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10 years on. What are the conclusion? What wins?

Started by precogmiles, May 08, 08:48 AM 2020

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Hasta la vista.....


It's probably the fourth time he said that, so I'm sure he will be back. :) And there is nothing wrong with him posting, I even believe in what he does. But personal opinions could be communicated in a more civilized manner. And maybe less frequently.
Most people aren't wasting their life searching for the impossible. There are always new members who start from the beginning. Every 3 years or so there is a new generation of active posters. Let them have their time.


Quote from: precogmiles on May 08, 08:48 AM 2020
So after 10 years of posts on this forum. What is the general consensus of what works.

Which of the following works best?

1. Repeaters

2. Random vs random

3. Martingale and other progressions

4. Sectors

5. Physics

6. Precognition
Nothing works for free. ☝️
HolyGrail price 100k € [email]tomislavija@hotmail.com[/email]


I would have to say a positive
progression like Oscar's Grind on Even Chances. 

You have say 11 outcomes look for seven Odd, four even
(or eight Even, three Odd) and bet the majority until in profit.


Quote from: cht on May 09, 10:52 PM 2020
To highlight 2 very important points that's missing with ALL systems strategy,

1. There must be a reason WHY the systems strategy work. Without this reason WHY you can be sure that it fails. Base it on some science or math fact. Hypothetically extrapolate this law or principle onto roulette spins. Probe test if this extrapolated hypothesis holds up. If yes then do a big live data test to confirm it.

2. As Ati says, find out how and why your systems model fail. Mindless testing will bring about no gain. Look at the details of actual permutations of live wheel and prng to determine the nature of the spins especially the death roll sequence. It requires serious hard work and brains.

You hv no chance to design a systems model based on what's posted on forums. That's the truth that a few of us who worked together can confirm with no reservation. We've done that 24/7 for more than a year, won the t-shirt. Not a mistake, rather a great get together learning opportunity pitting few of the best minds in roulette - it's a great honor and pleasure.

I hv shown a actual flatbet game to 4 members without explanation - I hv posted the basis. As Ati says hoping for someone to post a consistent winner. I might do it when the programmer confirms it's validity, no promises. Roulette is just fun and entertainment to me and not income or wealth creation. 6th is your other best bet.

AP and RC works due to application of physics principles when applied can calculate to determine the location of the spin with increase accuracy of statistical significance. PROVIDED the physics differential equations are applied in the process.

Systems model requires to determine IF Condition A happens more often than condition B in a statistically consistent and significant level. Prove that this exist in roulette spins.
Follow up to what I hv shown other members previously, this is a longer 1000spins flatbet session and the end result of a positive edge systems bet shows the same gradual upward graph. The longer you play the more you win. Since it's flatbet there's no exposure to risk of ruin from the roll from hell.


Quote from: cht on May 16, 07:18 AM 2020
Follow up to what I hv shown other members previously, this is a longer 1000spins flatbet session and the end result of a positive edge systems bet shows the same gradual upward graph. The longer you play the more you win. Since it's flatbet there's no exposure to risk of ruin from the roll from hell.

Still waiting on that private message  ;) very curious in what you are showing and nobody can figure out.

What principles do you use? What users have brought you to this winning system?


"Follow up to what I hv shown other members previously, ..."

well, I'd love to belong to them too, still working on 6th's and Ricky's ideas without killing them with questions I guess this could help me a lot.
Thanks in advance.


Quote from: Joe on May 15, 04:31 AM 2020
Er... what about if they just enjoy making and using systems? I'm not endorsing the idea that there are winning systems, but roulette is supposed to be a form of entertainment (that's what the casinos tell us anyway).

ATI is right; why does it bother you so much? Do your precog thing and let system players use systems. No need to be a troll.

I disagree - majority of the players using the systems don't use them for "enjoyment", but because they deeply believe that they can win with them and get rich (potentially being the HG).

Have you ever seen a system player on this forum - admitting that the systems won't win them money in the long run,  and there is no HG - but they still want to use them just for fun? 

If you want to really have some fun, entertain this idea - imagine how many system players are lifetime losing players on here, and how much they have lost. Then take that number, and see how many of those are still believing that they will eventually find a winning system, while continuing to lose or further waste time.

I believe if we had a poll, and everyone answered it honestly, the numbers would be astounding.

There is no problem, if a player understands basic roulette fundamentals, and after that, still wants to use systems just for fun. The problem, lies in ignorance, and the fact that many of them are denying that 1+1=2. If you go deeper, then you will see all systems are built on the ignorance of not realizing that 1+1 = 2.


The problem is in my view asking the right questions..

Who is to say that the mathematical model is correct, and that chances are equally distributed?

Why is nobody questioning the premises of this game ? Are you( are we ) 100% certain that the probability of red and black are 50/50?!

Take a quantum microscope and zoom in your hand. Tell me how does that translate to an uniform field. How is that order/ chaos?.

When taking up this titanic task, of figuring out roulette, what else are we taking as granted?

What is the big elephant in the room? For sure it has nothing to do with House edge, variance or any other pretty boxes ticked off in the history of the Internet roulette forums..


Quote from: CarpeDiem on May 16, 11:45 AM 2020
The problem is in my view asking the right questions..

Who is to say that the mathematical model is correct, and that chances are equally distributed?

Why is nobody questioning the premises of this game ? Are you( are we ) 100% certain that the probability of red and black are 50/50?!

Take a quantum microscope and zoom in your hand. Tell me how does that translate to an uniform field. How is that order/ chaos?.

When taking up this titanic task, of figuring out roulette, what else are we taking as granted?

What is the big elephant in the room? For sure it has nothing to do with House edge, variance or any other pretty boxes ticked off in the history of the Internet roulette forums..

What you are taking for granted, is the following:

1) What has already been proven to work - this is called advantage play. Scroll up and find the post with the link.
2) What has already been proven to not work - systems.
3) What has shown to have huge potential to work - but needs further testing (for example precognition).

The probability is distributed evenly over time in an RNG game, but not with a real wheel, that has defects. This is why physics work.

You are not appreciating all the time, and effort that people put into discovering the methods that WORK. You have it available right in front of you - but you take it for granted. Why do you take it for granted? Probably due to human psychology - we appreciate something a lot more when we have to work for it.

You can learn either from your mistakes or from the mistakes of others, the choice is yours. This is the key not just to roulette, but to all aspects of life.



Quantum computers, psychic powers, voodoo, systems/ pseudo systems, tarot reading ASIDE, what are we missing?
Your opinion is reductively incorrect. On the higher planes and on the infinitesimal ones, rules are not set in stone.

Einstein and other psysicists in the past had three ingredients: their brain capacity, a pencil and a piece of paper.
They wrote down on a paper the math equations that lead to the until recent times Theorems of black holes. Decades after their death, they stood corrected.

Figuring out randomness with pen and paper has been done in the past, albeit by specific individuals.

So figure this out, Failure and Success are intrinsically connected. An electron circles in an non linear equation around the atom.

There is no infinite expansion and infinite contraction. Would it then be accurate to say that everything around us expands and contracts, just as any life form?
Or does it expand at infinity?

If you those random numbers
Rather than 1 and 0, what is there to say about that number cycle?

Math translates to geometry. Geometry follows order. But is our universe chaos or order?


Apples and Oranges. Read again what I wrote and try to learn something.

If you don't want to lose and waste your time for 10 more years - I suggest to quit the mental masturbation, and learn something from people that clearly know more than you about Roulette.


Quote from: winforus on May 16, 12:51 PM 2020
Apples and Oranges. Read again what I wrote and try to learn something.

If you don't want to lose and waste your time for 10 more years - I suggest to quit the mental masturbation, and learn something from people that clearly know more than you about Roulette.

You are funny. Well no, not really. Keep your "winning" methods to yourself and try to educate yourself a priori. Fighting ignorance seems an impossible task in your case, but do try. Who knows? In one billion eons you may come to this thread and understand something. Until then, choose Apple. They make better computers.



One question:
Have you ever seen 50 spins without a number to be repeated 3 times?
So in the last 50 to have only sleepers, numbers which appear 1 time and doubles.

Thank you
