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Manila system

Started by Red Nickels, May 01, 11:08 PM 2011

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Red Nickels

Quote from: Rolletti on May 02, 11:52 AM 2011
I'm not worry about you my friend, was sure you know that.
My post was addressed to Red Nickels.
no I didn't buy it, came across it at the page
gambling-systems.com/roulette_system.html which has a rather long and somewhat odd and difficult to follow ramblings by someone or other (think it must be a translation.)

thank you for explaining it GLC, still have to mull it over but from my brief cursory understanding of it it looks like it does not have much rationale but it seemed a little different from the hundreds of other systems so was curious about it.  will test it on my real spins, just for the heck of it.


Quotewill test it on my real spins, just for the heck of it.

Good idea, do report your findings to the thread, I have continued testing as the win/loss ratio remains higher than 50%, we know our EC chance for winning offers on average 48.65% over millions of spins, anything above this is our target, long term.

I am testing the bot with different progression/recovery methods, martingale failed @ 256 units being my cut off point.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!



the "Manila System" will be sold since a couple of years from a German system dealer.  The price is EURO 29,70.

hxxp: das-roulette-system. de/die_geheimen_profit_akten_two. html

The seller is a known scam.



anybody having any luck with this one?
is there really a correlation between even chances and double streets?
in faecorum semper solum profundum variat


Quote from: ewarwoowar on May 03, 04:09 PM 2011
Anybody having any luck with this one?
is there really a correlation between even chances and double streets?

there is none.

Red Nickels

ofcourse it is ridiculous to choose your next even chance bet based upon which number in which line came in.  sorry I posted this silly system which I am not going to bother testing.  I couldn't really understand it when I read it because of some of the language and terms used so I was curious about it, but thanks again to those who explained it.


don't apologise for posting up a system!
it may not be the one we're all looking for, but people may take aspects of it away and use in conjunction with other methods.
it just may be the missing piece of the jigsaw for someone. sadly, not me!

in faecorum semper solum profundum variat


Quote from: Red Nickels on May 03, 05:16 PM 2011
Ofcourse it is ridiculous to choose your next even chance bet based upon which number in which line came in.  sorry I posted this silly system which I am not going to bother testing.  I couldn't really understand it when I read it because of some of the language and terms used so I was curious about it, but thanks again to those who explained it.

Guys,  I was just looking back over Superman's test results and I noticed that he never had a losing streak of more than 4.  Now I know there have to be losing steaks of more than 4 because if there isn't, then we have here the Grail.  A 5 step grand martingale would rack up units by the bucketfull.

I know that 200 spins is nothing in the scheme of things, but here's a thought.  What if the mehtod we're using to select the next even chance bet is so random that it almost guarantees against long losing streaks.

That's what some of the old systems like "The Author's" system is looking for.  A set bet method that catches a win within every 4 bets. 
Even if this bet isn't perfect, maybe it's good enough.  The author may have just stopped a little short on his progression length.

I just tested another 200 spins and didn't come up with a 5 in a row loss either.  If we can get more than 31 wins for every 5-in-a-row loss, we can win with a straight 1-2-4-8-16 marty.  Or better yet a 1-3-7-15-31.

I'm not quite ready to throw in the towel.  I'll be shocked, but I've got to look a little further just to be sure.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: Red Nickels on May 03, 05:16 PM 2011
Ofcourse it is ridiculous to choose your next even chance bet based upon which number in which line came in.  sorry I posted this silly system which I am not going to bother testing.  I couldn't really understand it when I read it because of some of the language and terms used so I was curious about it, but thanks again to those who explained it.

Here's another thought Red for any who don't like the original method which is straightforward to understand.  While testing it, I got tired of switching with almost every spin and I had the idea of letting the number spun choose the next even chance that we are going to bet on, but we're going to bet on that same even chance for the next 5 bets (you could choose a 6 or 7 step marty instead.  Choose your own medicine). 

You'r betting that the wheel won't pick, at random, the next even chance that's going to sleep for 5, 6 or 7 spins.  It will sometimes, so be ready to lose every now and then.

You can use either a 1-2-4-8-16 marty or a 1-3-7-15-31 marty.

If you want to try to recover after a loss, I would suggest going to 2-4-8-16-32 on the regular marty and only try to recover 16 of the lost points at the higher level and then drop back down to recover the rest of the lost units.  Trying to recover all 31 at the higher level puts us at greater exposure to a loss of 63 units. 

On the grand marty, I suggest the same idea of recovering 28 of the lost units at the 3-7-15-31-63 level. 

This can and will lose, so don't expose yourelf too long at a time.


Sorry Red.  If you think this is hijacking your system, just send it to the recycle bin.  No hard feelingsw.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quoteit just may be the missing piece of the jigsaw for someone

Spot on mate, thats the only reason I do so much testing, depends on the system posted obviousley, some just dont work straight off the bat, but some need further looking at.

Quotebut we're going to bet on that same even chance for the next 5 bets

I may run that George, will let you know if I do
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!

Red Nickels

you may want to test these, any way you want.  but you may just end up with a method that has been inadvertently reversed engineered to work well on these spins.  here are 75 continuous real spins from 6 different wheels which show no, b/r, o/e, h/l.  they are from 00 wheels-- sorry, that's all I had access to at the time, here in the states.
