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Guide on how to make psychic predictions

Started by Kairomancer, Jan 22, 08:22 PM 2020

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Speaking of crystal balls, most glass materials, preferably in dark black color (in order to reduce the glaring and opacity) have semi-physical characteristics.
Those surfaces can be used as a medium to project non physical blueprints of focused energies that can take a semi-physical form. It works similarly like a television, except the source and the wavelength of light is different.
Those who are attuned to percieve these type of energies can easily read the projected information from the object. It is easier to use it than merely resort to using your inner eye in altered states of consciousness, as the material acts like an antenna enhancing the signal.
The earliest variants were made from vulcanic glass materials like obsidian.

I felt excited to expand on the topic of crystal balls, glass and scrying, so I channeled a guide to share with like minded people and with those who are open to try something new. I hope you find it interesting and useful.


The inherent high silicon content is important quality of these materials as it can conduct these semi-physical energies. The material itselfacts as a sacred space of these energies.

Of course in order to use the object effectively one needs to tune it.

It can be done in several ways. The easiest way is probably to hold it against your navel for a few hours while sitting relaxed. You only need to do it once.

Then proceed with focusing your energy into your third energy center before placing your intention to project the energy into the surface of the object. You can touch it to your third eye. It can help some, but is not that important.

Do not let others to gaze at, or touch your medium as it can ruin the tuning. Preferably store the medium in a dark place covered with a blanket.

The learning process does not take too long to get your first results.

There are a few prerequisites that can help you to get this faster and more consistent.
The first, but not the most important is the ability to calm your mind and bring it to a state of stillness. If you are new to this, I would suggest to try neurofeedback and participate in a traditional gongfu tea ceremony. After that you will have a good grasp on what it takes to be present with an empty mind. You can perform a muscle tests as well. You should be completely relaxed. You should not be tense or hold your breath.

The second is more important, you have to do some sort of energy work; it can be breathwork, or you can read a book of Robert Bruce on how to do energy work. Practice it every day.
My inner guides suggest that the breathing exercises of Mr Wim Hof are also excellent, though I would avoid the cold shower parts of his regime in the beginning.
The combination of the two should work in synergy.
At later stages of practice your breath work should be slow, deep and natural. You can even get the impression that the rythm of your breath is guided by some sort of intelligence. Relax and allow it to take over.

Take a good and restful sleep every day. Hydrate your body with at least 2 quarts of spring water depending on your needs. Clean your diet of junk foods, drugs (please consult with your doctor as I am not qualified to give advice ), alcohol, any allergenic substances and smoking. Do not avoid meat, but not over eat on it. It helps with the grounding, but it is best to follow a low caloric diet based of steamed vegetables and only a slight amount of carbohydrates. Eat just enough food to not be hungry.

Take only gentle exercise. Avoid running, heavy cardio or anything strenuous.
Do not waste your energy in pity arguments. Avoid toxic exposure including people. Avoid stress as much as possible.
Lastly do not masturbate for at least 3 weeks before starting with this.

Now here is the procedure:

Find a comfortable place where you are alone and feel secure.
Light a candle and think about your intention as you relax into the ritual.
Ask your non-physical guides, God or your Higher Mind to clean your energy, protect you and ground you and to help with facilitating the process.

Lay your psychic instrument in front of you, but do not gaze at it yet.
Take your time to breath and relax with an empty mind. Do not rush it, take your time.
When you are ready; focus your intention to show you something relevant and project it at the glass or stone. Depending on your development of your energy body, it may take some time to focus your inner light into the surface to reflect it back to you.

If you want to use it to win at roulette. Ask to show you if there is an obstacle or anything that needs to be cleared before you can be good at it.
If you see something relevant, do what needs to be done.
You can ask for almost anything, even procedures on how to get into this state on demand more easier.
You can reveal the next roulette number, or if there is a roulette system that would be profitable for you and for how long, or really anything not related to gambling.

Do not push it too much though, as at the beginning your energy body is likely underdeveloped and you do not want to scatter your focus and energy.

After you are done, express your gratitude to your guides, God or your Higher Mind.

After mastering this method and you are content with what you got, it is advisable to express your gratitude in a form of donation to me as I like to give and recieve back. The amount is up to you, but please note it is not a requirement.
If you share this method with someone else please disclose the source of this short guide.

Enjoy your journey.
Thanks for reading.


There are few important things to add.

You can gaze into the flame as a focus tool to help you get in a meditative state.

You need to cleanse the scrying surface when you get hold of it. Personally I would smoke it with sage or frankincense.

Also after each session wipe it clean and ask your guides to cleanse it for you.

Here is a useful video I found today.

You can buy obsidian mirrors relatively cheap, but even old tablet screens or vitroceramic glass from cooktops can be used.


Please note this entire information is channeled by me.

I have no personal experience with this method.

I only experimented with scrying once a few years ago. It was an amazing coincidence, as I made two consecutive single number hits, but I was afraid to continue and forgot about it.

This time I intend to take this seriously and practice every day.
After I feel confident with my results I am open to make some forum experiments for the sake of fun.


Great read and interesting take on the idea of scrying.

I would like to investigate this and mirror gazing in the future.


Quote from: Kairomancer on Jan 23, 09:09 AM 2020Please note this entire information is channeled by me.

You mean googled by me?


Quote from: precogmiles on Jan 23, 02:21 PM 2020
Great read and interesting take on the idea of scrying.

I would like to investigate this and mirror gazing in the future.
I am glad you liked it. I do enjoyed writing it, especially the part on the working mechanism.

I was inspired by a coincidence playing with a camera.
When you take a photo of a turned off television, then if your increase the exposure of light setting on your camera the black screen will act like a mirror.

I hope you will find it useful in your experiments.

I remember an old comment by the roulettewarrior Sandi mentioning mirror gazing. IIRC she was gazing into his own pupil through the reflection of a mirror to tune into the vail.


Quote from: Taotie on Jan 24, 06:14 AM 2020
You mean googled by me?
Nope, though I can see why would you believe so.
Before I had any experience with psychic channeling, I used to believe all the mediums were fake. Now I know better as I later discovered I have natural channeling abilities, claircognizance and a few other underutilized psychic traits.
I have never practiced anything. I am an ADD type of person, thus mostly doing what suits me well.

I consider integrity as a characterestic of maturation or development which is a direct result of self-acceptance. I do not need lie to anyone and I feel good abour myself as a result.

I never researched this subject on google before, but I did a quick search on obsidian as an illustrition yesterday. I felt the content of the video was accurate, so I posted it.

My past experience I mentioned with gazing in my OP was inspired by NoWun in the remote viewing topic.
