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Started by Johnlegend, Feb 06, 03:00 PM 2011

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What are you doing up?  Don't you live in the UK.  I think you need to either get a job or lay of the white cross.  Or do they still make white cross today?

Oh well,  I agree with you.  There's just too many bets for the cross formation to bet betable, IMO.  I've thought of picking a dozen and betting for 13 times if necessary that it will hit at least 1 time in 1 of those 13 positions for the cross.  That's 1-1-2-3-4-6-9-14-21-31-47-70-105.  Your knees whould be knocking if you got down to the 11th or 12th bet.

Good Night,

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: Johnlegend on Feb 08, 07:18 PM 2011
Form this Warrior how are you?


You see DOZEN THREE has formed a perfect cross. We bet AGAINST THAT OCCURING. Its too perfect for RANDOM. There's your grail right there.. ;D
doing well , you need someone to code this  and see if it holds up .


Quote from: chrisbis on Feb 08, 09:03 PM 2011
I'm Still awake George!!


Forgive my intrusion into the H.G's laird, but surly you're looking at the formation of the cross in Hindsight are you not?

Here's your "CROSS" list as seen earlier.


Now then, look at like this for a moment:-


So, the bold numbers, show the early signs of a formation of a "CROSS" (one leg)

But how would you bet from here?

From the vertical play, one would now be going out to play for the "QUAD" that might drop in on the next line?

Looking for a cross to NOT-BEAR, is going to be very difficult, unless your at this next -Fortunate position!


Now then, I could agree at this juncture, the risk to BR is reducing, if one played to not see a "CROSS".

But if you got to here:-


What would you do then John?

Chance in a million million maybe?

It seems easy to plan NOT to bet on something, but it might just happen...... or not happen!!
Excellent questions Chrisbis, no I'm not talking about betting against all remaining 12 spins after you know which dozen occupies the middle of the trigger.

Even the five points of the cross being the same dozen is. Rare example...

2 1 2 3 1 2 1
0 2 1 2 2 2 1
2 1 2 1 1 3 0
3 2 1 3 2 0 3
2 1 3 1 1 2 2
1 1 2 2 2 3 1
2 3 1 3 1 2 2

Like so, I see this more as a special bonus bet than a dedicated method of its own. Only have 3 five point matches from over 2,100 recorded sessions..


so john legend what should we do bet against 5 quads or against a row of a single number in the matrix of witch i already saw a 7 in a row.


Quote from: Post on Feb 09, 01:15 AM 2011
So john legend what should we do bet against 5 quads or against a row of a single number in the matrix of witch I already saw a 7 in a row.
Five quads without question. I've already start making money on this. I have little more to say for the time being. Its time to play MATRIX VERTICAL and start posting results for both RNG And LIVE WHEEL play.

I brought the MATRIX concept to the forum. Its up to others to realize its value. I'm going into money making mode for both versions

Matrix 49 is excellent too. Don't overthink this. Play it and record results...



Are you playing in 7x7 matrix? If so, and you get no quad appear, then do you just reform a new 7x7 matrix?

The best way would be to win 1 unit and leave. I think this system could be a long term winner for the regular individual. Obviously someone somewhere would encounter 5 consecutive quads, but will be very unlucky. Ive not seen a three yet.



I must have missed something then...
OK. I'm ready to playtest. John, Please post the FULL rules for the matrix vertical so we can begin testing and post our results.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Having said that...do you think there's a difference between quads forming in a mtrix or as GLC put, just betting without a matrix on quads forming?

Looking through an old session of mine, I came across 4 quads, funnily enough all from the first dozen. This wasn't using the matrix however.



Quote from: atlantis on Feb 09, 04:37 AM 2011
I must have missed something then...
OK. I'm ready to playtest. John, Please post the FULL rules for the matrix vertical so we can begin testing and post our results.


That would be nice to have the whole FULL rules for the matrix vertical and that everyone try this baby with the same rules so we can see how it maintains on diferent wheels. . .

Everyone has their own rule and I lost in all this.  

In any case, praise the author for the idea . . .  it would be wonderful to have a tracker for this system to verify its core.  For example as one from Ophis but I now that this is much easier to be track manual for now.

I want to beat the wheel. . . just like you!


WORLD of difference buff. Play the layout and you'll see five more than you want to. The MATRIX is Random making the selection for you That 7x7 format means a quad of the same dozen has to go round four cycles to form instead of hit,hit,hit,hit on the same dozen. Do you see the difference thats the power of this concept...


Full rules coming later today, only reason they're not here right now is Twister and Atlantis have helped me focus, and get close to the finished article. So I feel they deserve a say. Ill draft how I think we should apply it at take advice and criticism from them if they feel it can be improved. Later...Got 6 sessions to play... 8)


Quote from: Johnlegend on Feb 09, 06:27 AM 2011
Full rules coming later today, only reason they're not here right now is Twister and Atlantis have helped me focus, and get close to the finished article. So I feel they deserve a say. Ill draft how I think we should apply it at take advice and criticism from them if they feel it can be improved. Later...Got 6 sessions to play... 8)

The only rule I think will be different from you than me and thats the Zero. For me it kills that column dead at that point until it becomes a new Trip. I dont use the number above the Zero

Other than that I think we are down with it, including the stipulation of wait for one Quad.
Its Set In Stone =)


OK botted it, I am working on 3 not becoming 4, or have the rules changed yet again?

Result file attached.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Quote from: superman on Feb 09, 06:53 AM 2011
OK botted it, I am working on 3 not becoming 4, or have the rules changed yet again?

Result file attached.

Looks good mate  :thumbsup:
Was RNG or Real ?

The only rule change is the wait for 1 Quad to hit before starting the progression on the next Trip

Its Set In Stone =)


Quote from: superman on Feb 09, 06:53 AM 2011
OK botted it, I am working on 3 not becoming 4, or have the rules changed yet again?
Result file attached.

Excellent result Superman!
@twister: I confirm your rule waiting for quad to form first is nice idea. Also agree with about the 0 breaking the chain and necessitation of reformation of triple... Another good one!

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"
