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The Bet Phoenix Thread

Started by ADulay, Nov 12, 11:02 PM 2011

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  For some reason, I've been getting a LOT of PM's about Bet Phoenix.   Normally answering questions about this online casino is no problem but I've recently been inundated with questions from several members and as it turns out I'm writing the same basic message over and over which is taking up a bunch of time.

  So, without further adieu, let this be the "official" Bet Phoenix question thread.

  For those of you who play there, feel free to answer any quesions you might see here if you have the correct answer.

  We're talking about BetPhoenix dot com and not BetPhoenixCasino dot com which is a totally different organization and one that I'm not familiar with as it has horrible reviews.

  Thanks for understanding and here's hoping we can get everyone's questions answered in a timely manner.

  Why a separate thread for Bet Phoenix?  Well, it appears to be the only online LIVE table casino that will accept US players.   If there are others, we can have a thread for those too!



I asked their on live chat about deposit money by prepaid visa gift card, but they request picture ID. Maybe better deposit through moneygram or another method?


You'll find that sooner or later you're going to have to produce some identification to these places.  In fact, some of it is very intrusive.

I was not real happy with the amount of info they wanted when I signed up, but it was "tell them now or tell them later", like when you go to take the money out!

I believe that all of the major, legitimate online casinos work in this way, mainly for security reasons. 

The photo ID I thought was a bit much, but that's what they wanted and that's what I sent.

AD (my concealed weapons permit has my photo on it, thank you)


Interesting thread. I am interested in giving betphoenix a shot... the nearest place to go to a casino around here is in Biloxi... about 4 hours away.

AD do you ever worry about if you win too much money from them they will ban you? That is one of my concerns with online casinos in general. The fact that they could cut you off at any point. Maybe you don't win enough from them to warrant a ban but I'm just speaking in general. How much would you say you needed to win per day to warrant a ban?

Look forward to your response!  :thumbsup:


Quote from: Anthony on Nov 19, 10:20 AM 2011
AD do you ever worry about if you win too much money from them they will ban you?
No.  However, if I did happen to "win too much money" I would be very happy and I think I could live with being banned from there!

Quote from: Anthony on Nov 19, 10:20 AM 2011
That is one of my concerns with online casinos in general. The fact that they could cut you off at any point.
Do you find that to be a problem?  When you get to that level of winning that you're concerned about being "banned", then that would be a good problem to have.

Quote from: Anthony on Nov 19, 10:20 AM 2011
Maybe you don't win enough from them to warrant a ban but I'm just speaking in general.
I don't.  I pull a small amount out as needed to keep my account "fully funded" for future emergencies during the game.  The minimum withdrawl by courier check is $500 and the first one is free each month.   However, I do have friends who pull several thousand dollars out at a time with no problems and they have been doing so for as long as I've been there.  I'm not in that league though!

Quote from: Anthony on Nov 19, 10:20 AM 2011
How much would you say you needed to win per day to warrant a ban?
I haven't a clue.  I've never known anyone to be banned from a legitimate online casino yet.



Quote from: Anthony on Nov 19, 10:20 AM 2011
...do you ever worry about if you win too much money from them they will ban you? That is one of my concerns with online casinos in general.

Well, that's an interesting angle on it.  Going in and worrying about winning too much!

I would recommend that you start out by being part of the 1% who actually takes money OUT of a casino.  From that point forward you can get concerned about winning "too much".

Have you played over there yet using the play money to get a feel for the site?  How did it go?  I'm assuming you'll be on the LIVE tables only and NOT on the RNG games.



Yes not playing on RNG. I like playing on live tables. I have played for free money and I am making my first deposit tonight. I'll see how it goes. I'll probably start off playing Baccarat. Hopefully good things will happen!
