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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 08, 05:46 PM 2011

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Quote from: keepontryin on Feb 16, 05:03 PM 2018ricky you said most losses to pb came after 45 plus spins yet you say when less then 45 bet for same if more bet for different............but doesnt pb play for different...... so what do you mean?
Hi keepontryin,
The comment I made relates to what I read in the early days of the thread. What JL had found was when he was betting AGAINST the last pattern forming, MOST of his losses came after 45 spins. So it made sense to avoid those losses he should be betting FOR the pattern to form. This is the way I am playing.

Having said this, there is only ONE way the wheel can beat you.

When you are betting AGAINST the last pattern forming then the wheel needs to spin that Pattern EXACTLY.

When you are betting FOR the last pattern forming then the wheel needs to spin an exact OPPOSITE of the last pattern. You only need to have the correct choice in 1 of the 3 spins in the pattern to win. You do not need to have the last pattern completely match.

Hope this makes sense.



Quote from: cht on Feb 16, 08:12 AM 2018About hit and run question - my question is whether there could have better statistical hit rate ? The same for the 1st game of the day ?
In regards to playing big on the 1st game of the day, I think this may be phycological. For me when I go to a B&M casino, I seem to get onto a long term losing streak on occasion. My first game seems to start with a loss. Its like random knows I am about to start and tries to give me a hard time. There are days I spent the whole night trying to recover from my bet first bet just to get my money back.

So for me I now treat my first bet with a lot of caution. If it goes well then I will think about increasing my bet size. Maybe once I start playing PB more often and have more faith in it I will start playing that way and place my biggest bet on the first bet of the session.

Now that my BOT is looking good playing this method I may code this option into it by playing the first game at 3 times the normal unit size.

In regards to Sentinel's win rate by playing hit and run, I am trying to emulate this by pausing the game after a profit target is met. At the moment its after every 30 euro I pause for 20 spins. Depending whether I find I am losing more games playing continuously I will increase this to about 100 spins which represents about 1 hour of online roulette spins.



Quote from: Ricky on Feb 16, 06:40 PM 2018
Hi all,
since I wrote my original post on the PB rules I use in my bot I have revised them to play more consistent with how others are playing especially with the progression. So here are my current rules I use:

1. Track all 8 patterns of ALL E/C and wait for the last pattern remaining of the FIRST E/C to qualify. Eg if of all E/C H/L has matched 5 patterns, E/O has matched 6 patterns and B/R has matched 7 patterns, then I choose B/R to bet the next 3 spins.

2.  If the number of spins to get to this last pattern is less than 45 (or 15 sets of 3) then I bet FOR the last pattern else I bet AGAINST the last pattern. eg if the last pattern remaining is BBB and the number of spins to get to this point is 42 then I bet RRR. But if the number of spins is >=45 i bet BBB (with the last pattern). The reason for this is that it has taken a very long time for this pattern to not come out so it is probably more due to come. Again this is a personal preference and is an OPTIONAL rule.

I think the same.  :thumbsup:

3.  Use a progression system that allows you to recover. Since I have found PB wins more times than it loses I am not expecting long losing streaks so have settled with the 3 step Martingale originally defined in JL's rules and I only cover the Zero on the 3rd Bet. So my progression is now:
Normal Bet : 1,2,5+1(Zero)

Virtual loss/1/2 or virtual loss/1/1 might work better.

Recovery Bet: 4,8,18+2(Zero)
So I add an extra 1 (or 2 in recovery) to the E/C bet to cover the Zero Bet on the 3rd step. I also put 1 unit (or 2 in recovery) straight up on the Zero

4. As mentioned in RULE 1, I track all 3 E/C (H-L, O-E, B-R). However, I reset all trackers after a win on any E/C bet. I immediately start tracking from the beginning

5. I have an optional side bet in my setup to allow you to choose to bet the 4th Pattern will NOT match the 1st pattern as discussed in this forum. To choose which E/C pattern I bet AGAINST I use a random selection so as not to bet on the same E/C bet in each session for this side bet. In the original rules I posted I was only using E/O. So on the 4th set of 3 spins I bet against either the 1st B/R, H/L or O/E. Whether the bet wins or loses I continue tracking the patterns until the end. In this way we have a possibility of winning twice for each session we track. If this side bet loses I go into recovery mode for the next 2 bets.

6. Finally, as mentioned in RULE 3, I only cover the Zero on the 3rd step. The reason for  this is Zero does not come out as often and PB has a high strike rate on E/C so I am maximizing my return and minimizing my risk by not betting on Zero for 2/3 steps in the progression. If I am taken to the last step in the progression it makes sense to cover the Zero as this is the highest bet and we would not want to lose it due to Zero hitting.

Instead of 1/2/5+1,
to keep the relative zero cost low, it is 18/36/72+4

PS. There is a bit of interest for me to share the Roulette Xtreme system design for PB. I will share this next week as I am grateful for those on this forum freely sharing their ideas and helping me realize my dream. You will require a copy of Roulette Xtreme to run it. Its available at link:://uxsoftware.com if you are interested . However, I just need to clean up the code a little before releasing. The design will be specific for PB and MV7.
Also, there is some logic added that I have not shared with the forum which is being tested. This relates to the 7th Pattern. I will leave it to Sentinel to determine if I should include or remove this logic as it was his idea. But I am not sure if he has shared this with the forum yet.



Quote from: cht on Feb 16, 07:52 PM 2018Instead of 1/2/5+1,
to keep the relative zero cost low, it is 18/36/72+4
It seems the progression you are recommending for a Recovery bet is to try and recoup your losses in one session. This could be chosen if you decide to run the BOT in AGGRESSIVE mode. I have built this mode into my design so I could program the progression this way.

One thing would could also do when playing continuously is to use SMART MM and depending on how much profit you already have or how much your loss currently is you can deploy either conservative or aggressive progressions. You could also look at switching methods during recovery if the method you encountered the loss is having a bad losing streak.



Quote from: Ricky on Feb 16, 06:55 PM 2018
PB (Revised) is looking good in Continuous play. It will be interesting, since I am playing for like 8 hours a day continuously, to see if it can beat this record.

The record is now 🛑50 GAMES IN A ROW🛑 Ricky. Its a dream run I may never see again. But yes I personally would like you to tell me the kind of winning streaks you are getting in continuous play.

Because if HIT & RUN has one advantage over continuous play. It will surely be the ability to put a freak streak like this together. Slipping in and out of the cycle. Dodging that matching pattern for longer.

This is a real point of interest for me. These are my last 4 winning streaks with PATTERN BREAKER REVISED.


The ORIGINAL pattern breaker just staying on HL. Coild never put 4 streaks together like this. There would ALWAYS be at least one inside 10 games. Like say a 7 or 8. And you would never see monster streaks like this so close together. There is something powerful going on here thats got even me stunned.


Quote from: Ricky on Feb 16, 09:29 PM 2018
It seems the progression you are recommending for a Recovery bet is to try and recoup your losses in one session. This could be chosen if you decide to run the BOT in AGGRESSIVE mode. I have built this mode into my design so I could program the progression this way.

One thing would could also do when playing continuously is to use SMART MM and depending on how much profit you already have or how much your loss currently is you can deploy either conservative or aggressive progressions. You could also look at switching methods during recovery if the method you encountered the loss is having a bad losing streak.

Perhaps your bot can have the progression selected by the user - I don't know how difficult it is but it'll be good for users have the selection option what progression they use. Just suggesting.


Quote from: sentinel3 on Feb 16, 09:32 PM 2018
The record is now 🛑50 GAMES IN A ROW🛑 Ricky. Its a dream run I may never see again. But yes I personally would like you to tell me the kind of winning streaks you are getting in continuous play.

Because if HIT & RUN has one advantage over continuous play. It will surely be the ability to put a freak streak like this together. Slipping in and out of the cycle. Dodging that matching pattern for longer.

This is a real point of interest for me. These are my last 4 winning streaks with PATTERN BREAKER REVISED.


The ORIGINAL pattern breaker just staying on HL. Coild never put 4 streaks together like this. There would ALWAYS be at least one inside 10 games. Like say a 7 or 8. And you would never see monster streaks like this so close together. There is something powerful going on here thats got even me stunned.

Hi Sentinel,
for now I think you are pretty safe. While I was responding to all the posts I lost twice, recovering after each in the next two spins. The first one was using the side bet of 1st not the 4th pattern. Are you still using this bet?
PS, I have increased my bet to 2 euro base bet and am 27 euro in profit. The BOT is proving it can play discipline. If it was me after the first loss I probably would not have placed the large recovery bets and would still be down substantially. So for better of for worse having strict rules and proper MM and bankroll to support recovery is proving very valuable.



Quote from: cht on Feb 16, 09:36 PM 2018Perhaps your bot can have the progression selected by the user - I don't know how difficult it is but it'll be good for users have the selection option what progression they use. Just suggesting.
very easy to program in Roulette Xtreme. I have all sorts of options when I start it. Sometime too many. These include the Methods to be used, the Progression Strategy: Marti, D'Alambert, even the recovery method to use. In my full system I have the option of using Labouchere to limit the recovery bets getting too high. This would require you to be in recovery mode for more than the one or two bets using Marty.

Due to the above complexity of my FULL system I will remove all these options out for the version I will share. This will be to avoid complexity of using the system for those on the forum just wanting to follow the standard rules.



Quote from: Baelog on Feb 16, 01:18 PM 2018
Tracker for PB Revised.


Hi, Baelog, thank you very much for the PB Revised Tracker. I truly appreciated it.  Can you please create a PB tracker for Baccarat if don't mind.

Best regards,


Sentinel and Ricky,   I really like how things are coming out with this method,  I have played it two times in a real casino,  today I won 40$ (I know its not much,  but I am just starting)  , basically I followed all the steps you described... I have questions taking into account that you have played hundreds of sessions now,  around how many of your sessions won on the first setp of the progression,  how many on the second step,  and how many on the third step,  I am just trying to find my own way to optimize my winnings.  Thanks


Quote from: romano0327 on Feb 16, 11:37 PM 2018
Sentinel and Ricky,   I really like how things are coming out with this method,  I have played it two times in a real casino,  today I won 40$ (I know its not much,  but I am just starting)  , basically I followed all the steps you described... I have questions taking into account that you have played hundreds of sessions now,  around how many of your sessions won on the first setp of the progression,  how many on the second step,  and how many on the third step,  I am just trying to find my own way to optimize my winnings.  Thanks
I have addressed this aspect many times, no response so far.  :question:

I suspect(without empirical evidence) that the best progression is virtual loss/1/2 or virtual loss/1/1 risking 3 or 2 units per game. If virtual win, wait for next signal.


Without getting into details of the direction of your bankroll, i will try to answer your question.  If I plot both the original way and the way you have suggested cht in a graph, the individual profiles are different in magnitude. But if you draw a straight line from start to finish, it takes the same direction. 


Quote from: Tinsoldiers on Feb 17, 01:21 AM 2018
Without getting into details of the direction of your bankroll, i will try to answer your question.  If I plot both the original way and the way you have suggested cht in a graph, the individual profiles are different in magnitude. But if you draw a straight line from start to finish, it takes the same direction.
Looool  :xd:

I will wait patiently for the details.


Quote from: Ricky on Feb 16, 06:40 PM 2018PS. There is a bit of interest for me to share the Roulette Xtreme system design for PB. I will share this next week as I am grateful for those on this forum freely sharing their ideas and helping me realize my dream. You will require a copy of Roulette Xtreme to run it. Its available at link:://uxsoftware.com if you are interested . However, I just need to clean up the code a little before releasing. The design will be specific for PB and MV7.
Also, there is some logic added that I have not shared with the forum which is being tested. This relates to the 7th Pattern. I will leave it to Sentinel to determine if I should include or remove this logic as it was his idea. But I am not sure if he has shared this with the forum yet.

Well it took quicker than I expected. OK here it is the PB and MV7 system design that I have been testing. Hope you find it useful in your evaluation of these methods. As mentioned, the code has a lot of additional baggage that I have taken out for this version to try and make it as simple as possible to operate. It comes with no warranties etc. I look forward to your feedback on how your own testing goes and let me know if you have any good Ideas I can add to the system to improve the PB and MV7 methods.

I have attached a document showing some basic instructions on using it and expected results. I have also attached some session files you can load to see the results of live runs on live wheels. I guess you can play these back into the system to work out how the current version does with the spin results and to find out whether the system won on first, second or third bets.




Quote from: romano0327 on Feb 16, 11:37 PM 2018
Sentinel and Ricky,   I really like how things are coming out with this method,  I have played it two times in a real casino,  today I won 40$ (I know its not much,  but I am just starting)  , basically I followed all the steps you described... I have questions taking into account that you have played hundreds of sessions now,  around how many of your sessions won on the first setp of the progression,  how many on the second step,  and how many on the third step,  I am just trying to find my own way to optimize my winnings.  Thanks
Hi Romano I dont have the exact numbers for that breakdown to hand. Because they arent important to me. But I will break them down from my data over the weekend. And post it on here Sunday afternoon okay?
