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Precognition - PROOF! results from MPR - the real holy grail

Started by precogmiles, Jun 25, 04:16 PM 2018

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@winforus - "do wine" was supposed to say someone, weird auto-correct.

Yes, in the manifestation school of thought, our imagination is the "real world", what we see is a 4D representation of what the universe has constructed based on our thoughts and imaginations. I admit it's not something I'm fully sold on yet however the more I experience in the "4D world" being influenced by what is going on in my head, the more a compelling argument it becomes.

The beauty of it is, anyone can validate it for themselves if they want to.



6 years  ago I was at a festival and there was a man who was giving a lecture on shamanism. I walked into the middle of the lecture and shortly after he said this: "anything that can you can imagine is real in this world. One girl raised her hand and asked: "what about a pink unicorn?" His answer was - "Yes, you take a pink color,  you take the unicorn, you combine them together and you get a pink unicorn". At the time I didn't understand the significance of what he said, but now I think he was saying something that very much aligns with what you are saying here.


Hi Winforus.
Yes so I think that does highlight a good point, we do have limiting beliefs ie. That unicorns don't exist, so no matter how much we meditate, affirm, detach etc our minds know that unicorns don't exist so we won't be able to manifest one up.

If we have some background belief that we can't manifest a winning roulette number then again no matter what process we follow, it won't happen as the conscious mind is telling the subconscious mind that it can't happen.


A theory from richard miller, best of my understanding:

Psi energy is what make these anomalous events happen.

Psi energy is more similar to information than energy.

Psi is not limited by time.

Psi = A(e)*I(c)*t

A(e) = geographical constant
I(c) = intensity of concentration
t = time

The generation of psi decreases the level of alertness.

The steps are:
1. Formulate the question
2. Hold that thought for as long as possible
3. Assume that the event has occurred
4. Drop into a blank mind state

The blank mind state is the zen form of "no mind" state.


Hi, what is geographical constant in this context?


I'm not sure really he didn't mention much about it but if you rearrange the formula you get A(e) = the rate of change of psi as a function of time multiplied by the intensity of concentration.

I(c) is I think the area that really needs refining. What exactly is intensity of concentration?

What counts as concentration? and how can we measure how intensely we are concentrating?


One of the explanations of manifestation is that there are an infinite versions of us which represent all the paths we take from all the decisions & chance occurrences (ie in roulette for each spin there are realities where each of 0-36 have hit). By focussing on one particular outcome we "shift" to that outcome.
This is a very simplistic summary but it may be to do with that as I have heard/read that to shift requires determination (concentration) and then an assumption that it has happened.


That's interesting, it definitely seems like concentration and letting go are important here.

I'm wondering if there is a way to standardised our mental actions regarding concentration.

Is it concentration on a task, idea, image, number or emotion? How long do you concentrate? Is it concentration that is silent of inner chatter?

Is it a physically strenuous process or is body relaxed?

When you let go is there anything special you do with your thought?



Yep, the first two minutes of that video sums it up.
Interesting how he says it can be used to increase the probability of something occurring, not guaranteeing it. So from this the holy grail of holy grails (winning every spin) is therefore unobtainable and should be accepted.


Yes you may be right. It either seems to come in a flurry or you have to wait for the perfect time. Reminds me of fluid motion.

I still believe luck/fortune is a force which can be manipulated by psi energy.

Also interesting to think about what the theoretical framework would be for this to happen. In a dual aspect theory approach, both the physical and mental are two aspects of one true reality.

If we take also the view that all will is manifestation, meaning every signal you send to manipulate the physical world by sheer will is a form of manifestation. And we accept that our will is interconnected with everything as shown in the bentov video.

The brain has two networks that are anticollorated. The attention network and default mode network.

Once the default mode network is deactivated we experience a profound disassociation. Which to me is extremely interesting, I don't think that it is by accident or coincidence.

I'll post videos for this later.



@Precogmiles Thank you for sharing the video with Dr Dean Radin. I really like his explanations and how he speaks, without any, bs, nonsense, as for example in Ramtha school, etc.

I found an interesting interview of his where here he talks about an acquaintance of his, who won millions from slot machines: youtube.com/watch?v=wcd2M0jnUjc

Also, he talks about both concepts of precognition (seeing event in the future) and also manifestation as 2 separate concepts. So regarding Roulette, it is possible  to approach it in both of those ways, whichever one suits you most.


"Yep, the first two minutes of that video sums it up.
Interesting how he says it can be used to increase the probability of something occurring, not guaranteeing it. So from this the holy grail of holy grails (winning every spin) is therefore unobtainable and should be accepted."

Yes, that's how I always understood it and how I approach the game. There is really no need for perfection, all you need is slightly better accuracy than random to turn profit and your accuracy with this will be a lot better than random actually.

And at the same time, once you drop the idea of perfection, your results actually become better, because you become more detached and stop being so results oriented.


Interesting bit of the video at 13min 30sec of your (Winforus) video where Dean Radin says that he doesn't know if what is perceived will happen or is more a probability will happen. I have a feeling it's the latter but interesting that after dedicating a big portion of his life on the subject, he's still not able to say.

The brain has two networks that are anticollorated. The attention network and default mode network.

Once the default mode network is deactivated we experience a profound disassociation. Which to me is extremely interesting, I don't think that it is by accident or coincidence.

I've not come across this before. Will go through those videos.
