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Started by TurboGenius, Nov 21, 09:04 AM 2015

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Quote from: TurboGenius on Nov 27, 09:38 AM 2015
Absolutely wonderful post !
and no, it's not a bad idea at all....
Cheers.... :thumbsup:
I'll take a Turbo Genius complement all day long


so this thread is a....

system/method vs strategy vs math vs ap/vb ?


Quote from: marvin on Nov 27, 11:30 AM 2015
so this thread is a....

system/method vs strategy vs math vs ap/vb ?

I see it more system/method vs maths strategy

and I do say bathroom not toilet and $, not £ to fit in a bit, but I wont say Math.....ever !

its Maths  :thumbsup:


You ever go to a high class restaurant and ask where the bathroom is? Many times, I get bad looks!!

I have learned......ask where the restroom is (lol).

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


Quote from: MrJ on Nov 27, 03:03 PM 2015
You ever go to a high class restaurant and ask where the bathroom is? Many times, I get bad looks!!

I have learned......ask where the restroom is (lol).

Generally I find Americans far more polite than the British.
I would say " aya mate, can y'tell me where the bogs are?"
But I am a Northerner. :thumbsup:


Thankfully, not all British Bogs are like this......


BTW, IMO best British film ever !!!!!



Quote from: TurboGenius on Nov 27, 10:41 AM 2015

Ok, far too many hints in the post lol.
Enjoy your tests if you pursue this.

OK Turbo

I sit down. I play col 2 with splits, 1U, 2-5, 8-11 etc

On a hit, place 1U on the winner, remove the partner ...........

far too many hints lol


Back to the topic, there(we) are many roulette players ( Winkel , Mr J,  Gizmo, Spike, and many others) which use past spins to take future decisions,
so opinions are divided , it s a free world so all free to choose the own way , also free to give advices and others take them as good or bad ones.
If one win with math good for him,  if other win with AP good for him, if other win with systems based on past spins  good for him....but never underestimate
the  other groups , if maybe you can do it in your own way the other also maybe can.  Something seems to be in common, something will repeat ...number , group , situation,event....of course this will be in the future spins but this doesn t mean we can t look at past and take a bad or a good decision.

And about to win roulette in the ve...ery long run in think all groups from above have a problem, but we don t have 1000 lifes just one so if you have a decent method (can pass at least 50 000 spins /better more )go and try to win little or big and lose little.

Quote from Winkel:
mainly it is said that past spins are only past and have nothing to tell about future spins.

This is not true.

As I always say: "WATCH WHAT IS GOING ON"    ***



Long time lurker here and this is a very interesting topic.

My thoughts are similar to TG and Turner, what has happened is past can have no influence on the future.  Everything from now on is the future. 

Attempting to predict what will happen in the future is the hard part of winning with Roulette.


Quote from: Kattila on Nov 28, 08:01 AM 2015
use past spins to take future decisions,
so opinions are divided , it s a free world so all free to choose the own way , also free to give advices and others take them as good or bad ones.
If one win with math good for him,  if other win with AP good for him, if other win with systems based on past spins  good for him....but never underestimate
the  other groups

Well, I'd love to agree with you but I can't.
This is a math based game and the rules of math never change.
If I come to a forum and explain that 2 + 2 = 4 it's simply fact.
Others can post how they believe that it's not 4, or that 2 + any other number = 4...
It's not "good for them", it's just not correct - the answer is there and the math can't be
changed to suit "opinions" or "beliefs" because that's impossible.
Roulette isn't "random" but it does tend to produce "random enough" -
each spin is independent from the last - so using past spins to try to figure out a future spin
isn't logical at all. Also, any other personal choices don't change the math.
Leaving when X happens, betting when X trigger happens - does nothing to change the
Patterns are nice - but future ones. You can't look at what just happened and expect that to
mean anything for the next group of spins.
So opinions and thoughts/feelings/giving advice (that isn't accurate), etc. - doesn't change a thing
if you sort them out and stick with facts.
It would be nice to believe that looking to the past gives some key to the next spins - but it's not true and will never change that 2 + 2 = 4, no matter how you twist it, the math will always be the same or else the statement is no longer true.

"Attempting to predict what will happen in the future is the hard part of winning with Roulette."

Absolutely true - and to make it worse, in another thread I can show how even knowing the future doesn't mean a win. (evil game, isn't it ?)


I  know the Maths will always be the same ( no need for 2+2 =4 s bla...bla...), also according with maths this is an unbeatable game in long run.
And yes patterns are nice, future ones and also past ones , but this will be a neverending story......

Here is a nice past pattern :

D   /   di

1     3
2     3
3     3
1     3
2     3
3     3

what to bet and lose ?

Also some good flat bet charts, from other past spins decisions :


Quote from: Kattila on Nov 28, 11:22 AM 2015
but this will be a neverending story......

It's only "never-ending" when people ignore the math and the facts and replace it with their opinions and beliefs. Once that's done - people can win at this game.

"no need for 2+2 =4 s bla...bla..."
Obviously there IS a need for that, as long as past spins and triggers keep popping up in topics.


Quote from: TurboGenius on Nov 28, 09:09 AM 2015
Well, I'd love to agree with you but I can't.
This is a math based game and the rules of math never change.
If I come to a forum and explain that 2 + 2 = 4 it's simply fact.
Others can post how they believe that it's not 4, or that 2 + any other number = 4...
It's not "good for them", it's just not correct - the answer is there and the math can't be
changed to suit "opinions" or "beliefs" because that's impossible.
Roulette isn't "random" but it does tend to produce "random enough" -
each spin is independent from the last - so using past spins to try to figure out a future spin
isn't logical at all. Also, any other personal choices don't change the math.
Leaving when X happens, betting when X trigger happens - does nothing to change the
Patterns are nice - but future ones. You can't look at what just happened and expect that to
mean anything for the next group of spins.
So opinions and thoughts/feelings/giving advice (that isn't accurate), etc. - doesn't change a thing
if you sort them out and stick with facts.
It would be nice to believe that looking to the past gives some key to the next spins - but it's not true and will never change that 2 + 2 = 4, no matter how you twist it, the math will always be the same or else the statement is no longer true.

"Attempting to predict what will happen in the future is the hard part of winning with Roulette."

Absolutely true - and to make it worse, in another thread I can show how even knowing the future doesn't mean a win. (evil game, isn't it ?)

After a few years of playing around designing bet selection strategies, I too came to the above conclusion so I switched to examining every type of bet progression method I could come up with.  My theory was to recognize that every positive progression has spin sequences that will require that you have a huge bank roll and be playing at a table with a very large spread, and even then it's not 100% safe.  My intention was to find a way to play where I could expect to win almost every time I went to the casino.  I have been fortunate enough to start almost all my systems that use a progression with a good run.  I have a preset risk amount in case I start off losing.  Once I'm ahead at least my preset risk amount, I never give back more than I've won on that particular system. 

So far so good; although I can't say I'm so far ahead playing roulette that I play much any more.  Just doesn't win enough to be worth my time investment.


P.S.  I know that there's math regarding progressions that I'm fighting against the same as with bet selection methods.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: Turner on Nov 27, 07:02 PM 2015
OK Turbo
I sit down. I play col 2 with splits, 1U, 2-5, 8-11 etc
On a hit, place 1U on the winner, remove the partner ...........
far too many hints lol

Well, I wouldn't suggest that specifically - but close.
You could have a 2-5 split bet and 5 shows up - you remove 2 and then 2 shows up 10 times in the next 100 spins and 5 doesn't.
So instead - try this out..

(bear with me, I might sound insane)
Play all 12 numbers (I'll use dozen 1 since I always sit next to the wheel and the first dozen is
the easiest to reach from there.) 1 unit each.
Each time you have a win, add 1 unit to it - leave the others alone.
Do this for 2-3 (3 is better but 2 can be more playable) cycles of 38 spins.
(37 spins if you're using the Euro wheel - for my explanation I'm using my 38 slot wheel)
So (I'll use 2) cycles are over - remove 1 unit from each number.
Continue on for the next cycle - adding to the winners, after 38 remove 1 from each.
What this does is keep your bets on any number (in the section that you're playing) that
is hitting at or above 1 standard deviation.
It also keeps the total being bet on the table pretty level at all times.
There's no "out of control" progression - if anything it's a positive progression.
Say a number you're playing shows 9 times - you have quite a nice bankroll from that
number alone.
If a number gets hot and then starts now showing - you'll be removing bets from it and hence
in time it won't be played anymore. If a number stays hot and increases - you will have won
every single time it showed up since you're playing it from the start.
Is this perfect ? HELL no - but it's a start for your testing if you're interested in this.
Does it always win ?
Hmm.... I have yet to test it and not been in profit along the way.
I'll knock one out on RNG in RX and post the chart "whatever happens".
Hope it's a better 'hint' and you can build on it as I have.


 @Turbo >> You know that you and I are buds but again, I must throw in my two cents. I think ALL methods have some sort of rules based on PAST spins. Its almost impossible to deny it.

So lets say the 7 hits, we now add a unit on to it. Why? That 7 is *NOW* in the past, as if it never hit. Do I think its hot or can become hot? YES but how can we take the 7 seriously if its in the past? Do I like this method? Yes again but playing already hit numbers is from the past. Playing numbers that have not hit (not your method) in a long time.....also PAST stats. EVERYTHING in roulette is technically the "past".

Do I use past info? You bet I do but like I stated a few days ago, I could careless what happened 400 spins ago.

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.
