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Psychic Powers, Where Did They Come From?

Started by gizmotron2, Jan 24, 10:00 AM 2020

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Psychic Powers, Where Did They Come From? More to the truth would be the question, Where did they go and why are they coming back now?

The short answer is freedom of religion. I can't think of better evidence for supporting the existence of psychic powers than the Bible, the Old Testament for that. It's found in the New Testament also. The three wise kings knew about the birth of the new king in the stars. But better evidence for psychic ability was actually being done and proving it before the pharaoh of Egypt centuries earlier.

Moses turned his staff into a snake as proof of powers. Then the pharaoh's psychics turned their sticks into snakes. Then Moses' snake ate the pharaoh's snakes. Moses dipped his staff into the river and it turned blood red. After that and before there were many plagues. "The plagues are: water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the killing of firstborn children."

Like it or not these were accepted powers. It's just that God decided to be best at it.

But to the question of where did these powers all go needs to be addressed.

It went away under the dogmatic rule of religious legalism. That's when rules handed down by dictatorial authorities like Theocratic forms of government do to this day. You have a perfectly formed example today in Iran. They kill gay people when they can catch them. They find ways to kill or incarcerate Christians. This is legalism. This theocratic power is not new, even the Christian church is guilty of it.The Grand Inquisitor of Spain is guilty of legalism. They killed so many people it was like Christians being killed in the Great Colosseum in Rome.

Christ came to set all men free. It's human nature why mankind grasps on to legalism. The people that ran the religions and the temple in Jerusalem were all legalistic. They hated Christ like Liberals hate an effective president like Trump that gets things done and fixes over bloated bureaucracies that need downsizing. Christ wanted these extraneous laws to be deregulated. So they found a way to kill him back then. But the point is that Christ came to set men free of all that. And also to this day mankind hangs on to legalism in many forms and religions to maintain that power over others. The Salem Witch Trials are a perfect example of legalism run wild. It's all done in the name of God. But it's all flawed by basic human nature, the very confinement described by Christ as the "captives" all throughout his short life of teaching. He came to set the captives free. So along comes freedom in America, specifically "freedom of religion."

You can run a legalistic cult in America and sucker as many as you want to into it. You can even start a psychic church of roulette if you want. You won't get burned at the stake for this. It is this new freedom of the past two centuries that has mitigated the power of legalism. Up until then these psychic powers have been regarded as fringe. Native American Indians use it. Highlander people of Scotland have kept use of it. There are shaman leaders all over the world with sixth sense powers. It never went away. It's just something that people are pursuing and perusing in the past 60 years.

So I believe in it. I also believe that most people suck at it. Just to be clear as a disclaimer here. Reading Randomness is not a psychic power. It is just using trends and patterns to identify moments that these formations are in a state of working well or bad. It's an acquired skill and nothing more.

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Good post gizmo.

Have you got more evidence of it coming back? as I am constantly researching the topic I find that there seems to be a cult of scientism which indoctrinates the public with their 'critical thinking' ideology. At every turn you see a society actually becoming more and more zombified into a new religion, that of scientific skepticism.

Infact I would say the opposite is true to your assertion. Where as religions are actually welcoming of the paranormal today's science zombie/mathematicians are actually very close minded and label anyone who even hints at the possibility of the paranormal being real as quacks or frauds.

With regards to roulette I think apart from a few members online advocating for psychic roulette, the vast majority 99.999% are system junkies.

I have had forum posts about precognition on here ignored for 5 months. I remember the initial backlash I got for promoting the reality of precognition and I still get a lot of resistence from the zombies.

I agree there are many psychic roulette players, but it is nothing new. I know there are posts from rouletteforum.net that go back a decade.

anyway good post.


Quote from: precogmiles on Jan 24, 10:22 AM 2020Have you got more evidence of it coming back? as I am constantly researching the topic I find that there seems to be a cult of scientism which indoctrinates the public with their 'critical thinking' ideology. At every turn you see a society actually becoming more and more zombified into a new religion, that of scientific skepticism.

Yep, science can be a cult. The almost total consensuses was that a flat earth and the earth being the center of the universe was both Science and Religion. You have heard that 97% of scientists all agree that man caused climate change is real. They got this claim from an earlier study where these so called scientists googled the phrase "climate change" and then counted it as a support for the belief. But a later group of real scientists decided to go back and fact check these claims. They bothered to read more than just finding the phrase. They read the articles published on the internet and found out the real opinions of the contributor's published documents. They then created an A/B volume of results. It turned out that only 0.3%, that's less than one percent, of scientist supported the man caused claim. They even used the exact same source for the original findings. People like to be lied to. It makes them feel good about supporting a cause, even if that cause is "the sky is falling," or that money taken and spent correctly for the support of socialism, while having no capacity to change the weather, is good for everyone. There is a mass hysteria being fully cultivated these days. Children have been indoctrinated in dogmatic belief that Capitalism is bad and that Socialism is the cure.  They fully believe the lies being told to them regarding global warming.

Science has proven that the belief that too much harvesting of whales is depleting the oxygen in the oceans is not true. If it drops to low then we all die as well. Only other scientist have fully debunked that belief. It turns out that the volcanic  K-T Mass Extinction caused by volcanoes and burning coal deposits was the real cause for the cause of depletion of oxygen in the oceans. But they still teach that over harvesting in the oceans leads directly to depletion of the oxygen. Like I said. People like to be lied to. They have been trained to like untruth or that all claims are a form of truth to be embraced. So now we have people that will embrace anything.
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
gamblingforums dot com/threads/reading-randomness.14733/


I also think the main reason precognition has not been a useful skill to cultivate has been the lack of real world use cases for it.

Historically there has been no benefit in dedicting years of practice to this since you could not gain employment or monetary benefit.

Previously casinos and gambling dens have been operated by gangsters and individuals who would have killed you if you won too much.

While psychics and mediums have always been used by the general public, it has not been a steady form of employment.


I can't make it work strong enough to just get me going and then I can't let go after it starts to fail. That has been my nemesis for more than 25 years. So that is why I came up with a rigid and structured guessing method. I force myself to not look for the premonitions on purpose. That works better for me too. I can let go of bad things very fast because of the rigid method.
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
gamblingforums dot com/threads/reading-randomness.14733/


The way I see all cultures are a form of cults.
It happens to be that western culture supressed the psychic phenomena from early childhood. I think the underlying reason is to control the people and hide the truth.
Young children really acts like sponges, they mostly adopt the behavioural patterns of their parents and the external world to get their validation.
Another reason is what precogm pointed out.
People want to fit in the society, there is really no room for weirdos.
I think there are secret societies behind the scene with occult knowledge controlling the public according to their agenda.
Now there is a time when they face an opposition so there is really a hidden war happening.


There's definitely group think peer pressure coming from a lot of angles and a lot of ages of growth.
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
gamblingforums dot com/threads/reading-randomness.14733/


Quote from: precogmiles on Jan 24, 01:26 PM 2020I also think the main reason precognition has not been a useful skill to cultivate has been the lack of real world use cases for it.

You've got to be kidding. The applications are limited only by your imagination. Prediction of natural disasters - earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanoes etc, then there are all the speculative activities like gambling, trading, investment. An untold number of business opportunities like insurance, economic projections etc. In fact I can't think of a sector in our modern world where precognition wouldn't be useful. You just have to think of an application where the removal of uncertainty would pay off.


Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: Joe on Jan 25, 08:15 AM 2020
You've got to be kidding. The applications are limited only by your imagination. Prediction of natural disasters - earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanoes etc, then there are all the speculative activities like gambling, trading, investment. An untold number of business opportunities like insurance, economic projections etc. In fact I can't think of a sector in our modern world where precognition wouldn't be useful. You just have to think of an application where the removal of uncertainty would pay off.


I agree that precognition would you give you an advantage in those cases. What I mean is the fact there are no 'qualifications' for precogs. Nobody is going to give you a job or contract if you claim to be able to predict when an earthquake will happen. They will just call you a quack. I am talking about the real world, not a hypothetical world where people are accepting of the paranormal.

Imagine I walk into Goldman Sachs and tell them what to invest in. Lets assume I managed to get it correct 9 times out of 10. Do you think they will give me a job? No, they will laugh in my face and go back to hiring quants. That is the real world.

Same for insurance companies, or any industry  for that matter. Mathematics is the new religion. If your method does not have some mathetical foundation it is not worth investing in, in the eyes of many.


Quote from: precogmiles on Jan 25, 08:26 AM 2020What I mean is the fact there are no 'qualifications' for precogs. Nobody is going to give you a job or contract if you claim to be able to predict when an earthquake will happen.

Ok thanks for the clarification. But if you have the skills why would you need a job? You could easily get financially independent by playing roulette, sports, stocks and shares...
Logic. It's always in the way.


The point was not about how to earn a living with psychic abilities, but that the society as a whole does not provide a global professional frame where one could fit in.


Quote from: Joe on Jan 25, 09:31 AM 2020
Ok thanks for the clarification. But if you have the skills why would you need a job? You could easily get financially independent by playing roulette, sports, stocks and shares...

Yes, that is exactly my point. Gambling has only recently been brought under regulation. Not even 50 years ago there was no regulation and the gambling dens were run by gangsters. The forex industry has only recently been opened to the retail market.

Precognition has not been a practical skill where you could invest your time and get tangible economic returns until recently. Imagine the opportunities  of a young man, 300 years ago, wanting enter a profession. They would either be a blacksmith, carpenter, tanner, fisherman etc.. nobody would tell their child to go and be a precog.

The realities of the world have made this skill almost undesireble as a way to put bread on the table. It requires a lot of effort for a skill that has no avenues of monetary employment.

Don't get me wrong, I believe this is a very powerful skill but just like any other extermely sophisticated skill, in its infancy it is not well understood and not appreciated.
