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Which online casino is the best + Invincible system to reveal

Started by steven1212, Jan 31, 01:39 PM 2014

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Quote from: KCIN012 on Feb 14, 02:54 AM 2014
I found the same as koolcat
You seem to have 3b and its 3c.
I only had a quick look.

Nick, I am missing something or AM!WRONG has misunderstood, or both of us are wrong.

I am using his numbers:  22 6 16 3 2 1 (2c2c1a) 30(3) 5(b) ? result-> 2

2c 2c 1a  I get hit on 3 . We supposed to see the next spin: 3 I now have 2 hits, next spin b.
I have a single hit the codes I get after 2c2c1a3b are ->1b3c1b.

Are we not supposed to be playing Dozen 1, Followed by Column 2, Followed by Dozen 3?

If I am right, he should have hit on 2?

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KoolKat - I don't know how your Pdf code is set up but it is essential that the 879 positions are all continuous, as per Steven. I saw some mention on this thread that the code was broken if they were seperated into more than 1 page.

Using cristal 2000's CODE SEARCH on page 12 of this thread 2c2c1a gives 3 matches. The next no. 30R gives 2c2c1a3 & one match, then 5R is the eighth no. & still one match. Amiwrong then starts his betting & max'd out at L5. (8 + 5 = 13)

Incredibly the 13 spins shown on the marquee all match the code sequences. The odds for that is 3 to the power of 13 = 1 : 1,594,323.

One possible solution is to continue checking until no matches are found & then start betting. This would be easy to check if we had some more follow on spins from Amiwrongs casino play.

I subscribe to playing only live dealer either on line or B & M. I avoid RNG either the cartoon wheel type, the Vegas Star HD video game or airball/autowheel (also RNG) as they are all like Slots/Poker machines = manipulated results.

Another could be to have a stop loss "V" virtual bet (eg after a L3 loss) & "V" bet until a win & then make the L4 bet + same again for L5 if L4 loses.

The 879 code could be doubled to 1,758 if each spin had both the Dozen position & the Column position. This would change the phasing so may need some assessment ? Remember Steven used the 879 spins from a bank Atlantis had. As Steven has said you can use any spin sets you like, you're not locked into his 879.

This may work best for alt. Doz/Col betting as detailed below ?

Another idea that I've had from the Code 4 days is to alternate your bets in sequence as Doz, Col, Doz, Col, Doz, Col etc. This substantially increases the pattern array.

My idea does not need a bank of codes but just works off the last spun number as the trigger. I'd still be betting the OPPOSITE double 2 : 1 chances = Doz. or Col. You can still run a triple up Marty or Steven's Super Marty progession.

The trigger spin starts the betting on the Dozens, then that spin result is the trigger for the Column bet. Zero(s) is either a loss on bets or invalid for a starting trigger as we always need a 1 - 36 result for bet play. Zero insurance bets are an option for the higher level bets. The 2 : 1 bet amounts would need to be increased to cover any Zero insurance bet, if you want to maintain a profit ?

So now lets do a Dozen/Column test using Amiwrongs Marquee numbers. Dozens as 1,2,3. Columns as a,b,c & running as  low 1 -34, middle 2 - 35 & high 3 - 36.

22B Trigger "T" for Doz. & bet 1 & 3.                          W/L summary

6B  Doz. 1 & 3 bet wins & T bet Col. a & b.                  W   
16R Col. a & b bet wins & T bet Doz. 1 & 3.                 W
3R Doz. 1 & 3 bet wins & T bet Col. a & b.                  W
2B Col. a & b bet wins & T bet Doz. 2 & 3.                  W
1R Doz. 2 & 3 bet loses & T bet Col. a & b.                 L
30R Col. a & b bet loses & T bet Doz. 1 & 2.                L
5R Doz. 1 & 2 bet wins & T bet Col. a & c.                  W
2B Col. a & c bet loses & T bet Doz. 2 & 3.                 L
5R Doz. 2 & 3 bet loses & T bet Col. a & c.                 L
33B Col. a & c bet wins & T bet Doz. 1 & 2.                W
15B Doz. 1 & 2 bet wins & T bet Col. a & b.                W
6b Col. a & b bet loses & T bet Doz 2 & 3.                  L

End of betting due to end of spin info.

Obviously it's only a small sample but for what it's worth 13 spins.  12 bets + 1 Trigger saw 7 Wins & 5 losses.

It's a simpler method that doesn't require an iphone & so avoids possible problems with security playing at B & M casinos ( The ones I play at have strict rules on phone & camera use). It also eliminates a calculating process that may become tiresome if you choose to play longer sessions = in total 8 - 10 hours plus.

Amiwrong you can make your own PDF & I don't think WH would be worried or targeting you off a 1/2 Euro base bet? Wouldn't that make a L5 single position bet less than 50 Euros (x2 for dbl dozens < 100 Euro) ? After all WH already had all your bets to L4. The live spins should be random anyway as the live feed they use comes from elsewhere, like a contract studio perhaps with some local live players in the mix ?  Also they didn't target your bet of 2,400 Euro & so you had a nice win with that.

Azim - I was just about to post when yours came up. Stevens original idea was to play only the dozens & if you had deep pockets also play the columns.
He never mentioned anything about alternating the D's & C's. Amiwrong was also only playing the dozens. So for the plays he too, as does Steven, only uses the dozen codes.



Steven, many thanks for your system, I did a few tests and most hit on the first bet, a couple of times I went to the third bet.
However I have looked at Amiwrong's post and I get the same as he. I copied the text document with no line breaks into the code search box and that is what I have been using.


Correction on the 879 code thing. It already is 879 Dozens & 879 columns made for 1,758 total positions. I meant to check it before posting but forgot, sorry about that.


Quote from: Chris555p on Feb 14, 04:25 AM 2014
Hi Ati

Thanks for your post; I hit lllw once, see my post above. 

Would it be possible to put the numbers where u encounter your level 3,
to see if u there are coincidentally some sort strange pattern with my lllw.


Unfortunately I did not record the numbers, but it happened a couple times already. I think this database should be much bigger, because this is just from someone's 879 spins if I understand correctly. Many times I did not find a six spin pattern in the document. I also think that every new outcome should be somehow added to the document.
Let's say you have one hit for 1a2b3c and the next number in the pdf is 1. You bet on 2 and 3, and you win with a hit on dozen 2. The next time you search for the same pattern, there should be two hits in the pdf.
One interesting thing I found in the pdf, the 2c3b1b3a1b1a2 combination happened twice in this rather small sample.


I've only done small test but no losses yet. Highest step 3rd.

Steven's idea reminds of a topic I made called "Another Code 4 idea":


Although the trigger strings are much shorter (2 in fact)  the basic premise is the same...

Steven has of course made a giant step forward by using much larger trigger strings of 6 or more within a static database of outcomes which I feel makes the subsequent betting against a match % wise stronger...

I dealt with the problem of more than 1 matching couplet by simply ALWAYS having a rule to play against the outcome of the LAST occurrence recorded when a "trigger" happened. Whether it makes any difference or not I don't know.
Also, I liked the idea of a dynamically changing dataset that is always kept up to date and current.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Hello again,

I attach here an excel file I created that we can use for the "dynamic file" idea. It's quite simple actually and not that much work, if you play online. The file still needs to be populated, I haven't done that yet.

Two columns are in the file, "Initial Sequence" and "Betting Sequence". The Inicital Sequence are all the possible sequences of 6.  The Betting Sequence is the corresponding betting we will make (and also what we will update after playing). It's very easy to search, just use the filter in the Initial Sequence Column to search for the sequence you are currently playing.

For example, say we have 1a1a1a . I search for 1a1a1a in the Inicital Sequence column and I see "2a1c3". This is the 5 number sequence we will play in the next spins. After the 5 actual spins, we update the entry for this Inicital Sequence specifc pattern that originated our play. Lets say we actually got 2b2c1. We replace 2a1c3 for 2b2c1 .

I hope this serves as a base for further developments and to clarify some misconceptions from my previous explanation of what a dynamic file is.


"In God we trust; all others must bring data", W. Edwards Deming


Fantastic work, Vladir  :)
This is great idea for capturing latest outcomes after a default initial "6 string" trigger. And as you pointed out can always be kept and logged up to date. This perfectly embodies my "another code 4 idea" basis of betting against the LAST outcome of when the string occurred!! Great work, vladir.
ppl, I think this warrants some serious consideration as a viable alternative.
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


I agree with Atlantis.
Great work Vladir!
I really like your idea.


Yes great start Vladir.

Let us all not forget Amiwrongs post # 218 that shows that INVINCIBLE is still actually VUNERABLE to random.


Hi Vladir

Thanks for posting the spreadsheet; However, as this is the first time I'm using this spreadsheet;
I'm not very familiar with it; Can u or someone else, explain the steps to be taken a bit more in detail;
Say I need to search for 3a3b3a, I tried to use the filter as indicated but indicated above, but
nothing comes in the betting sequence column.

May be I'm not using it correctly; Thanks for your help.


Quote from: SamNL on Feb 13, 11:22 AM 2014
Hello Normy,

I rechecked my doc file and my PDF file but I can't find a single bb in either file.
I've attached pictures of the doc document where it shows every b that's in the file.
But I can't find any bb in that file.

EDIT: I've attached the doc file too now
Oups, Sorry Sam,
probably my mistake while transfering in Word??

nOrMy2o0o  ‹(•¿•)›
"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."  Albert Einstein



Quote from: atlantis on Feb 13, 05:56 AM 2014
Hi Cristal,
Thanks for the code search utility! This is just the kind of thing what is required. Simple and easy to use.
BUT.... One thing I noticed is that if the code WRAPS onto the next line in the textbox area then the search routine will NOT find the occurrence.
For instance if you run your prog and type in 3c2b1 - it will NOT find the string that ends line 1 and continues onto line 2...
Do you see? Anyway- thought you ought to know. Probably due to linebreaks or EOL (end of line chars)


PS. Here is text without spaces or linebreaks as an ordinary text file (.txt)
Should work OK with this (does in notepad anyhow)

PPS. Yes - clear/erase all the text in your program and paste the attached text in... Works good now! :)

hello to all

I updated the program

1) put one line of code for the search continues

2) I put the keyboard for entering numbers with the conversion to automatic code search

3) very simple, also put buttons: CLEAR FIRST and CLEAR LAST

4) in setting I put the trigger to use (default is 6)

tested if everything is ok


vladir wrote:
The file still needs to be populated, I haven't done that yet.

A quick way would be to copy the initial settings data across to the next column - and then sort that column only in reverse so you immediately populate each initial string with its opposite.
1a1a1a        3c3c3c

It's still asking a lot for random to do the exact reverse of a six char string.

Then on that initial trigger occurring (1a1a1a) play against 3c3c3 and just update with new 5 results after the spins e.g.: replace 3c3c3c with whatever happened to always get the latest results e.g..:

1a1a1a  2b3a1

I have attached the EXAMPLE sheet populated in this manner. Of course there could be other ideas..

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"
