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This one is working so far

Started by Carsch, Oct 28, 02:13 PM 2010

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I was just testing this new idea, so far so good. I tested 324 spins on a double zero wheel and i'm up to 263 units in profit.

Bets are on 4 corners (4 total units). You win 5u & lose 4u

The rules:

Do not bet on the Dozen that hit last.

Unless there was 3 or more consecutive hits on the last Dozen, then bet on it (e.g., 35, 3,16,20,23..........next bet will be on Doz2).

Do not bet on a corner belonging to a Column that has not hit within the last 4 spins (the middle column is the exception).


After a loss, wait for a win, then raise 1u.

Lose again (after a win), and continue betting the same units until you have another win, then raise another 1u, and so on. Reset to 1u when -5 or you break even. Note, you do not regress on your bets.

Raise bets only after 3 consecutive losses, or when more than 8 units down.


Start with a 1 unit bet on each of 4 corners

W-11...............bet 2 units on each corner on the next bet(s)
L- 19
L- 27
W- 17.............bet 3 units on each corner on the next bet(s)
W-7................bet 3 units on each corner on the next bet(s)
W +8..............reset to 1u on the next bet(s)


I just finished 501 spins (with lots of zeros & double zeros........i don't think it can get worst than this one i went thru)

Profit: +381
Highest bet: 9u (x4)
Drawdown: -127


Hi Carsch,  positive progressions (rise at win...reset  when...)  
are the best don t you think ?  (at least for me)   ;)                    
Can be used for two Ds,  4 corners, one D or C,   4 streets...etc...




They are indeed the best

when they are possible to the system of course

i do not quite get it
+1 after a W or +1 after LLL?



I don't get it either.  You say four corners but WHICH four corners? I know we are not supposed to bet the same dozen but which four corners of the other dozens? Very confusing.


Quote from: albertojonas on Oct 28, 10:14 PM 2010
They are indeed the best

when they are possible to the system of course

i do not quite get it
+1 after a W or +1 after LLL?

After one or more losses, you cannot raise your bets until you have a W. You then keep betting that same amount until you reach your goal, or until you encounter more losses followed by a W. In this latter case, after the Win, you will then go up another 1u.


Start by betting 1u
L........bet 1
L........bet 1
L........bet 1
L........bet 1
W.......bet 1
W.......bet 2
L.........bet 2
L.........bet 2
L.........bet 2
W.......bet 2
L.........bet 3


Quote from: Droganson on Oct 28, 11:23 PM 2010
I don't get it either.  You say four corners but WHICH four corners? I know we are not supposed to bet the same dozen but which four corners of the other dozens? Very confusing.

You select the corners that match the Columns that have been hitting for the past 4 spins.

Thus, for example: Column A & B have been hitting for the past 4 spins, and the last Dozen was Doz3 (25-36).

You eliminate Doz3, and you use Doz1 & Doz2.

The corners will be those belonging to Col-A (1-34) & Col-B (2-35).

They are:

1,2,4,5 Corner
7,8,10,11 Corner
13,14,16,17 Corner
19,20, 22,23 Corner

Now, let's say all the columns have been hitting for the past 4 spins.

In this case you must cover all the Columns and bet as follows:

1,2,4,5 Corner
8,9,11,12 Corner
13,14,16,17 Corner
20,21,23,24 Corner

Or you could choose the opposite corners - as long as you cover all the Columns.

Let me know if more questions.  



The system isn't doing that good anymore.  :-\

Time to move on, I guess.  ;D
