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Dec 21st, 2012 - What is your prediction?

Started by Steve, Dec 12, 10:00 PM 2012

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Are you saying that Michelle Obama's well published initiative of growing your own food is some kind of deception?


Yes, it is part of the deception. It is not uncommon for politicians to say one thing, then do another. Like the war on unemployment.. or the war on poverty.. or the war on terror.. and their actions that were supposed to fix things actually made things worse.

I'm sure you agree policies speaks louder that talk. For example:


Basically you are allowed to have a small vegie patch. But if you make too much of it to feed your family, you've committed a crime. So they get to appear like saints with B.S. "initiatives", while screwing you over. And you won't know unless you pay attention. If you get your news from CNN and Fox News, you will be misled for sure.

Remember it is not the USA that is doing it. It is just criminals in high places. Anyone can use their head and wonder if there is such a hard push for everyone growing their own food, why is now illegal to grow enough food to feed your family?? Why if they are concerned about your safety do they spend trillions on fighting overseas wars while back home people starve, but spending barely anything on the #1 killer in the world (heart disease)?.. Hmm. US citizens need to dog a lot deeper to see what is happening. I don't think enough people will see it before serious damage has been done. It has already been done, but is going to get worse.

Take a look at how money is created, and what the federal reserve is and does. that's a major factor because we all use money to survive.

Rest assured, or not, that soon enough the microchipping will be forced on most if not all of us. To the point where we have a choice to be part of the slavery system, or to be unable to buy or sell. Without a microchip. It has been on the cards for a long long time. See link:://planet.infowars.com/health/obamacare-obamatax-makes-rfid-chip-implants-mandatory-march-23-2013-via-sodahead-com -  they have already tried to implement it. They will never stop trying because of the control it gives them.

Nobody knows how this will play out. but for sure, it means more false flags. More catastrophe that they themselves cause, and all so they can present the ultimate solution to us all... which is the new world order. The one-world government. It is not the solution. They have created the problems to cause fear so we submit to their plan. The solution is removing their power. The NWO was planned well before this unintelligent, announced it on.. umm yeah 9/11/1991


by the way, here's the speech that got JFK killed. Listen carefully. And it was going on well before then.

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