get to play lots of spins with limited ammounts of units and when a string of 7 or more hits,the profits can be astronomical.For example if you have 10units to play with and you stick to one color,you are going to play a lot more spins than 10 for your money and it takes a string of 6 wins(1+1+2+3+5+8) to double your money.