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Started by P.A, Sep 03, 10:54 PM 2015

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Quote from: thelaw on Sep 08, 05:56 AM 2015

In the future, pm me regarding your personal opinion about me as to not air our dirty laundry in the middle of a public thread. Thank you.
Only if you do the same


I'm with Mr J

Firsty his comment about the other 8 needing a psychotherapist I believe most of you misunderstood. I believe he meant they'll need a therapist for ensuring this thread

Secondly he's trying to enforce all or nothing because it creates a bad environment

Thirdly we already know the things PA has stated and its eerily similar to the falkor type so members have their guards up

Lastly azim was calling people stupid. If you call a mod stupid you will be put on a vacation
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Good-day to you PA,

You wrote:
Variance avoidance not a "quick profit", but just avoiding trapped in long streaks of losses,  and lose your BR.
What your opinion?

Understanding your points it is clear that when we get variance to the "expected norm" we should let it have its way - let the busy traffic on the road pass by - and then make our move to cross safely. Now we reach another crossing so we must be careful and wait and look around and studying the amount of traffic once more and see how much and what it is doing before we start to cross again....

On another forum it was said by Palestis:
You only emerge to strike when the opportunity is by far in your favor. Then you retreat. You can't beat this strategy. There is nothing the HE can do to hurt you and neither the variance. Because you don't have to bet long enough to become a victim of either or both.
Hit and run is the way to go as long as you know when to hit.

and ekaps wrote:
Probability, HE, and variance don't 'strike'. They aren't sitting around the corner waiting to pounce on you, how silly!
Probability IS the game of roulette. The house edge applies to every single bet you make. Variance is the natural up and down and in and out of any betting system. These things are not your enemy, they are just the game playing out like it's supposed to. Your job is to find a bet selection that smoothly plays the ins and outs and lets you win more than you lose.

And abalaha:
It is not the house edge that can not be surpassed. Progressive betting is meant for that only. It is indeed variance that empties both flat bettors as well as progressive bettors and virtual limits that you can get of variance momentarily is unbeatable with any progressive betting.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Albalaha has an interesting post on his website where he defines breakeven point and how to handle variance.


The biggest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance ; it is the illusion of knowledge.
Daniel J Boorstin.


By jove I've got it........at last.
Thanks for that last post Atlantis. ......nice job.
I'm so glad I have seen the light.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Hallelujah. ....those who kept trying got it.
Effort pays better then any inside/outside bet  :thumbsup:
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: Chrisbis on Sep 08, 07:49 AM 2015
By jove I've got it........at last.
Thanks for that last post Atlantis. ......nice job.
I'm so glad I have seen the light.


"The eureka effect (also known as the aha! moment or eureka moment) refers to the common human experience of suddenly understanding a previously incomprehensible problem or concept. Some research describes the aha! effect (also known as insight or epiphany) as a memory advantage,[1] but conflicting results exist as to where exactly it occurs in the brain, and it is difficult to predict under what circumstances one can predict an Aha! moment.

Insight is a psychological term that attempts to describe the process in problem solving when a previously unsolvable puzzle becomes suddenly clear and obvious. Often this transition from not understanding to spontaneous comprehension is accompanied by an exclamation of joy or satisfaction, an Aha! moment. A person utilizing insight to solve a problem is able to give accurate, discrete, all-or-nothing type responses, whereas individuals not using the insight process are more likely to produce partial, incomplete responses.[2]

A recent theoretical account of the Aha! moment started with four defining attributes of this experience. First, the Aha! moment appears suddenly; second, the solution to a problem can be processed smoothly, or fluently; third, the Aha! moment elicits positive affect; fourth, a person experiencing the Aha! moment is convinced that a solution is true. These four attributes are not separate but can be combined because the experience of processing fluency, especially when it occurs surprisingly (for example, because it is sudden), elicits both positive affect and judged truth"

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Ladies and Gentlemen.

Now I want to preach about, the complex aspect of variance.

The expert members, will easily understand what I
I say here, while newbies will find I talking in  Latin.

The Variance.
The Variance is simply long streaks of losses,

with too little wins, in between...

that hard to beat with mild, or agreesive progression.

Below some samples, of EC bet.

If U know how to beat those variance, then U aready to build, and posses a HG.

U may bet anyway, u like, with any progression, and any variance avoidance strategy.

And if u understand and realize how to beat the sample variance...then, soon u will build your own HG.

See and try,
if u can beat those variance.

Of course , u need to beat them with,
a single-same-method, for all 4 samples!!!

sample 1.







If u realized the best way to beat those variance above, U already possessed a HG, and ready to beat the casino!

A few members here knows...of course they wont say anything here.
and please dont PM me...for answer!

U need to do some research , yourself!

Read slowly what I had preach. Understand every criteria well..
dont read too fast, read to UNDERSTAND.

I believed, many already understand , how to win the riddle '50wins/100spins',

as I already show u the answer,

and the method to beat them...

and I believed, many still busily, and scratching their head, trying to beat the riddle of the...


as the strategy and method, are same!...

Only more complex, and need deeper understanding of variance avoidance.

Only after u realized how to beat the 50w/100,  and the, 30wins/100spins, 

Only then,
U will understand fully,
what I preached here
the criteria,
and build your OWN HG!!!


Quote from: atlantis on Sep 05, 11:46 AM 2015

Yes -  I agree we should not expect to win win win all of the time with such methods as these.


PS. I'm not sure whether PA has already got the answer to this (HG) or if this is his clumsy way to get US to help and cooperate in finding such a solution for us all. He is reluctant to divulge or share much of the detail if he does possess the answer. He seems to relish repeating facts and preaching a lot...

This.  Exactly. 


Quote from: MrJ on Sep 07, 02:27 PM 2015
I never understood the.....remove my account stuff? Simply log-out, delete this site off of your bookmarks, ignore emails and never come back. Problem solved.


And I guess I'll never understand the mods not doing what's asked or required.  The problem is not solved until these con artists are long gone... thankfully PA CLAIMS to be on his way out. 


@ 1eleven
.......but member P.A. isn't undertaking a scam of any sort....as far as I and several other interested members are concerned.

Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Quote from: 1eleven on Sep 08, 05:08 PM 2015
And I guess I'll never understand the mods not doing what's asked or required.  The problem is not solved until these con artists are long gone... thankfully PA CLAIMS to be on his way out.

Nope....talk to Turner about it.

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


Quote from: 1eleven on Sep 08, 05:08 PM 2015
And I guess I'll never understand the mods not doing what's asked or required.  The problem is not solved until these con artists are long gone... thankfully PA CLAIMS to be on his way out.

100% correct!!! :thumbsup:

I will make one caveat though; a few members asked to keep the thread going, and a mod responded in kind, so this forum will reap what is sows................

One last thing: a bold prediction : this thread will not produce one single system that beats the game over 10,000 spins (long term)...............I must be psychic >:D

You sir.......are a monster!!!


Quote from: Chrisbis on Sep 08, 05:24 PM 2015
@ 1eleven
.......but member P.A. isn't undertaking a scam of any sort....as far as I and several other interested members are concerned.

You're right.  He blatantly lies for what reason?

Good luck with this out dated, FLAWED  logic he keeps spewing.
I'll be sure to keep an eye on all those casinos closing down and changing rules from someone who claimed he hasn't even played in years.


Quote from: thelaw on Sep 08, 05:26 PM 2015
100% correct!!! :thumbsup:

I will make one caveat though; a few members asked to keep the thread going, and a mod responded in kind, so this forum will reap what is sows................

One last thing: a bold prediction : this thread will not produce one single system that beats the game over 10,000 spins (long term)...............I must be psychic >:D




