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Roulette-focused => Multiplayer Roulette Game => Topic started by: Steve on Jul 24, 07:20 PM 2017

Question: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Option 1: 15 seconds votes: 3
Option 2: 20 seconds votes: 2
Option 3: 25 seconds votes: 1
Option 4: 30 seconds votes: 6
Option 5: 35 seconds votes: 1
Option 6: 40 seconds votes: 1
Option 7: 45 seconds votes: 6
Option 8: 5 seconds. Let's keep Notto and Taotie from ranking 1st. votes: 1
Option 9: iPhones suck. Android is better. votes: 4
Option 10: 4 seconds votes: 0
Title: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 24, 07:20 PM 2017
This is to determine best time between spins for the multiplayer game at :.rouletteplayers.org/register

Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Taotie on Jul 24, 07:36 PM 2017
Where's the 4 second option?  ;D

This poll is not a bad idea, but I think just about all the votes for the shortest spin time will come from bot players like madi.

Maybe the vote should somehow be split between humans and bots?
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 24, 07:43 PM 2017
I can see who votes, and know who to listen to.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Madi on Jul 24, 07:57 PM 2017
@ steve

You should separate the forum from gentleman to junkies or like drunks.even the people who got eyes at bottom not in head. People who cant tell their fathers name or dont have proper schooling. Or like dirty words comes from mouth every now and then."freedom of speech" only applies to human. Invite those gentleman who contributed for good doesnt have to grail.time to reform. Someones system may not work but for this he doesnt deserve the word u got "fuckshit" mate.take a breath test before login if possible to separate garbage.once u eliminate the junk the remains will be cultured human.thanks
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 24, 08:17 PM 2017
Madi, we already do that. Most forums do.

But we probably have more tolerance than most forums because sometimes things need to be said how they are.

For example, if someone is being an unpleasant person, they can be called a "dick" . It may not be pleasant language to some people, but  if someone is being a troll, calling them a dick is a justufied term. It depends how its said though. Context is important.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 24, 08:20 PM 2017
Besides any bad behavior is considered on a case by case basis. Forums where everyone needs to be a gentleman don't work. It stifles free speech. And unmoderated does not work either. Worst thing for any forum is an arrogant, dishonest, tyrannical admin with biased moderation like at GF.

Here we have the right balance of free speech and proper behavior. We dont under or over moderate.

Taotie has a small pee pee
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: DoctorSudoku on Jul 24, 10:44 PM 2017
You seem to be a pretty fair (and lenient) administrator and moderator. Of the global moderators,  I think Iggiv and Turner are stricter than you are.

Bayes and Colbster don't seem to be that interested in carrying out their moderator duties, since they tend to disappear from this forum frequently for long stretches of time.
:D :D

Overall, I would say keep things as they are -- if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: DoctorSudoku on Jul 24, 10:48 PM 2017

And, yes, iphone sucks. Android is incontrovertibly and indisputably better.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 24, 11:14 PM 2017
Moderators are probably stricter than me because they adhere to the rules I provided. But as admin I more liberally decide when to let a rule infringement slide. If I was on the fence about whether or not to moderate something, usually I'd tip towards the side of free speech, because open discussion is more important than hurt feelings. I have shit written about me all the time and it's good for everyone to grow thicker skin. It does no good for criticized members to cry about it. If you are the honest one, you end up on top to the people with brains.

I mean what I say because for myself personally, i allowed the nonsense about me to be spammed on forums, so I could show I had nothing to hide. But now I've addressed everything extensively and the attacks are just repetitive spam that would annoy people. Such attacks against others would be treated differently - basically to allow the "attacker" to have their say, but allow the target all reasonable opportunity to respond in detail. When both sides had their say, if they weren't finished, I would ask them to take it to another place unless it was relevant to other members.

I think Turner said it best. Here we have "pub rules". Just about anything goes, but there is still a level of etiquette and respect. I'm a reasonable person and think we have a good balance here.

Examples of things that would only just be accepted:

* Name-calling in an appropriate way, like my example of "dick"

* Excessively repeating facts about roulette (provided that person doesn't become a nuisance/troll). I might be viewed as a nuisance on this point to some people, but actually I bite my tongue a lot. Every now and then I flare up like a bad hemorrhoid, but its temporary. It's a difficult point though because people are allowed to stay blissfully ignorant without being harassed. But the truth is the truth.

Examples of things that would NOT be accepted:

* Harassing other members when they clearly want nothing to do with you (harassment is different from arguing). For example, Ken would argue other people started on him. But I carefully watched the situation for some time, and what happened was Ken and others aggravated each other - it was mutual. But when other people stopped, most of the time KEN is the one who continued. Not always, but most of the time.

* Publishing private or confidential information. Would only be justified in cases of sex offenders.

* Blatant attacks against people without real justification

It's difficult to have set rules and to apply them rigidly, because every case is different. The mods do a good job of deciding what's best, and if they did something unfair, they wouldn't be a mod. In cases when they are on the fence, they'd just ask my opinion. Certainly though we cant make everyone happy. We just do whatever we feel is right, considering all circumstances.

I think most people would agree I run everything in a fair and balanced way. So we don't attract the animals in the forum scene. They know their crap wont be tolerated. But anyway, this topic was about the time wait for the multiplayer game, not style of moderation.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 24, 11:15 PM 2017
Does anyone prefer iPhones?
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: cht on Jul 24, 11:17 PM 2017
Shouldn't the time be the same as most online casinos offer ? 30 seconds.

Key in the latest spin, analyse the numbers to bet then click on the numbers takes time and 30 seconds is already too short, if there're plenty of numbers to cover the pressure is on which leads to mistakes.

Is there a reason for the rush, anyone?

If you're looking at this as practice mode a little extra time may help in the thinking process.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 24, 11:21 PM 2017
Some people have systems that require calculation, so they need the time. And some players just want the next to spin to hurry up. I think 30 seconds is reasonable for most people. I'll leave the poll for a while.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Madi on Jul 24, 11:26 PM 2017
I prefer iphone.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 24, 11:30 PM 2017
oh come on

It's for girls.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Madi on Jul 24, 11:43 PM 2017
Oh sorry. I thought its related to multiplayer
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Taotie on Jul 25, 02:47 AM 2017
Quote from: Steve on Jul 24, 08:20 PM 2017

Taotie has a small pee pee





Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 25, 02:55 AM 2017
(link:://:.pichost.org/images/2017/07/25/temp_351167.png) (link:://:.pichost.org/image/BMpg)
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Taotie on Jul 25, 03:40 AM 2017
I tap out. The cactus wins.   ;D
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Taotie on Jul 26, 01:42 AM 2017
Taotie will never rank 1st.

He's just a warm up doodler and a dummy runner.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 26, 02:16 AM 2017
That could still rank you first if you play enough. Later I'll set a bot with random bets and see how it goes.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Taotie on Jul 26, 02:34 AM 2017
Excuse my suspicious mind, but your bot could have assess to the spin files off site... still, should be interesting to see how it goes.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 26, 03:02 AM 2017
Yes but whats the point in me cheating? To prove how good my random bets are? I could cheat, but I wouldn't.

I expect that even if I started out good, I would eventually crash and burn too.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Taotie on Jul 26, 03:33 AM 2017
Oh, you know, just to show everybody up, to make them feel inferior and like they've failed or not good enough.

Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 26, 03:41 AM 2017
No, just to play a game. It's not more complicated. Really i wouldn't cheat. It would be disgraceful if i did. You might not know i cheated but i would.

That's it im starting tonight....
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Taotie on Jul 26, 03:45 AM 2017
Quote from: Steve on Jul 26, 03:41 AM 2017
...You might not know i cheated but i would.

That's it im starting tonight....


Hey I cheated in overdrive while your game was bugging out, but at least I admitted it, and then the one armed man stole my bankroll.

I suspect there are still players sprinkled through the upper end leaderboard that cheated too. We might not know they cheated, but they do.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 26, 03:52 AM 2017
Yes maybe but it won't matter over time.

My fun account is stevefun.

I had more colorful names in mind, but at least it's simple.  other account is used to test as admin.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 26, 03:59 AM 2017
The stevefun account will be just guess bets. But when I'm using my rng system it will be another account completely.  Chances are they'll end up with the same win rate eventually. Just a bit of fun.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: maestro on Jul 26, 05:42 AM 2017
make sure your bot uses ready...i aint sitting waiting your bot to lay bets
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: nottophammer on Jul 26, 06:14 AM 2017
Quote from: maestro on Jul 26, 05:42 AM 2017Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>
Maestro does this law apply to the bloke above reply 26  >:D
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 26, 06:49 AM 2017
woohoo ranked #240 or so, looking good. I reckon i can get to top 80 at least.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: maestro on Jul 26, 06:56 AM 2017
well...since there is that bot of yours ...and since you got spin files would not be very hard to code the bot in such way that makes bets every spin and at the end of spin file rule is to be at +1.56 z score of your betting...yes :wink:

is very hard to have bear and honey and keep them apart
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: nottophammer on Jul 26, 07:05 AM 2017
Quote from: Steve on Jul 26, 06:49 AM 2017woohoo ranked #240 or so, looking good. I reckon i can get to top 80 at least.
This is why i usually keep out of tit for tat replies, so you see Steve you come across to me as that little schoolboy who has to try and get the last comment, you seem to be like the top dog your always saying has issues, but it looks like to me you have issues as well.

Oh bet GF love seeing you acting this way  :lol:, so like that great actor Terry Crews says in White chicks, back atcha  :xd:

Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 26, 07:11 AM 2017
I know you are but what am i?
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 26, 07:46 AM 2017
Maestro, sure I have some issues too. But not the kind many others have. I think my biggest issue is I waste too much time on useless crap. Sort of OCD where Ill go over a minor detail repeatedly when it isnt necesarry. Like a perfectionist disorder. Really its not a good thing.

If you mean personal baggage, not really. Im quite a happy person. Totally mature too. Its more your misunderstanding of me. None of us here properly know each other. I dont take things too seriously. One thing i do take very seriously is truth. Really, im not cheating on the game. You dont know me, Id be ashamed of myself to lie about anything. I habeeverything I need. I dont have motive to lie. Even if i did, I have enough integrity to achieve without sinking to manipulation. If I fail, its my own fault, then gives so ething to improve. If and when Im wrong, Ill openly admit it. I learned long agohonesty with yourself is a much better policy.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 26, 07:50 AM 2017
as for GF, whos that. A lying admin who attacked me under a fake name to boost his now dead forum? Ken? People stab at me often for businessand vendetta. Because im human sometimes i respond, but you're talking about a few dickheads. you have no concept of the shit ive put up with over the years, which in the end gave thicker skin. I got through it knowng truth is on my side.

Anyway i think 30s is good, maybe even 35, not sure yet.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: RouletteGhost on Jul 26, 08:00 AM 2017
GF is really a terrible forum

You can't discuss anything without being bashed

It's the opposite of what a forum should be

Fu ckg that forum
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 26, 08:14 AM 2017
A forum's members are a reflection of the rules, ethics, and moderators. And the admin. Which is why members here are such sterling gentlemen.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 26, 08:20 AM 2017
What mike learned from baccaratforums is you can't make everyone happy. Bad members get cranky when moderated. So he thought uncensored was the best policy. He alsi thought people not knowing he was the lone admin would protect him from blame. The whole WE thing just made him look foolish.

The end result was a forum of rejects, pushing away productive members while burning bridges. Oops. The best policy is fair and unbiased moderation, and basic ethics instead of desiring higher post count.

Gf still has its place, but it's bottom of the barrel as long as mike doesn't grow up.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: DoctorSudoku on Jul 26, 08:34 AM 2017
Quote from: Steve on Jul 26, 08:14 AM 2017

A forum's members are a reflection of the rules, ethics, and moderators. And the admin. Which is why members here are such sterling gentlemen.


Taotie being the brightest example of that lot.

:twisted: :twisted:
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Jul 26, 08:44 AM 2017
 He is 10% asshole, 40% productive, 30% annoying, 60% humorous, 65% sterling, 5% antique pottery collector.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Taotie on Jul 26, 09:16 AM 2017
That's 210% fiction.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Taotie on Jul 26, 09:35 AM 2017
Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Jul 26, 08:34 AM 2017


Taotie being the brightest example of that lot.

:twisted: :twisted:

What's up Doc?
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Taotie on Jul 26, 09:37 AM 2017
Quote from: Taotie on Jul 26, 09:16 AM 2017
That's 210% fiction.

Well, 200% fiction. The 10% asshole is probably accurate.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: DoctorSudoku on Jul 26, 11:28 AM 2017
Quote from: Steve on Jul 26, 08:44 AM 2017

He is 10% asshole, 40% productive, 30% annoying, 60% humorous, 65% sterling, 5% antique pottery collector.

Well, Taotie is a larger-than-life personality on this forum, so it makes sense that his above numbers add up to way more than 100% !

>:D >:D

Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: nottophammer on Aug 03, 04:53 PM 2017
Steve 30 or 45, as its showing equal why not go to 37sec's with 3 sec's to next round, or better still back to where it started 45 seconds, nah you wont do that, cough
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Aug 03, 11:26 PM 2017
Notto, the average vote is about 32 seconds. Currently the setting is 30 seconds between spins and 2 second break between, so that's 32 seconds. It's not a conspiracy to make you lose. I don't expect having 45 seconds between spins is going to change results for you. First there's the claim I must somehow rig spins to make people lose. So I publish the spins. Now its a conspiracy to have short time between spins to make you lose. I have nothing to do with your results.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: nottophammer on Aug 04, 02:16 AM 2017
steve i couldnt careless if its rng as i play on rng the FOBT's, here its some where to try things out, but you seem to be on the defence all the time as if its personal attacks, from me and someone else, 30 seconds + the 2 to start next spin is fine, as there are people who like it to spin every 5 seconds, but where in a B+M would you have a time like that.

Spin speeds like that are for bots and where are they used ? on-line casinos, where they all moan about being cheated, perhaps the speed they are playing at, just gets them to where they know they are going to end up after experts such as yourself tell them house edge.

But you carry on mate and i use the word mate losely
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: nottophammer on Aug 04, 02:17 AM 2017
thanks for the BOLD 45 seconds :thumbsup:
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Aug 04, 02:20 AM 2017
Quote from: nottophammer on Aug 04, 02:16 AM 2017you seem to be on the defence all the time as if its personal attacks

You've been making snide comments insinuating there's some grand conspiracy from me to make you lose. I wasn't born yesterday. But I'm not going to waste time on it.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: nottophammer on Aug 04, 02:36 AM 2017
Good is that the final comment then, oh its just like a game who'll have the last word :yawn:
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: maestro on Aug 05, 06:29 AM 2017
Steve can you please make it back to 45 seconds...so we can bet more numbers<in order to smash your game>..thank you
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Aug 05, 07:41 AM 2017
Its not all my choice. I just set what most players want.

How long would it take you and notto to smash the game?
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: MumboJumbo on Aug 05, 08:25 AM 2017
The reason why I stop playing on mpr is 30 sec is too long and now 45 sec  :o
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: maestro on Aug 05, 09:05 AM 2017
QuoteHow long would it take you and notto to smash the game?

my wild guess is infinity..but want to see how nottos performs
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Aug 05, 03:34 PM 2017
Notto, how long would it take you?
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: RouletteGhost on Aug 05, 05:02 PM 2017
Notto does well with ktf

He wins more games than loses

He is ahead

Instead of hate on him, applaud him

The method is sound.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Aug 05, 05:43 PM 2017
I cant set it to 45 for infinity time, unless players request that. I was just considering giving notto enough time to blitz everyone and address claims i set lower times to make people lose.

on nottos or anyones request i can temporarily change the time for them to blitz other players. but they must specify a reasonable time because it inconveniences others.

rg, ktf is no better than any other system. nobody is hating on notto. im just responding to rubbish that i rig the game to make people lose. and its not hard to be ahead with multiple accounts and random bets.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Taotie on Aug 06, 01:12 AM 2017
Quote from: Steve on Aug 05, 05:43 PM 2017
...its not hard to be ahead with multiple accounts and random bets.

Can you elaborate on this statement, please?

I'm sure everyone would like to know how it's easy to be ahead simply by using random bets and multiple accounts.

Sounds like a Holy Grail in the making.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Aug 06, 02:21 AM 2017
If one account isn't doing well, create another. One will rank better.

The idea of using an account with your forum name prevents that. But anyone can have a serious account, and a different test account. Its just a game.

My point is if you want anyone to take a serious account seriously, specify it from the start, or just stick with the one account that's the same as your forum account name.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Taotie on Aug 06, 03:14 AM 2017
That doesn't really answer the question of how it is easy to win with random bets, even if you have 100 accounts.

If what you say is true, eventually a player might stick with an account that seems to be doing well, or started well, but how long can that continue?

I have a few accounts myself. One for serious play, one for doodling, and one for experimenting with crazy ideas. It makes sense to separate them, and doesn't mean I'm trying to get lucky with one account and prevail over all. Anyway, how is that supposed to make it "not hard to be ahead"?

There's a lot of players and only a very few of them are ahead after any reasonable number of spins even if they have multiple accounts, which basically means it's anything but easy to be ahead.

BTW, I strongly suspect your MPR leader is one of the players who took sneaky advantage of the spin loop glitch early on in the piece.

The account hasn't played any spins for a long time, probably ever since you fixed it, oh well, such is life.
Title: Re: What should the time between spins be? (multiplayer game)
Post by: Steve on Aug 06, 03:37 AM 2017
By "ahead" in referring to being "ahead" of others, not necessarily in profit.

And yes i suspect the same.  Contact me privately if you have specific accounts in mind and ill look in detail.