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Bet light - bet heavy-but always safe!

Started by Jordan, Jul 16, 06:10 PM 2010

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Quote from: Jordan on Jul 17, 09:44 AM 2010
There can t be any back up plan in Roulette!
Yes we must have a stop-loss and I have already posted it in my Topic!
the stop-loss should be about 60 chips.

If what you are doing isn't working, do you go on digging the hole deeper, or do you try something else?

That is what I mean by a back-up plan!

You didn't mention a stop-loss in your first post, but now I know.  :thumbsup:
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Yes you keep digging deeper because U do not know what will be the swings!!! but u know that the Rule is the balance to come!

so keep diging   until we + again or -60.

Post results mate :thumbsup:


Quote from: Jordan on Jul 17, 07:53 AM 2010
How many 0s you will have ?LoL
and my friend patience is the only way in any succesfull system.

If you don't have it ...then I sugest you should play something else.

ps.U need just to win +15 or +20 chips with this and go homme....after some visits you will bet big and these +20 chips may be 1000 euros

Dead right Jordan and I'm working at it.

I've only been playing roulette for 6 months but I've already seen so many "unusual runs" that I'm now wary of expecting anything.

None of my comments are intended to be negative and I suppose I only said what more experienced players take for granted.

I'm sure that a mild progression coupled with some system that wins on the averages can make profits. I hope this is it.

I'll do some 100 spin tests.



Jordan, Do you know if you were up at any time during your losing session? 

I was thinking maybe after +10 during a session, to change your bet selection and start over.
There are many bet selections to choose from so we should profit from one selection, then move to another.  We might avoid a losing session that way.

Just a thought



O.K.  I just did a test.  I bet on RED every time.

167 total spins

78 - Wins
89 - Losses     46.7%

+5 units

It was a struggle to get the last couple of units.  I wanted to end at an even 5 profit.  It seems like a very good system.  It does take patients.  

I would strongly suggest a win target and loss/stop per session.  Here is what MY guidelines would be:

$1 units:  WIN TARGET ($10) LOSS/STOP ($100)
$5 units:  WIN TARGET ($40) LOSS/STOP ($250)
$10 units: WIN TARGET ($60) LOSS/STOP ($500)
$25 units: WIN TARGET ($100) LOSS/STOP ($1000)
$100 units:  WIN TARGET ($200) LOSS/STOP ($3000)

Just some more thoughts





Suppose you are 16 more loses than wins.  You are now playing 5 chips.
Now you win four on a row.  You stay at 12 more loses than wins.
The question is: You still continue playing 5 chips or you play 4 chips?


U can never avoid a bad sequence in any system,simply because u do not know when it will hapen!
And this is why u must have a system like this one that even if u will lose more then win.in the end u will have profit

Yes after a lot of testing I found out that when u win 4 rimes u must then narow down the bet to the privious stage,...
eg if we were betting with 5 chips and we have 4 wins (not consequtive nesesary ,just 4 wins more than loses) u must continue betting with 4 chips....if u will have again 4 more losses u will again bet 5 chips etc...


OK, Thnxs, just like you explain in your first post.



Jordan has presented an interesting method worthy of investigation.

Here I present a very similar idea - betting every spin for 100 spins using FTL on color in this example - but you can apply it to any reasonable EC selection method...
Betting using "cycle of 7 bets" method. Why seven? Well I've tried it with 10 but 7 has always been regarded as a "mystical" number and there are a lot of cycles that operate on the number 7 - including our own life cycles.

The number seven is important in many cultures and religions. There are seven steps to creating the Philosopherââ,¬â,,¢s Stone in the ancient science of Alchemy. There are seven days in a week, seven virtues and seven vices as well as seven branches in a menorah. There are Seven Wonders of the World, seven sacred sciences and seven chakras. In Greek Mythology, seven is the symbol of the Virgin. It is not possible to construct a perfect heptagon or to divide the circle into seven equal portions using only simple geometerââ,¬â,,¢s tools. Hence, seven is indivisible, unconquerable, and virginal.
To attempt to cite all the things included in this mystical number would require a library...


Casino Wiesbaden 01 JUN 2010 - Table 3
Spin,Number,Type,Bet Unit,Win,Loss,Net,Unit Bal.,Bet Layout
1,28,No,0,0,0,0,500, *wait for 1st number

2,15,Bet,1,2,-1,1,501,1 : Black
3,2,Bet,1,2,-1,1,502,1 : Black
4,16,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,501,1 : Black
5,7,Bet,1,2,-1,1,502,1 : Red
6,36,Bet,1,2,-1,1,503,1 : Red
7,14,Bet,1,2,-1,1,504,1 : Red
8,10,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,503,1 : Red *503 stay@1u

9,36,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : Black
10,20,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,501,1 : Red
11,35,Bet,1,2,-1,1,502,1 : Black
12,26,Bet,1,2,-1,1,503,1 : Black
13,27,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,502,1 : Black
14,2,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,501,1 : Red
15,33,Bet,1,2,-1,1,502,1 : Black *502 incr to 2u

16,16,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,500,2 : Black
17,4,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,498,2 : Red
18,30,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,496,2 : Black
19,32,Bet,2,4,-2,2,498,2 : Red
20,26,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,496,2 : Red
21,15,Bet,2,4,-2,2,498,2 : Black
22,27,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,496,2 : Black *496 incr to 3u

23,35,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,493,3 : Red
24,12,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,490,3 : Black
25,23,Bet,3,6,-3,3,493,3 : Red
26,25,Bet,3,6,-3,3,496,3 : Red
27,28,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,493,3 : Red
28,2,Bet,3,6,-3,3,496,3 : Black
29,4,Bet,3,6,-3,3,499,3 : Black *499 stay@3u

30,30,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,496,3 : Black
31,8,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,493,3 : Red
32,2,Bet,3,6,-3,3,496,3 : Black
33,12,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,493,3 : Black
34,20,Bet,3,0,-3,-3,490,3 : Red
35,29,Bet,3,6,-3,3,493,3 : Black
36,31,Bet,3,6,-3,3,496,3 : Black *496 incr to 4u

37,25,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,492,4 : Black
38,18,Bet,4,8,-4,4,496,4 : Red
39,23,Bet,4,8,-4,4,500,4 : Red
40,10,Bet,4,0,-4,-4,496,4 : Red
41,13,Bet,4,8,-4,4,500,4 : Black
42,33,Bet,4,8,-4,4,504,4 : Black
43,6,Bet,4,8,-4,4,508,4 : Black *508 decr to 1u

44,22,Bet,1,2,-1,1,509,1 : Black
45,25,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : Black
46,32,Bet,1,2,-1,1,509,1 : Red
47,24,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : Red
48,6,Bet,1,2,-1,1,509,1 : Black
49,20,Bet,1,2,-1,1,510,1 : Black
50,22,Bet,1,2,-1,1,511,1 : Black *511 stay@1u

51,27,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,510,1 : Black
52,22,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,509,1 : Red
53,28,Bet,1,2,-1,1,510,1 : Black
54,1,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,509,1 : Black
55,20,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : Red
56,6,Bet,1,2,-1,1,509,1 : Black
57,12,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,508,1 : Black *508 incr to 2u

58,9,Bet,2,4,-2,2,510,2 : Red
59,30,Bet,2,4,-2,2,512,2 : Red
60,13,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,510,2 : Red
61,33,Bet,2,4,-2,2,512,2 : Black
62,7,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,510,2 : Black
63,7,Bet,2,4,-2,2,512,2 : Red
64,36,Bet,2,4,-2,2,514,2 : Red *514 decr to 1u

65,34,Bet,1,2,-1,1,515,1 : Red
66,30,Bet,1,2,-1,1,516,1 : Red
67,24,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : Red
68,8,Bet,1,2,-1,1,516,1 : Black
69,1,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : Black
70,27,Bet,1,2,-1,1,516,1 : Red
71,28,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : Red *515 stay@1u

72,10,Bet,1,2,-1,1,516,1 : Black
73,9,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : Black
74,4,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,514,1 : Red
75,13,Bet,1,2,-1,1,515,1 : Black
76,30,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,514,1 : Black
77,1,Bet,1,2,-1,1,515,1 : Red
78,8,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,514,1 : Red *514 incr to 2u

79,34,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,512,2 : Black
80,14,Bet,2,4,-2,2,514,2 : Red
81,32,Bet,2,4,-2,2,516,2 : Red
82,35,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,514,2 : Red
83,15,Bet,2,4,-2,2,516,2 : Black
84,18,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,514,2 : Black
85,5,Bet,2,4,-2,2,516,2 : Red *516 decr to 1u

86,32,Bet,1,2,-1,1,517,1 : Red
87,24,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,516,1 : Red
88,22,Bet,1,2,-1,1,517,1 : Black
89,14,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,516,1 : Black
90,18,Bet,1,2,-1,1,517,1 : Red
91,18,Bet,1,2,-1,1,518,1 : Red
92,13,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,517,1 : Red *517 stay@1u

93,32,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,516,1 : Black
94,15,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,515,1 : Red
95,5,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,514,1 : Black
96,9,Bet,1,2,-1,1,515,1 : Red
97,34,Bet,1,2,-1,1,516,1 : Red
98,16,Bet,1,2,-1,1,517,1 : Red
99,8,Bet,1,0,-1,-1,516,1 : Red *516 incr to 2u

100,7,Bet,2,0,-2,-2,514,2 : Black
101,18,Bet,2,4,-2,2,516,2 : Red *516 - STOP (100 bets)

max drawdown=14
highest bet=4
bets won 53; lost 47

Increase stakes by +1 if 7-bet result is less than previous 7-bet result, otherwise remain at same stake for next seven bets - unless result is equal or ahead of overall session high; in which case reduce down to starting stake of 1u

Good luck,
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Ok listen.
The method I made is OK...but it isn t enginiared the BEST possibe!

Please try to take advantage the phenomeno of Randomness :"If u are losing now a lot...in a few spins more winners will come"
But it must win in the end even if the total wins were a lot less than the wins...

its all about Maths and when and how much to increze the chips.


Yesterday I finished my test of this method. I started with a 200 unit bank roll and ended sessions at +10.

After running the method for 15 days 2 sessions a day of play I have the following results:

Week one: Won 87 units, Lowest point during these sessions was -28 units.
Week two: Won 98 units, Lowest point during these sessions was -74 units.
Week three: Won 72 units, Lowest point during these sessions was -122 units.

I would stop seesions if they started to scare me, usually once I was at the 5 unit bet level, I would play out that session and call it quits.

Jordon I like your method and have used it even with Baccarat, where it worked just as well.

Thanks for Posting


Wally Gator

Great idea Jordan.  Phisalot told me about your thread.

Here are 333 consecutive spins.  I played till +1 and started again back at 0.  Not sure if that's how you are playing it?  But, ended up at +27, highest drawdown was -32.

Appears this is a very simple strategy for walking away at many different points with some change in your pocket.  Black or green chips would do nicely on this.  I'll keep testing it.

Have a look and thanks much for sharing.

A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds. ~ Mark Twain


This is very similar to the "Bread Winner" system as explained in the book "Monte Carlo Anecdotes" except in the Bread Winner system you increase your bets once you have 5 losing bets on each level.

There's no need to set stop losses or wins.  Just have a large enough bankroll and you're almost guaranteed to win.

Victor has mentioned this system as a good grinding system for a few unit win each day.  (Actually, Victor has mentioned almost every system at one time or another.)  Google "Monte Carlo Anecdotes" for a read.  It goes into a little more detail re: how to keep track of your bets.

I have been using this betting method on double streets with excellent results.  Increase bet by 1 after losses equal 5 more than wins at each level.  It's almost infallible if you have about a 1000 unit bankroll.  You can even win playing for repeats as a bet selection method.  Actually, you can play this betting method on any of the bets with equally good results.  So, if you like to bet dozens, lines, corners, splits etc... just adjust the number of losses and go for it.

The more I type, the more I realize that this is the betting method to end all betting methods and we didn't even know it.  Thanks Jordan for opening our eyes to the truth.
I'm only half joking.  Check it out and see for yourselves.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
