This is half a rip and the other half, a serious question. I do know that at some casinos around the world or the US (whatever) that 'no more bets' is called before the ball is spun. I would bet my nuts, the percentage of these casinos is SMALL. Question being.....if DS/VB was this great way to play (you could make millions! :thumbsup:) why not have this rule at every casino?
It would save the casino a lot of money, no? So many people (cough) have this skill of watching the dealers release point, rotor speed etc., it would make more sense to wave of betting EARLY. Also, how would the hidden computers be used if such a rule was enforced? >> Everyone gets 15-20 seconds to lay bets, no more bets is called. Then the ball is spun. Why does the casino NOT take more counter measures against such an EASY way to win? (cough) Ken
Good points Ken!
Quote from: MrJ on Jul 01, 05:46 PM 2010
Why does the casino NOT take more counter measures against such an EASY way to win?
Perhaps because it isn't that easy or as applied around the world as some people say/believe?
Ok but I have read stories about MILLIONS of dollars being made. It just seems, in order for the casino to protect themselves from the awesome skills of AP (cough) players, they would take MORE precautions. Ken
i think they watch what's goin on. If they can't see any APs around, no need to care. There are no so many of them. How many APs here? Not so many. I think it is not an easy skill to master.
Like I said at GG, its not the number of APs (cough), as compared to how much money (net) they are clearing. Its a money issue. If the stories are true (millions of dollars), I would think and hope that BETTER measures were taken against these guys (lol). Example being, no more bets called first, then spin the ball. Ken
i think too many people try to put bets after the wheel starts spinning, why bother all of them if the casino wins without problem in long run anyway. I think if someone of them starts winning too much then the dealer will react accordingly. If no reason to react then who needs fixing what is not broken.