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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Started by Mortagon, Mar 11, 03:46 AM 2020

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The more i look into this, the more Im not buying the official narrative. I'm being sketical of all information on both sides. Something is seriously not right.

And the censorship on Google and Youtube is incredible.
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Quote from: Steve on Apr 08, 08:27 PM 2020Have a look at how harmless radiation pops corn:

LOL! Seriously? Steve, you've got a nerve saying I get my information from youtube when you post this obvious hoax as some kind of 'proof.  And yes, sunlight can cause cancer but it's the ultraviolet which causes it, which is an ionizing radiation. The radiation from mobile phones (like microwave and radar) is lower frequency and non-ionizing, therefore it doesn't have the power to break down cells.

Your arrogance is really something. Why do you think you know better than all the scientists and professionals who have been studying this for decades? So maybe you've done your own tests and experiments, but that's why there is peer review; it weeds out the crackpots. Where is your peer-reviewed paper which shows that mobile phones do actually cause cancer?

QuoteI've lost track of the amount of rubbish and blatant lies "official" mainstream media has published. The media regurgitate crap, and report whatever they're told to report. There is very little proper investigative journalism, where the media properly research to ascertain the facts for themselves. But mainstream media just report. They don't have the capacity to determine fact from fiction.

So where do you get your news and information from? You mentioned wikipedia and that they 'manipulate'. That's not true, but their information may be unreliable because anyone can edit it and it's not vetted. But by and large it works quite well precisely because of the 'wisdom of the crowd'. The more knowledgeable editors there are on a topic, the more reliable it is. It's been compared quite favourably with Encyclopedia Britannica on many subjects, especially science.

It's very fashionable to be critical of the mainstream media, but although they are not perfect and can be biased, at least they have standards and generally don't put out inaccurate information and lies, or opinion posing as fact, unlike the hundreds of misleading sites out there. e.g. One America News, The Epoch Times, or (worst of all) infowars.com.
I recommend you install newsguard in your browser. They have made it freely available for the next couple of months because there is so much misinformation about the virus.


After installing it, go to those sites I mentioned above and check the ratings. Then go to the mainstream media sites like bbc, cnn, and foxnews to check theirs. And if you think that newsguard itself is trying to manipulate and in on the conspiracy, I'm afraid all hope for you is lost. Actually, from your manic ravings, I think it already is.

QuoteIronically, I believe he's right about many of the apparently wacky theories, like the existence of the reptilian race, and bloodlines of certain families. Is it really so difficult to believe we arent the only species in the universe, and that some of them have no problem with using us to their advantage? We do it to animals. We're no different. Or is it more believable that we're the only ones in the entire universe, and even if we weren't alone, all races would come rushing to love us with flowers and gifts?

Again, seriously?! This is no better than flat earth theory, which you are always deriding. The flat earthers come up with all kinds of 'evidence' that the earth really is flat and all proof to the contrary is just attempts to suppress that 'truth', just like Icke and his followers can 'prove' that the lizard people really do exist. You need to learn what evidence is and how to tell it from BS.

Icke is either insane or in it for the money, or perhaps a little of both. He's a professional conspiracy theorist and has made millions from his books and videos. People love conspiracy theories because it gives them the feeling that things don't just happen by chance, but there is always an agent with a purpose behind the seemingly random events, and that's comforting.

Do you smoke a lot of weed? It can make you anxious and paranoid.


Logic. It's always in the way.


Quote from: Steve on Apr 09, 02:51 AM 2020
I'm about half way through the video. A lot of what he says is true, and a lot of what he says NEEDS VERIFICATION. So anyone researching for themselves will need to carefully check facts. He says a LOT of things that ordinary people would have no idea about, so it would be easy to dismiss what he says as bullshit.

I'm fair to any theory, and like to do proper research before giving a solid opinion. I even seriously looked at flat Earth before, only to find it was trash, and Flat Earthers really had no clue.

So i'll look into David's main argument, which is Covid-19 doesn't even exist. I'm skeptical. But I'll do some research first.

I had a look at some maps:





* We would expect places with higher populations will have better technology, AND higher covid19 infection rates. So the maps would naturally have similar areas.

* But if what David says is true, there would be a stronger correlation between the BOTTOM two maps (5g Access vs COVID-19 cases). Have a look and see what you think. It looks to be there is a higher correlation between the bottom two maps.

* The blue areas in the 5G map are planned 5G areas. we'd need to see how many of these areas actually have 5G.

* There are tonnes of other considerations, like what about infections on cruise ships?

This whole thing is a puzzle and would probably take weeks of research to determine whether of not David has a case. Again he's wrong about some things, and right about some things. Nobody is going to be 100% right.

Initially looking at these, I'd say the data SUPPORTS David's claims. But again there is far more to consider. There seems to be an inordinate amount of countries with HIGH POPULATION, BUT NO 5G, AND NO OR FEW COVID CASES

Great work Steve! Indeed there is a strong correlation when we compare the bottom 2 maps.

My approach is the same - we shouldn't take anyone's word and a lot of what David said needs verification. But certainly the official narrative is looking less and less plausible.

I would greatly appreciate it, if you would continue to post your findings in this thread.


QuoteThere seems to be an inordinate amount of countries with HIGH POPULATION, BUT NO 5G, AND NO OR FEW COVID CASES

NO. Here in the UK there are cities where there is no 5G yet, but there are many cases of the virus, which rules out 5G as the cause.

The mainstream view is that the virus is transmitted from person to person. All the scientific evidence points to it, and there is no evidence that 5G is to blame, so why even go down that road?

It's a conspiracy! We have to blame someone! lol
Logic. It's always in the way.


Joe, look at the maps, and read what I said. I get it, you want to be right about something.

I don't have time to pull apart your incorrect logic, narrow views, naivety and misunderstandings, again.
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 Mike Adams:
David Icke and Brian Rose owe the world an apology.
New brain-damaging disease “Stupid-19” makes people think the coronavirus is a HOAX
The existence is to be - not to possess! Evolution does not have the task to create prosperity, but rather to create gods! The fight is not for the man , but for the freedom of God in man. Every man is a god in development!


Hello Joe and Steve, thought I might jump into the virus and 5G discussion a little.

Regardless if 5G is involved with the virus or not cell towers project frequencies (EMFs) and these frequencies are not healthy. They are damaging to the humanbody and lower the immune system.

Take a look at this data from France



Now ofcourse in any debate we can continue to go back and forth but when even the Apple iPhone Manual says the following we should be very concerned.


Think how many hours an average person has a cell phone TOUCHING their ear centimeters away from the brain. But the average person has never heard of this official warning. The question also arises did they not test what happens when the cell phone is in direct contact with the ear longterm? I think they did and its not pretty.

We are to assume 4G and 5G EMF are 100% safe? I doubt it big time.

Dont get me wrong, I am not against EMF techonlogy, there are many devices that make EMF safe but they are not being implemented because financial profits are more important then safety (as we have seen over and over again in human history)


Quote from: Mortagon on Apr 10, 03:18 PM 2020
Mike Adams:
David Icke and Brian Rose owe the world an apology.
New brain-damaging disease “Stupid-19” makes people think the coronavirus is a HOAX

These are official MORTAGON

80% false positive rate for coronavirus test (NIH)

Was suspiciously "withdrawn" either way the false positive rate is significant

CDC instruction to doctors = guess if a person has died from covid-19 when no test has been done

CDC stats say there is a historic drop in people dying from pneumonia


These facts are just a few

Not saying its a hoax but........I havent seen stranger things


THE INTERVIEW YOU SHOULD NOT SEE FROM YOUTUBE - DAVID ICKE watch out, see what awaits us  : link:s://jensen.nl/het-interview-dat-je-niet-mag-zien-van-youtube

Hopefully you wake up

Happy Easter


The General

Please don't call the virus Cov-19, because it's offensive.

The communist propaganda machine should not be allowed to control how people think. Please call it by it's correct names. The Chinese Covid-19 Virus, the Chinese Virus, or the Wuh Flu are acceptable. The origin of the virus should always be included in the name.

The Wuhun Institute of Virology Covid-19 Virus is acceptable as well.


The General
Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)

The General

Please don't call the virus Cov-19, because it's offensive!!!

The communist propaganda machine should not be allowed to control how people think. Please call it by it's correct names. The Chinese Covid-19 Virus, the Chinese Virus, or the Wuh Flu are acceptable. The origin of the virus should always be included in the name.

The Wuhun Institute of Virology Covid-19 Virus is acceptable as well.


The General
Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)

The General

Basic probability and The General are your friend.
(Now hiring minions, apply within.)


Just look at the pragmatic use this virus serves China by. It culls the elderly and the weak. This is the worst part of Communism. They run out of other people's money first. Trump is making them run out of American money. So to tighten their belts they need to find a way to get rid of those that use up most of the healthcare in their system. They can also use it to weaken the economies of the world at the same time because they are willing to let their weakest die while the world is stupid enough to try to protect the weakest. I know that I'm talking about myself in this. That's covered under "tough shit" and life is not fair. They are smart enough to let their weakest die. We are not. We have already done great harm to ourselves. This is a new kind of world war. We just got hit by a global Pearl Harbor. It makes sense too. We need PPE's for the weakest and we need to go back to work. This will not be the last pandemic. Time to wake up and figure out what really happened.
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We are going to see greater digital surveillance, and anything that leads to greater control over people. Like i said at the start, whether or not covid19 was deliberate, its being used to push agendas.

At first the changes will seem like a great idea. Almost necessary. That's the idea. Its the abuse of that power later thats the problem.
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It appears it does exist.

However, gaps in the official narrative are opening wide up. For example, the death rate is being greatly exaggerated. Deliberately. Why?

This virus appears not much worse than the typical flu.
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