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Outside the box: a different view on roulette numbers

Started by rrbb, May 30, 08:46 AM 2016

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Quote from: maestro on May 30, 11:37 AM 2016
i see what you doing rrbb, so new random stream will be position of hit number on your penultimate sequence....so what properties did new random stream have did you check it or is just thinking out loud

What do you think Maestro? am I just thinking out loud?



well it is not very plite to answear qustion with question..but yeah i said what i think in my previous post..good luck with it
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Quote from: rrbb on May 30, 11:30 AM 2016
Hi Drazen,

I know myself how consoling thinking about "numbers" can be. It actually helped me weather a really difficult period in my life.

Although I do not know where you are from, but I have to agree with TurboGenius: however bleak the future might seem, there is a silver lining.

Btw what country are you from? What is your profession?

We will see what the future will bring. But the odds for getting a job here are like winning a lottery..

I am from Croatia and I have one more year to graduate on faculty of economics, although now I ll have to delay that. But that diploma here is totally useless anyway. I know you can't understand that as everything here is way to twisted for you people who live in normal countries to comprehend. It is really shame that I have to say this for my country but it is true. The whole system of values is wrong here.  I could speak till the day ends what is wrong here, but no point. I feel  :-[ enough.

I ll just hope better days will come and lets continue with the topic.  :thumbsup:




I would leave. Easy for me to say - there are jobs everywhere here in the US despite what's reported ie. "unemployment rates", it's just that people would rather stay home and get paid instead of work (some). But anyway, in a country such as that - I would do everything in my power to get out of there. Govts that keep people in poor conditions is just a means to control the masses.


Quote from: maestro on May 30, 11:51 AM 2016I could speak

Yes Maestro, you are right, sorry for that it is indeed impolite!

Yes I checked: the new set is fully random if you can not win on roulette, you can not win on this new set. Simple as that BUT I think I started this thread also with a remark about finding a relation. These two sets are dependent in a really peculiar way.

I'm not going to claim anything here. You may or may not find it useful. I hope you like it though: it is fun!

The "straights" in the second (new) number stream are the positions of the roulette numbers in the "dynamic sequence".
So if we bet on a "number" in the second stream, we actually bet on a position in the dynamic stream. and the position in the dynamic stream is again linked to a  roulette number.

But here is the twist: the roulette number that is associated with position in the dynamic number stream varies!!

Again: I do not claim anything, but if you want to spend a couple of hours having fun, play with it!

grts rrbb


yep i like it ...hope people like it too ..thanks
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Quote from: TurboGenius on May 30, 12:07 PM 2016
I would leave. Easy for me to say - there are jobs everywhere here in the US despite what's reported ie. "unemployment rates", it's just that people would rather stay home and get paid instead of work (some). But anyway, in a country such as that - I would do everything in my power to get out of there. Govts that keep people in poor conditions is just a means to control the masses.

I think Turbo makes a very valid point: it seems that you are bright, are good at english: thinking out of the box in this case could well mean looking over the borders. Thanks to Schengen you should be able to travel freely within  Europe.

Of course: money etc could be an issue. But as you are an economics student there could also be possibilities of an internship. In most cases this will be just enough to "hang" on, but at least it might open other possibilities (and you will be amazed about the "support" laws in north european countries (why do you think so many people flee to mainly the northern countries?)

good luck!


Quote from: rrbb on May 30, 12:21 PM 2016
could well mean looking over the borders

Ah yes rrbb

I don't know how many friends of mine have gone over the border... Besided everything else, my country now due to very bad situation faces enormous problem of economics migration too. So many high educated people have gone. Population is devastated. Mostly to Germany and Ireland. And you are right. If I could personaly choose where to go it would be to Norway or Sweden. That is how I dream my country has living standard for its citizens. Well to be honest even half bad as their would be good for me. Few months ago I read that Norway king faced problems with surplus in their economy! Oh C mon! Darn unbelievable! If only my country has such sweet problems. Now imagine totally opposite state of economy and you will get situation in Croatia.

My options here are extremely limited, and unfortunately short. Not like in roulette where they are limited, but wide :)



It's full of eastern europeans here. The last 10 years they grow like moslims. But they come to work though. But one thing is not fair! !!! They don't bring there sexy ladies here!!!!!!!!  :-\
As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: Drazen on May 30, 12:47 PM 2016
Ah yes rrbb

I don't know how many friends of mine have gone over the border... Besided everything else, my country now due to very bad situation faces enormous problem of economics migration too. So many high educated people have gone. Population is devastated. Mostly to Germany and Ireland. And you are right. If I could personaly choose where to go it would be to Norway or Sweden. That is how I dream my country has living standard for its citizens. Well to be honest even half bad as their would be good for me. Few months ago I read that Norway king faced problems with surplus in their economy! Oh C mon! Darn unbelievable! If only my country has such sweet problems. Now imagine totally opposite state of economy and you will get situation in Croatia.

My options here are extremely limited, and unfortunately short. Not like in roulette where they are limited, but wide :)



I honestly did not know it is that bad. Somehow we do not get that kind of news here. I kind of saddens me that a whole country can be ruined for years to come because it does not take care of it's citizens.



Quote from: denzie on May 30, 12:52 PM 2016
They don't bring there sexy ladies here!!!!!!!!  :-\

That is very true, dough. One thing we are still not lack of is sex ladies. Our ladies are well known by their beauty. But women here are very nice example of natural selection. The law of stronger.

Who says that love doesn't go through the stomach is wrong. So whoever can make more easily that the lady is full, wins... I hope you understand what I am trying to say here. It doesn't mean they are all cheap and sort of a ho*ker but they simply want easier future for themselves. I think that is very logical by itself. So if you park your Bentley, BMW or some other show of your prosperity, you will have significantly higher odds of going out with a very attractive lady then me, who doesn't have a job, doesnt have a car and lives in one older house. More or less everywhere maybe you will say, but especially in humble environment like mine.

I don't have a car, nor I can afford one, so trust me that I know what I am talking about :)


Quote from: Drazen on May 30, 01:33 PM 2016Who says that love doesn't go through the stomach is wrong. So whoever can make more easily that the lady is full, wins... I hope you understand what I am trying to say here. It doesn't mean they are all cheap and sort of a ho*ker but they simply want easier future for themselves. I think that is very logical by itself. So if you park your Bentley, BMW or some other show of your prosperity, you will have significantly higher odds of going out with a very attractive lady

I believe this transcends borders, lol. No different here in the US. 

It always seems impossible until it's done. -Nelson Mandela


Gold diggers are everywhere. Seen the YouTube videos with guys who lean against a Ferrari or lambo?  The ladies never seen the guy but would get in....

Till he goes to the shit car parked next to it  :twisted:

As spins roll off our predictions get better


Quote from: rrbb on May 30, 08:46 AM 2016
Hi all,

I just wanted to share a fun view of roulette. It might be difficult to grasp at first, but really it is fun!

Disclaimer: it is a view, not a strategy. It might trigger some interesting thoughts however

Most people think of roulette numbers as unrelated. Which of course they are: they are the embodiment of the definition of random. Unrelated, unpredictable.

Now lets see if we can come up with some kind of relation (which is indeed based on the pigeonhole principle...)

a. lets create a new sequence of numbers, based on numbers spun
b. in order to to this, we interpret a number spun as the position within a certain sequence of numbers. This position has a number attached to it
c. after a number is spun, we manipulate the sequence as follows:we remove the number that we pointed at
d. AND we glue it to the beginning
e. we keep on doing this

lets start we sequence 1,2,3,...,34,35,36
a. lets assume we get number 35.
b. 35 is the 35th position in our sequence. The value is 35 (1,2,3,...,34,35,36)
c. now we create a new sequence: remove 35 from the old sequence (1,2,3,...,34,35,36)
d. and glue it to the beginning: 35,1,2,3,...,34,36

e. etc

Now the fun part starts!
We can use this "dynamic sequence" to create a totally new set of straights, splits etc... I will illustrate this with halves:

in our example we got number 35. We interpreted it as the position in the number sequence. To create highs/lows however, we look at the position of that number within the previous sequence. In this case it is position 35. As this falls in the second half, we assign it "high"

now lets assume that the next number is 35 again! The old sequence was 35,1,2,3,...,34,36. So now we assign it the "low" (first position)

If we do this for all possible number groups we get a "number systems" that is random and similar to what we are used to. I you would only use this number set, you would not see any difference with roulette numbers spun.

So what is the fun part?
Every set of random numbers can be used to create another set of random numbers BUT the sets themselves are related!

How? For example: when we have a repeat in the first set on the straights, in the second set, this will occur in 99.7% of the cases on "low". Or, even stricter: a repeat on straights in one system will will occur in the second system for 99.99994% on the first two dozens.

try it yourself, play with it!

Fun isn't it?

If you get 35 twice then will the new "dynamic" sequence have two 35s?
35, 35, 1, 2, 3
or do we not count repeats in the new sequence:
35, 1, 2, 3
"Trotity trot, trotity trot, the noughts became overtly hot! Merily, merily, merily, merily, the 2s went gently down the stream..."¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪:


I am also from same country like Drazen, it is true what he said especially for young people here :( , no job, no future, only casinos.
