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Why roulette might be beatable and what the method should look like

Started by reddwarf, Mar 08, 05:34 AM 2011

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A very reputable, professional player on this forum, XXVV, has this to say:

"It is the nature of roulette to provide short cycles of opportunity with which, if we are alert and well prepared, we can take advantage of with a small short term edge, and step aside before the inexorable correction takes place."


"I believe there are numerous ways, hundreds of ways, to achieve short term edge, although I am currently re-checking a method we devised some years ago which at the time was checked by a professional applied mathematician who maintained it had +5% edge on the house ( average - it varies over time)."

The "inexorable correction" is, of course, one reason for short-term play.

The whole thread is a VERY instructive exercise, especially the last half from XXVV:



Quote from: MauiSunset on Mar 11, 02:39 AM 2011
The odds of Green 0 showing up is 1/37 in each spin.

Doesn't matter if it's 2 spins or 100 spins the odds are the same.

The odds of ANY Roulette bet are well known and work on 2 spins or 1,000.

The idea of "hit and run" is just as bogus as Gambler's Fallacy - it sounds good but no math can back up the claim...

MATHÂÃ,¿? This is where you miss the truth about beating roulette. Math as applied in the traditional sense doesn't dictate your success or failure in a supposedly random game of chance.

Your success DEPENDS on one major FACTOR. STRIKERATE. The method you employ either has a high enough strikerate or IT DOESN'T.

If it does, and you apply it with superior money management and plain common sense discipline. THE GAME IS BEATEN, plain and simple.


If anyone of them are missing, FORGET IT THE HOUSE INDEED WINS. Now the problem certain people who post on these kind of forums have, is the inability to A, divorce themselves from the standard layout of roulette, and B, not be swallowed up by the mathematicians word on what is and isnt possible in this game.

And as a result become an instant negative thinker,naysayer,pessimist. PERCENTAGE STRIKERATE is what its all about. Find a method that delivers enough of it and apply it CORRECTLY and the games decoded,beaten.

I know of three such methods and am currently proofing a 4th. Which may turn out to not just be sailing through grail waters but firmly anchored on its shores. I know absolutely roulette can be beaten, and my job on this forum is to enlighten others who come with an open mind..


This is what you want to get from this strategy. Many times people learn faster if they can see the bigger picture or an outline of what they are working to learn. Following the trend leads to three possible outcomes. Nothing ever stays consistent very long. There is always something changing from one direction to another. The three conditions are that this works very good, this works very badly, or this will be chaotic mixed with both good and bad.

So what's the basic strategy you might ask. It's in finding the working very good state while avoiding the working very badly state. You must stay out of the badly formed trends. You must also attack the very good states. The way to do this is to test the waters. You have to jump in in order to participate. You must have a playing technique that allows you to risk your first bets. You must have enough bankroll to take a few losses. Once you have found a working trend you must ride it big and hard while it happens. You must back off on the first loss. There is an entire discussion on backing off and jumping back in. But the first move is to back off after you have huge winnings.

Everything else is just small parts of searching for working trends. Now I hope that most of you can see the difference between searching for something and belief in expectations or depending on anything being due. All this is is being prepared for this if you find something happening that you like. Even the AP players like to find something they can exploit. There is no difference with the  Blackjack players that wait for excellent conditions while counting cards. Good players know when they have conditions that favor them. My method is about knowing when that happens. It's just not based on probability or physics. It's based on coincidence.
I am the living proof that Roulette can be beat every time I set out to beat it.


Folks win the PowerBall Lottery all the time - they win hundreds of millions of dollars - they have no skill.

But what's more fascinating is that all those clairvoyants don't win all the time.

Luck is short term oriented - folks place $100 on a single number and win every day at every Roulette table - I've seen it happen many times.

Since skill is not needed in Roulette, luck will explain instances that look interesting, not some kind of statistically abnormality where statistics turn's it's back and wasn't looking for 2 spins.


Quote from: MauiSunset on Mar 11, 12:35 PM 2011
Folks win the PowerBall Lottery all the time - they win hundreds of millions of dollars - they have no skill.

But what's more fascinating is that all those clairvoyants don't win all the time.

Luck is short term oriented - folks place $100 on a single number and win every day at every Roulette table - I've seen it happen many times.

Since skill is not needed in Roulette, luck will explain instances that look interesting, not some kind of statistically abnormality where statistics turn's it's back and wasn't looking for 2 spins.

Does luck last 7 years Mauisunset, You try to make a point without solid knowledge of what you're trying to comment on. Your assumptions and ignorance are text book. Exactly what we expect from the standard naysayer. When you have systematically beaten this game week in week out for several years, you know luck is not even in the equation.

Its called PERCENTAGE STRIKERATE. Master roulette by taking it out of its natural playground the standard layout which CANNOT BE BEATEN. AND THROW IT INTO A FORMAT THAT WILL TAME IT. The LAW OF AVERAGES. Random bows down to it everytime, and once you know this you begin the journey to beating this game day in day out. I doubt you will even get that. ???


Quote from: Johnlegend on Mar 11, 02:33 PM 2011
Does luck last 7 years Mauisunset, You try to make a point without solid knowledge of what you're trying to comment on. Your assumptions and ignorance are text book. Exactly what we expect from the standard naysayer. When you have systematically beaten this game week in week out for several years, you know luck is not even in the equation.

Its called PERCENTAGE STRIKERATE. Master roulette by taking it out of its natural playground the standard layout which CANNOT BE BEATEN. AND THROW IT INTO A FORMAT THAT WILL TAME IT. The LAW OF AVERAGES. Random bows down to it everytime, and once you know this you begin the journey to beating this game day in day out. I doubt you will even get that. ???

My $25 gift certificate to Outback Steak House remains unclaimed - all those Roulette players making all that money and not enough time to demo it for $25.

I stand pat - I've not seen any Roulette system demoed that beats my "play slow, drink fast" method.

Imagine what you can order for $25 at Outback.....


I have confidence that 300 years of wacky, insane, out of this world Roulette systems attack and Roulette will be back for year 301 in just 9 months from now....


I'd take you up on the challange but unfortunatly I don't think we have an Outback Steakhouse here in the part of rural England that I live in. Shame.



Quote from: trebor on Mar 11, 06:23 PM 2011
I'd take you up on the challange but unfortunatly I don't think we have an Outback Steakhouse here in the part of rural England that I live in. Shame.


OK, I will PayPal you $25.

I'm finishing up our Maui vacation and travel back to St. Louis on Saturday - I have someone taking the challenge on Monday so Tuesday, March 15 is open for a 2 hour session.  St. Louis is Zulu - 6 hours so let me know when you would like to do the 2 hr session and we can alert folks.

If the guys on Monday makes $1 then the prize is gone - but you are still welcome to demo your system right here in real time.



Go for it, Robert!! No excuses now  ;D

I (and others, no doubt) will watch this  space with great interest...


Quote from: esoito on Mar 11, 10:36 PM 2011
Go for it, Robert!! No excuses now  ;D

I (and others, no doubt) will watch this  space with great interest...

The challenge has no merit or id participate in it by letting someone with the technical ability run it for me. As soon as he stipulated the method must work for 100 spins i knew he doesnt understand beating roulette at all.

WINNING STRATEGIES USE *TRIGGERS* you dont just jump in like some fool and bet every spin. Your bet MUST QUALIFY. Thats what he cannot take on board. So for example an awesome method like MATRIX VERTICAL 3 might take 50 spins to get its trigger. But you know 99 times out of a 100 You are going to Win. Someone like Mauisunset simply cant understand that. He thinks you have to sit there like some fool betting every spin WRONG.


You could be right.

The results will be interesting -- assuming anyone takes up the challenge.

Then the arguments will begin on how to interpret them!

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. It keeps us all off the streets in the meantime.


I was actually just making a comment on the prize offered.

As many have said the rules stipulated make the challenge meaningless.  We could all be up 1 point on three separate sessions of 100 spins but it wouldn't show the system works long term.

Also is this flat betting only?



Quote from: trebor on Mar 12, 07:58 AM 2011
I was actually just making a comment on the prize offered.

As many have said the rules stipulated make the challenge meaningless.  We could all be up 1 point on three separate sessions of 100 spins but it wouldn't show the system works long term.

Also is this flat betting only?


You do your own thing for 100 spins or if you have triggers 2 hours of time.  You can bet anyway you want, the goal is to make $1 after 100 spins.

I guess if you play in a way that the pit boss comes over to you and brings 2 ex-football players and politely asks you to leave the casino I'd follow that same instinct and end the session.

Guys, you moan and groan about this as if you have never played a real game in a real casino - the object is to play a session of 100 spins and make a profit and win my $25 prize.

If you are worried that I will parade around holding up a loser for ridicule that's not my object - I want to observe a winning Roulette Player in action for 100 spins.  The one and only person who has taken up my challenge is coming back for round #2 on Monday and I wish him luck.  You can read my posts here and elsewhere where I'm running the contest and I don't ridicule him but praise him for having the guts to take on a challenge.

If anyone can make just $1, in 100, 200, or 300 spins then this is a very big deal to me since I don't believe it can be done; it would be earth shaking and easily worth $25 to watch.


Quote from: MauiSunset on Mar 12, 11:57 AM 2011
You do your own thing for 100 spins or if you have triggers 2 hours of time.  You can bet anyway you want, the goal is to make $1 after 100 spins.

I guess if you play in a way that the pit boss comes over to you and brings 2 ex-football players and politely asks you to leave the casino I'd follow that same instinct and end the session.

Guys, you moan and groan about this as if you have never played a real game in a real casino - the object is to play a session of 100 spins and make a profit and win my $25 prize.

If you are worried that I will parade around holding up a loser for ridicule that's not my object - I want to observe a winning Roulette Player in action for 100 spins.  The one and only person who has taken up my challenge is coming back for round #2 on Monday and I wish him luck.  You can read my posts here and elsewhere where I'm running the contest and I don't ridicule him but praise him for having the guts to take on a challenge.

If anyone can make just $1, in 100, 200, or 300 spins then this is a very big deal to me since I don't believe it can be done; it would be earth shaking and easily worth $25 to watch.
The problem most have with your challenge is why do it live for just 100 spins?

Theres already a method on the forum I absolutely know will make at least 15 points in 100 spins. Why Mauisunset can you not run it yourself?

I will give you the rules and in less than a week you will have a different attitude about roulette. I am no techno whizz on computers either you or someone else on here can play it live or for fun money online or just on paper against real live spins. I assure you. you will never think roulette unbeatable EVER AGAIN, ARE YOU UP FOR THAT?


That's how I feel JL.

I don't see the point of going through the palaver of some sort of demonstration that I would have to spend time sorting out that in reality would prove nothing whether I won or lost.

MauiSunset could run the tests himself but all he will say is it can't be done. I'm baffled by his attitude. On the one hand he says that he doesn't believe anyone can win one point in 100 spins and then says that if someone demonstrated such a result to him "it would be earth shaking".  We all know that this is achievable in the exact 100 spins or exact 2 hours but not necessarily in each and every case.

Is it me or does this all make no sense.

