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Started by VLS, Oct 07, 05:39 PM 2010

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What about the casinos that maximize their profit before the bettors begin placing bets? I can't claim all RNGs are dishonest, but there are quite a few operators that practice the above tactic.


ive just read through all of these post and i have a question...

of all of these systems we assume the RNG learns after a while, has any of these systems held up on an independent RNG first?

by independent RNG im talking about something similar to RX simulator.


Quote from: frost on Jan 16, 04:45 PM 2011
I've just read through all of these post and I have a question...

of all of these systems we assume the RNG learns after a while, has any of these systems held up on an independent RNG first?

by independent RNG I'm talking about something similar to RX simulator.

yes, gotcha. When we talk about this we mean average  results we get with the same method. Be it on RX with imported spins or RX RNG. Usually it does not make a huge difference.
But usually it DOES make a huge difference when you start using the same method on "rigged" casino RNG in real mode. Those methods may lose on RX as well, but they won't lose that much as they gonna lose on rigged casino RNG with real money.

i gave an example. I took 5 chips, put 2 on each of 2 dozens and and the remaining 1 on
a 6-number line on a 3rd dozen. I covered 30/37 of the layout.

I did it on betvyager (call it "good RNG"), and I won.

but 2 times I put it on playtech RNG and lost both times. And this result is TYPICAL for playtech RNG.

in reality it may happen for sure , but it won't happen that often as it happens in playtech RNG.

try it yourself a few times, compare and u'll see that I am right. But it may cost you a couple of bucks.



When i played on bet voyager i had 17 blacks in a row, that cant be normal can it? My bet was on red!! Only play money.  I dont trust any online casinos, they are scamming people left, right and centre, this should'nt be allowed!


i saw 20 black on a live wheel i think. maybe u r right that they are rigged too, but once in a while it does happen. but it happens too often then yes it IS unusual


There is nothing unusual about 14 or 20 black/red in a row. They are pseudo-half part of the wheel. Every black number has a red adjacent number in both sides and vice versa, meaning thereby it is a matter of very micro movement to change winning colors. You should understand why the wheel has been designed like this? Why numbers are not in a symmetry like 0-1-2-3-4. Why the table and wheel has been designed separately. The set of numbers like column or dozen are falsely defined on table and creating an illusion of a group but they have no relations on wheel. For example, have a look at 1st dozen having 1-12 numbers. Look at their positions upon the wheel. Any relation? No!!!!!!!!!!
                  Never forget the ball has to run upon the wheel and not table and table has an altogether different design. These illusions had been created to cause maximum disadvantage to the player and a false sense of security.


Quote from: albalaha on Jan 16, 09:55 PM 2011
There is nothing unusual about 14 or 20 black/red in a row. They are pseudo-half part of the wheel. Every black number has a red adjacent number in both sides and vice versa, meaning thereby it is a matter of very micro movement to change winning colors. You should understand why the wheel has been designed like this? Why numbers are not in a symmetry like 0-1-2-3-4. Why the table and wheel has been designed separately. The set of numbers like column or dozen are falsely defined on table and creating an illusion of a group but they have no relations on wheel. For example, have a look at 1st dozen having 1-12 numbers. Look at their positions upon the wheel. Any relation? No!!!!!!!!!!
                  Never forget the ball has to run upon the wheel and not table and table has an altogether different design. These illusions had been created to cause maximum disadvantage to the player and a false sense of security.

could not agree more. That's what  i said too. Some people did not agree.  i am convinced that numbers are mixed on the wheel to confuse some players


Buddy Iggiv,
            If you agree with me you should also agree that if 14 or 20 blacks appear in a row, there is nothing to be called rigged. If you are playing something in a wrong way, you are losing because of that. Remember a basic concept, every spin of roulette generates a single number as winner and not any color/dozen/column/even/odd etc.


Quote from: albalaha on Jan 16, 09:55 PM 2011
Why numbers are not in a symmetry like 0-1-2-3-4. Why the table and wheel has been designed separately. The set of numbers like column or dozen are falsely defined on table and creating an illusion of a group but they have no relations on wheel. For example, have a look at 1st dozen having 1-12 numbers. Look at their positions upon the wheel. Any relation? No!!!!!!!!!!


  Of all the stuff you've posted up here, that particular quote has to be your most profound statement.  It's too bad that many roulette players never see that or figure it out.

  Thanks for the reminder.



Thanks adulay,
             If this statement of mine can protect guys from this so called negative streaks, I would be more than happy.


Quote from: albalaha on Jan 16, 10:22 PM 2011
Buddy Iggiv,
           If you agree with me you should also agree that if 14 or 20 blacks appear in a row, there is nothing to be called rigged. If you are playing something in a wrong way, you are losing because of that. Remember a basic concept, every spin of roulette generates a single number as winner and not any color/dozen/column/even/odd etc.

well, this could be "made up" by RNG if it reacts to Martingale being played on one colour.
It does not mean of course. But what happens in rigged RNG is that everything comes by the "order". With a live wheel it happens because it happens sometimes, with rigged RNG it happens just in right time because the player right now bets on colour which did not come up for a few spins and RNG "answers his call ".

what I am saying it is not a proof of course that he played rigged RNG, but it is possible.
But on the other hand nothing is a proof. I can't prove anything about rigged RNG. Anyone can argue (like one guy in old VLS was doing it all the time) -- give me a proof. I can't give you a proof. If rigged RNG gives always a bad spin, anyone can say: bud, you just have a bad luck with this casino. And if I tell him: hey, how come I always have bad luck with those particular RNGs, but not with live wheel or BV RNG, then the answer can be -- OK, you have a bad luck with those RNGs, what can you do?

and this story happens to too many people which played RNG


Dear Iggiv,
         If your conscious says a particular RNG cheats and counters your bets unfairly, do not play there. Simple. Go for genuine ones only but even in the most genuine ones such results will appear. I have won no deposit bonus from William Hill by playing roulette (wagering was 120 times upon roulette) although I could not withdraw it for some reasons, hence I can never agree that playtech RNG is rigged.



Quote from: iggiv on Jan 16, 11:08 PM 2011
hey, how come I always have bad luck with those particular RNGs, but not with live wheel or BV RNG, then the answer can be -- OK, you have a bad luck with those RNGs, what can you do?

Uh, don't play the RNG machines?   That would solve all your problems or at least the ones with "cheating" RNG machines.

It seems like such a simple solution.  If the RNG machines always "cheat" you, don't play them!

AD (I don't play RNG for a variety of reasons.  It's just personal I guess)
