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Play and win System

Started by Omarcox, Nov 21, 09:18 PM 2016

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Hello Guys,

I found this system on the italian roulette forum.
I'll post it as follow:

The following system selects seven numbers to bet on “straight up”. You will be
betting straight up on seven numbers next to each other on the Roulette wheel. This
system is designed to take advantage of those occasions when the dealer gets into a
rhythm and keeps hitting numbers close together for a period of time. If you have
played Roulette for a while you have probably seen this phenomenon from time to
time yourself.
When the dealer changes his rhythm and starts to hit another section of the wheel we
will also change the seven betting numbers to the new section being hit. As we will be
betting on seven numbers each spin we only need to get a hit once every five spins to
show a profit.
This system was designed for a single zero roulette wheel but it could also be used
very profitably with an American double zero wheel. The examples we will use are
from a single zero wheel.
Number selection
Firstly, walk around the casino playing floor and look at the numbers being displayed
on the electronic score boards next to each roulette wheel. When you see a number on
a score board that repeats within the last ten spins check whether one of the three
numbers on either side of the repeated number on the wheel also was hit within the
same ten spins. If one is, the repeating number is called the “key number”. To clarify
this, I will give an example. Say the number “0” repeats within ten spins and the
number “3” also is hit within those same ten spins then “0” would be the “key
number”. You will be betting on the key number and its six “neighbors”, seven
numbers in total.
You can use the matrix at the end of this article to help you determine what are the
numbers either side of a repeating number.
When you have found a key number verify that the electronic scoreboard is correct.
You can do this by asking another player who has been writing the numbers down at
the table whether the last ten numbers displayed are correct. Sometimes a scoreboard
is not accurate. So don’t assume that the displayed numbers are correct.
After the key number has been verified, write and circle the key number on your
casino score card which you can obtain free of charge from most casinos. This is to
avoid any confusion about the correct numbers to bet on. Record all the numbers as
they are hit from then onwards.
Bet Placements
The next step is to place some cash on the table to buy 100 chips and place one chip
straight up on each of the seven numbers. Keep betting one chip on each of these
seven numbers for six spins. If one of the seven numbers is hit within the six spins,
bet on the same seven numbers again for another six spins. Bet on the same seven
numbers until you get three hits or you have bet for six spins without a single hit.
If you do not get a hit within six spins or the seven numbers have hit three times look
for another “key number” within the last ten spins. If there is not another key number
within the last ten spins keep recording the numbers until another key number comes
along. When another key number comes along commence betting on the new set of
seven numbers.
You can optionally double your bet on the fifth bet instead of betting one unit for each
of the six spins as previously described. That is, after you have bet one unit on each of
the four previous spins without a hit you can optionally bet two units on each of the
seven numbers for one final spin. If you use the optional two unit bet on the fifth spin
you should not try a sixth bet on those numbers. In that case you should look for
another key number.
The advantage of the optional double bet on the fifth spin is that if that spin wins you
will get a 30 unit profit (70 â€" 28 â€" 12) from the series of bets instead of a one unit
profit (35 â€" 28 â€" 6). The disadvantage of employing the optional strategy is that you
will not have the opportunity of trying for another spin to get a hit. If you do not use
the optional strategy and you get a hit on the sixth spin you will recover some of your
past lost bets but you will not make a profit on that round of six spins. In that case
your total losses for the round will be 6 units (35 â€" 35 â€" 6). If you do not get a hit on
the six spin round your total losses for that round will be 42 units (7 units x 6 spins).
Some actual roulette numbers follow to illustrate the system:
33 This is the “key number” because “33” was hit within the previous 10 spins
and also the number “1” is within three numbers either side of “33” on the
single zero wheel. The numbers to bet on are therefore 1, 5, 14, 16, 20, 24 and
24 Profit of 29 units (cumulative profit = +29 units)
33 Profit of 29 units (cumulative profit = +58 units)
10 Loss of 7 units (cumulative profit = +51 units)
11 Loss of 7 units (cumulative profit = +44 units)
33 Profit of 29 units (cumulative profit = +73 units)
29 No bet
8 No bet
8 This is the next “key number” because “8” was hit twice within the previous
10 spins and also the numbers “10” and “11” are within three numbers either
side of “8” on the wheel. The numbers to bet on are therefore 5, 8, 10, 11, 23,
30 and 33.
30 Profit of 29 units (cumulative profit = +102 units)
26 Loss of 7 units (cumulative profit = +95 units)
0 Loss of 7 units (cumulative profit = +88 units)
33 Loss of 7 units (cumulative profit = +81 units)
19 Loss of 7 units (cumulative profit = +74 units)
24 Loss of 7 units (cumulative profit = +67 units)
36 Profit of 29 units (cumulative profit = +96 units)
27 Loss of 7 units (cumulative profit = +89 units)
0 Loss of 7 units (cumulative profit = +82 units)
23 Profit of 29 units (cumulative profit = +111 units)
25 No bet
23 This is the next “key number”. The new numbers to bet on are therefore 5, 8,
10, 11, 23, 24 and 30.
20 Loss of 7 units (cumulative profit = +104 units)
21 Loss of 7 units (cumulative profit = +97 units)
8 Profit of 29 units (cumulative profit = +126 units
9 Loss of 7 units (cumulative profit = +119 units)
16 Loss of 7 units (cumulative profit = +112 units)
9 Loss of 7 units (cumulative profit = +105 units)
8 Profit of 29 units (cumulative profit = +134 units)
If you were betting with $5 chips you would have made a total profit of $670 ($5 x
134) from the session. If you were betting with $25 chips you would have made a
total profit of $3,350 ($25 x 134) from the above short session.

What do you think about it? Do you know something similar??

King regards


What a very long post you made but it's worth reading it. I just get interested playing Roulette and it's not that easy to win. I hope what I read here can be applied on my plays.


Quote from: Omarcox on Nov 21, 09:18 PM 2016Do you know something similar??

Maybe hot zone or generally systems based on hot sectors of the wheel
You can edit a bad page but you can't edit a blank page. Try things out! Don't procrastinate or wait perfect timing! Just start what you wish to do finally!
