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Turn the odds in your favor Part II

Started by GLC, Feb 13, 12:57 AM 2011

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The following quote is taken from the 1st post by Fripper in his topic "Beating roulette with math".

"The fellow member UK at roulette30 forum looked at 20 million spins or 100.000 sessions of 200 spins. There will never be less than 65 reds or blacks in 200 spins."

It's an interesting quote because it indicates that if we can come up with a bet method that can deal with 30% wins vs 70% losses, we may have a winning bet method.

I was thinking about my bet method titled "turn the odds in your favor, almost" and I realized that it did what I wanted, almost.

Then I thought, "What if we recovered 3 losses with 1 win?"  This would mean that we only have to win 1 time out of every 4 bets to be a winner.  So I started playing with the idea and then I remembered a system I had read about.  I found the system and here it is:

The basis of the system is this. You simply take the last color to spin, we'll say Red and then back it on the next spin with the total of the leftmost three numbers in your bet line.  Every time Red spins, bet for Red to spin 1 more time.  When Black spins don't bet.  Wait for another Red before betting.  If you are betting Red and notice that Black is streaking better than Red, switch over.  Be adaptable.

The bet line he prefers to use is 2-1-1-1 for a total of 5 units.  So your first bet is 4 made up of 2-1-1.  If you lose, you write the number of units lost on the right end of the line.  Then the next bet will be 4 again and again and again until you finally win.  Every time you lose you add another 4 to the right end of the line.  Once you win a bet you cross off the 3 leftmost number and bet the next 3 numbers.  Once this bet line is cleared you will have won your target.


1. If you are under capitalized and run out of working capital like any
normal business. You must have enough to sustain you through a long run. As
a general rule the danger of this happening is only in the initial stages.
Once you've won double your bank twice or more and unless you jump up the stakes
too quickly, this should not be a problem for you.

We suggest a starting bank of 1,000 units with a reserve bank of 1,000 units based on minimum 1 unit bets. If you run out of money while at the table in that session then stop and take
a break. Obtain more capital and start exactly where you left off. It
doesn't matter if it's the same day, a week later or a month later. There
is always another time to play and these events are always continuous.

2. If you lose your nerve.
The only way to overcome this is to TEST, TEST, TEST and then make the bets
called for. There is no other way. It may be uncomfortable for you to start
with but once you get used to making larger and larger bets, it becomes
less stressful if you lose a few bets in a row. If you have confidence,
this system will always win for you in the long run. But the key is TEST, TEST,
TEST. Get a computer roulette program and run through it until you are
absolutely convinced that it works every time and that you can handle the
calculations comfortably. Get a set of chips and physically place
all the bets at home BEFORE you go to the casino. Experience the highs and
lows. Know what you will experience when you get to the Casino. Develop
your own tracking system and know it backwards. Note the size of the holes you
may have to go into and the size of the bets. Make sure you are absolutely
comfortable with it BEFORE you go to play for real and make sure that any
money you play with is money you can afford to lose if you panic and can't
put that next bet on. It happens time and time again. Your psychology beats
you and of course the bet that you should make but can't make because you lose your nerve, is the one that always pulls you out and makes you a winner. Have confidence. The system will always win. Make sure you are in control. Make sure your psychology is right and you are adequately capitalized to cover any long runs. You must have 100% confidence.

Well, there it is.  I was just looking at one of  Winkel's posts and he said that to win big you have to have a big bankroll.  3000 units is what he suggested.  I think that might be a little too much for this system, but 1000 units is probably adequate.  It wouldn't hurt to have a 1000 unit back-up bankroll.  You don't have to play for $1 units.  For some of you lucky chaps who have access to some on-line casinos, I hear that you can play for 10 cent bets.  Start there and build you bankroll and your confidence.  That's only $100.  That's doable for anyone who is serious about winning at roulette.  If you start with $0.10 bets and you have $300, you should never go broke with good money management.  I think the table spread should be at least 300 units.  A 500 unit spread would be better, but not absolutely necessary.

Remember, one important key to this bet method is, when your bets get too large, to split your bet lines in half or thirds or fourths or more if you need to to keep you bet size from going thru the roof.  But don't split too often or you lose your 1 in 4 advantage pretty quickly.  On the other hand, we should expect to win about 1 in 2 with normal play on average.

He recommends starting with a bet line of 2-1-1-1.  But for the more conservative among us starting with a line of 1 is Okay.  That gives you a 1 unit win every time you clear the line.  And most of the time the line will be cleared within a few spins.

Here are some examples of what it takes to clear a line. 1LLLLWLLLLLWLLWW; 1LLW; 1LLLLLWW; 1LLLLLLLLLLLLLLWWWWW;

Use whatever bet selection method you like.  His is probably as good as any.

As  he said, TEST!!   TEST!!    TEST!!

All you have to do is win 1 bet for every 3 losses to win with this system.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


I've been testing this a little lately, and yes you do have to have b--ls of steel to play this progression.  But, I've never lost yet.  So far I've only a 288 unit bet 1 time.  I don't know if I could do that if playing for $1.

This may just be a good bet method in theory that nobody can actually play on a live table.

Oh well, maybe there will be a Part III.

Hope someone gets another idea from this little post.  The crazy thing is the author of the system thinks it's the cats meow.  Go figure.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


This idea has remained dormant for a few weeks, so I thought I re-open it with an almost sure to win method.

Instead of trying to recover 3 losses with 1 win, we recover 4 losses with 1 win.  That means that we only have to win 1 time every 5 bets.  That's 20% on a 50/50 bet.  If you have a good bankroll, you should have no problem doing this.

Here's how we play.

We bet 1 unit until we are down 4 units.  Then we increase our bet size to 4 units.  If we win that bet we reset to 1 unit until we are down 4 units.

We play at 4 units until we are down 4 each 4 unit bets.  Once we are down four 4's, we increase to 16 unit bets.  We stay at 16 unit bets until we are down four 16 unit bets.  Then we go to 64 unit bets.

Okay, so it rises rather quickly.  It also recovers rather quickly and you have to have a really bad losing sequence to not stay ahead of the game.

I have been testing this for fun and so far I haven't gone over 64 unit bets.

In reality this is a 2X speed martingale.   A regular martingale is 1-2-4-8-16-32-64 this martingale is a 1-4-16-64-256 etc... martingale.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


I must confess that your idea is good.
I tested this method two years ago,but I failed,because of table limits.
Maybe you can try online casino(that I don't trust) because in a real Casino,with minimum 5 âââ,¬Å¡Ã,¬,here where I live,the table limit kills you!
I didn't found any different solution.....


Smart if have a BIG bank :)


