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roulette computers | clocking vs automated timings

Started by Steve, Apr 25, 08:13 PM 2012

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To make a few things clear, the main differences between the Hybrid (:.hybridroulettecomputer.com/home/) and my Uber computers are that the Hybrid:

* Takes timings automatically: no need to look at the wheel, unlike manual clocking errors.

* More accurate timings: With normal clocking computers, you click buttons to take timings (as the rotor and ball go around). The clicking errors are typically around 50ms. The Hybrid gets errors down to below 15ms, and it does it automatically - with your eyes closed, no clicking. I'm not talking about multiple revolutions, although this can be done too. I mean a single revolution. So it is far more accurate than any manual clocking computer. Unfortunately some people find it hard to accept this basic truth and vent on me personally. Its not my fault they only managed to copy 50 year old work. Some sellers claim their hardware is accurate to 0.0000001ms etc etc. Understandably, they are trying to sell their product, but manual clocking errors make hardware timing errors of 0.99999ms negligible. Until they develop their own automated computers, they'll have to continue competing by misleading people.

To elaborate, my Uber (manual clocking) hardware has accuracy to 1ms. Ok so it's not 0.00001ms. But given it has 1ms accuracy when clocking errors are a whopping 50ms, and the Uber has far better algorithms than other computers, the end accuracy is far better. See link:://:.roulettecomputers.com/make-your-own/

As for diamond targeting and what a computer needs to do, anyone only need to read all of the pages at link:://:.roulettecomputers.com/make-your-own/ .. but if you expect ball deceleration rate will stay the same even with different conditions like ball track grit, and if you expect the ball to bounce the same way on different rotor speeds, I can recommend a suitable roulette computer for you to play in your fantasy world.

Unfortunately manipulation is required for some people to sell their products, at least until they have something better, if they ever get there. They often publish cool looking charts that lure in new players. And rather than making their technology better, sellers seem to find it much easier and cheaper to attack me personally. If you are ever looking to buy a roulette computer, expect most sellers to lie their butts off. But the information is all available for you to weed out lies from truth.
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Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose
