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Will you ever acknowledge the existence of the Grail witout VB?

Started by Drazen, Apr 25, 01:42 PM 2016

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YES there is always, always more than we know about. But I doubt we can circumvent plain logic and math. So whatever method is used, it will need to increase accuracy of predictions. There's no other way around it.

Really I'd bet my life that precognition and related science will be the future of advantage play. I've seen enough to know it is not imagination. And there's enough data to indicate real promise. So when i have time I'll get the programmer to add some parts for testing. The real problem though is testing statistically significant amount of spins takes a long time, and it must all be done manually by multiple people at the same time. So its not practical to test properly. But it would be practical enough for real application. For now I'm after more proof of concept and to refine the prediction process for a group.

Because just guessing numbers gives bad accuracy. Because 13 may feel or sound like 14. But predicting areas on the wheel is much better. Although it depends on the individual. I believe we each have specific and more attuned abilities, whether we realize it or not. One things for sure, conscious thought gets in the way.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
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The problem I have is the order of the explainations.

Take Priyanka vs TG but with an analogy of a trip up Mount Everest

Priyankas explainations
so far we have a flat map with no contours and a cross where the achievement was reached. I know what tools have been used and many theories like....if you dont wrap up, you get frost bit and if you dont have oxygen you die, and sun glasses block bright light.

But my view is a flat map with no contours. I cant relate the information to the idea. I have to start guessing. Oxygen ? is the air thin on this flat journey? where is it thin? And its cold I think...something about frostbite and its bright? Why is it bright?

Turbos explaination

I am going up mount Everest and here is the path you need to take.

There it is on a map with contours and some 3D pictures to look at.

I know where I am setting off....and here I am on my journey, but its getting cold and I cant see because of all this snow, and I cant breath. I need warmer clothes....not sure why I cant breath.

Ill think about it and try next week

I have a chance with Turbo if I am keen.

I cant work out what it is I am actually trying to do with Priyanka

The General

@The system guys,

Studying a little basic probability, and reading on the history of the game would really help you understand the problem with this thread.
Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


Quote from: The General on Apr 26, 03:08 AM 2016
@The system guys,

Studying a little basic probability, and reading on the history of the game would really help you understand the problem with this thread.
Thanks Caleb. What would I do
without your pearls of wisdom

I have studied probability more than most thanks.


No need VB for me, only little LoT and CT to decode roulette step by step.


Quote from: Steve on Apr 26, 02:36 AM 2016

Really I'd bet my life that precognition and related science will be the future of advantage play.
Does precognition work on your game though. You would be seeing into the past not the future


Quote from: Steve on Apr 26, 02:36 AM 2016
Really I'd bet my life that precognition and related science will be the future of advantage play. I've seen enough to know it is not imagination. And there's enough data to indicate real promise.

Can you please point where we could read more about this? This sounds like a pure attempt of wizardry to me, but I am still interested to read about it. But hm, as I said, its all about the proofs :)


Priyanka said that one has to work hard to enjoy the winnings that comes with the full understanding of his ways of playing. Can you blame him for not giving something on a plate to the whole world he has worked so hard for? All starting with studying advanced math, programming and whatnot in schools, then trying to use and take advantage of all that knowledge in roulette. 
There were numerous discussions over the years about holy grails, and what would someone do with it. It seemed to me that most people’s answer was that they would keep it for themselves.
If there was a roulette system available to anyone that can beat the casino, do you think they would not change the rules of the game? The casinos can do whatever they want.

Well, I just really hope that Priyanka is right and someday I will understand all the concepts. I already “wasted” 6 years of my youth trying to profit from gambling, and I will continue to use all my free time to understand what is written by him. By wasted, I mean during the thousands of hours spent studying and playing, I only lost money but gained a lot of knowledge that I cannot turn into profit. At least by now I know what not to do.


Ati you could not say it better!!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: I agree with you completely!

Somehow I have a feeling that at first it may seem that Priyankas method of play is so close at hand reach, and it must be due to so many hints Priyanka generously offered.

But If you ask me, it is still enough of efforts ahead of us to fully understand and bring those concepts to life.

Pri said early in this stage that hard work will pay of.. so its up to anyone to question this.


We're talking about 166 spins only here.....
There's nothing to talk about at this point.


Maybe the method entails only a few spins after some observation

Lol the "thatd be great" memes are great
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



If i were to read random thoughts could i play like priyanka or is it mainly hints and pointing in the right direction?
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: TurboGenius on Apr 26, 06:49 AM 2016
We're talking about 166 spins only here.....
There's nothing to talk about at this point.

Yes, you are right. However I took into consideration earlier evidence of Pri-s simulation and BV-s whole year withdrawal list.

But it still can't be taken as some rock solid evidence of course.  :)

Now if I may ask as I don't remember to read it ( please correct me If I missed it), do you have the edge in your play?

Or you find some way in between, like taming deviations one way or another? (I mean beating every session without having an edge)


I don't get it.
It's as if you had a 300 lap Nascar race and on the first turn of the first lap you have a leader and everyone is excited about how this person is 'winning the race'.
Back to reality - there will be plenty to comment on once more spins are played and then everyone can judge the value of something. Let the car get around the track a few times ?   lol
That's how this game works.


Quote from: RouletteGhost on Apr 26, 07:13 AM 2016
If i were to read random thoughts could i play like priyanka or is it mainly hints and pointing in the right direction?

Its up to you to discover that dear Ghost. But in my personal opinion from speaking with you, there is way too much math and all kinds of mathematical principles and paradoxes for your taste.  ::)

Still if you find it useful, let us know.
