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Dominant Dozen (based on Turner Dominant Half II)

Started by Normy2000, Dec 13, 11:09 AM 2012

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I think this is a god system.
You have talked about if it best to play 1 dozzen or 3 dozzen, i have tested itplaying with 2 dozzen and thats because you save BR with 2 instead of 3, but it also a kind of insurence if the dozzen you play fall a sleep, you will have the other dozzen that with fingers crossed will get hot and you will get a hit.


Quote from: agesta on Mar 25, 02:35 AM 2013
I think this is a God system.
You have talked about if it best to play 1 dozzen or 3 dozzen, i have tested itplaying with 2 dozzen and that's because you save BR with 2 instead of 3, but it also a kind of insurence if the dozzen you play fall a sleep, you will have the other dozzen that with fingers crossed will get hot and you will get a hit.

Very good point agesta!  :thumbsup:
I'll try with 2.
nOrMy2o0o  ‹(•¿•)›
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."  Albert Einstein


Seems noone else is playing this. I tried it at BVNZ fun on two dozens. I was able to gain 50 units easily than it go harder and I was -70 units. Than I tried to play splits and got back to +10.
