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Started by Johnlegend, Apr 08, 05:46 PM 2011

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Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Mar 10, 08:41 PM 2018

At present, I do NOT play any bet selection method (for either craps, baccarat, or roulette)  that entails betting on every roll/hand/spin.

However, if you were to bet on every roll/hand/spin, the following would be my suggested MM strategies:

Flat bet

Positive progression (either partial or total parlay; Guetting)

D' Alembert

Contra D' Alembert

Labouchere and its variants

Reverse Labouchere (the one made famous by Norman Leigh)

Fibonacci (one of my least favorite methods, but many others love it)

Gr8player progression (either the original 7 level one or a shorter version of it).

Lord Martingale's famous creation does NOT make the cut. Sorry.

After I had posted the above message, I kept thinking there was another progression method that I forgotten to add to the above list (that might be appropriate for methods that require betting continuously).

And then it dawned on me -- I had forgotten to add Oscar's Grind (and the very similar plus coup progression) to the above list.

Oscar's Grind is a quasi-positive progression that is definitely worth a try for any EC betting method (including any that requires betting continuously).

There are a lot of web sites that discuss this method, so check it out if you are not familiar with it.
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Quote from: Ricky on Feb 23, 08:45 PM 2018
Hi Andre,
Just look at the mechanics of Baccarat versus Roulette. I have only been playing Baccarat myself seriously since I discovered PB method. I never understood it and the rules of when a player or banker gets another card and what the significance of this rule. But without looking too much into the math I can imagine, together with the banker commission, or in some games where commission is not paid a banker 6 only pays 1:2, that the rule is there to entice the player to bet banker and force them to pay the commission or get lower odds if 6 were to hit.
But it was mentioned on this forum that when cards are shuffled at the beginning of the shoe random is "set" for the whole shoe. To my mind this means we are only dealing with random once for every bet we make. Whether we make 1 bet or 100 bets we are dealing with the same random. The cards come out exactly the same on player hand and banker hand. And the rules dictate how many cards each will get. So, unlike roulette where a random event occurs each spin and can be influenced by the dealer and change of dealer and physical obstacles that cause the ball to bounce in an unpredictable manner, baccarat should behave with less variance based on the one shuffle performed by a machine or a dealer. My preference would be to play the game where cards are manually shuffled in front of you so there are no sneaky tricks deployed to put the cards in a certain order.

So, after looking at the mechanics of the game, I think it really is worth while performing the same sort of long term analysis on Baccarat as JL has done with Roulette. And I think this is what I am going to do to determine if I continue using PB on roulette or switch my preference to Baccarat.

For the record, I am also testing BP at my BM casino with $5 base bets on all the E/C games - SicB, Roulette, Baccarat playing 1 game of each on every visit. The  exception is  craps which I never really understood. So far I have NOT lost at any of these games playing PB. I am sure this will change as it has on my baccarat play on online casino but in all history of gambling I have never had such an incredible run of luck which actually is increasing my bankroll. I could never sustain winning more than $1000 before temptation got the better of me and I just handed it back to the casino, sometimes in one sitting.

I am on a mission to change my fortune and can now see myself joining many of you in winning $1,000s without giving any large percentage of it back. And that's why I am sticking with PB because I believe with it I will meet my goal. What I have done is set myself a challenge. Get to 100K starting at $1000.  If you have been following my posts I initially was going to use fun money on a bot to play the system continuously and turn 1K to 100K to prove it works. But I came to realize you cannot expose yourself to random continuously and expect not to get struck more often that you would like. Playing sparingly max 10 times per day for higher value units is a quicker, "safer" way to get to the same goal with higher degree of success. So now I am using real money starting at $200 and set myself 10 challenges to get to $100K. I have met my first challenge turning $200 to $500. Now I have nine more challenges to go. I want to achieve this in the next 6-12 months. Even if I can complete 3-4 of these challenges I will be extremely happy. But would it be a story to claim that you can make $100K from $200 with disciplined play and patience using the best method I have ever come across in PATTERN BREAKER. This would seal my retirement for full time employment and prove anyone can achieve this rather than allowing the casinos to make billions of the impatience and lack of discipline from swarm  of gamblers. $20 here $100 there people don't see it but the casinos do in their bottom line profits.

In case anyone is interested in my progress on my challenge to turn $200 into $100,000 here is an update. I am currently taking a two pronged attack on this challenge. I am maintaining 2 bankrolls, one for my BM visits which started with $200. It has now grown since 30/1 to $650 (see attachment on what this looks like). I am just playing exclusively PB on roulette and Baccarat and for the fun of it SicBo. I also attached a record of today's play including SicBo. I have just returned from an overseas trip so have not extended this bankroll until today. It was only $35 but I was happy with that as I was still tired from the trip and was trying PB on the normal roulette wheels, tracking 3 tables simultaneously. I usually play on Rapid Roulette which gets quicker results. I played two games of Sic Bo with a 5 5 15 progression and won both games, although one was break even as it won on the 2nd step. So had a $5 win. That's 4 games I have now won on SicBo using PB method. No losses so far.

The other bankroll I have is for the Online Casino I am using. Unfortunately, that bankroll is in the red to the tune of 200 euro but up from 300 euro in the red. I temporarily went into gambling mode trying an idea playing with my real money and lost 100 euro in one session. Fortunately, I took a break for a day and deposited another 150 euro and played disciplined PB (original and Andre version) on Baccarat and recouped 100 euro. I have now requested a withdrawal of the 150 euro. I'll keep you posted when that transaction completes. This will confirm if I have  been blacklisted for playing a system even though they still have quite a bit of my capital.

Now with my BM bankroll it is slowly growing and I'll post another photo of the Cash once it grows to $1,000. I am enjoying this positive direction and hoping it will continue with DISCIPLINED play and PATIENCE.

While I was at the Casino I witnessed some very interesting experiences. One Asian gentleman placed a light blue chip on High and was waiting to be paid after 23R hit. Now this chip was bigger than the others which go from $5(red) to $25(green) to $100(black). I quickly realized this was a $1,000 chip. Oh My lord I thought to myself and looked at the gentleman with a big smile. There were two other black chips on High and 2nd Dozen. I asked him if they were his also. He indicated they were his friend's. He had just won $1,000 on a $5 table with a $1000 max on outside bets. I was jealous that I did not have the "gamblers" hat on and put that same bet down. But I thought to myself, one day, when my Fighting Fund has grown to 40 times my base bet of $1,000 I will be able to go up to the high roller rooms and confidently put on that same bet based on the PATTERN BREAKER system. And WHEN I win the bet I will get to experience the same pleasure as the Asian gentleman was feeling at that moment. I congratulated him and wished him well for the night, hoping he was smart enough to pocket his winnings and not gamble it away trying to win more.

Another thing I experienced was the dealer's "footprint" as they spin the wheel continuously in a rhythm. The same number kept coming up or its near neighbor. 14,14,9 and 24,24,10 and 25,21,2, 2 . This strategy of placing bets around the recently spun numbers on the wheel can really pay dividends if you use the right progression.

And one last thing I witnessed was a winning number with a big pile of chips placed on it from one gambler spreading his chips around the table. He too was rewarded with a big pile of colored chips he was playing with PLUS a light blue chip ($1000). Gamblers luck. It makes you really envious of them and makes you want to do the same but those days are gone for me as I remain PATIENT and DISCIPLINED happy to walk away with another $35 for my Fighting Fund. A small Acorn which will contribute in the future to my OAK TREE that I will use to fund my retirement.



Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Mar 11, 09:56 AM 2018

This is the book in question:


I have the book -- it is a delightful read.

The Reverse Labouchere method that Norman Leigh employed requires a fairly large spread between the minimum and maximum betting limits.

Usually, such large spreads are not available in BM casinos in the US.

That is a practical problem that we face (many online casinos in other countries do have the large spreads that this method requires).
Hi Doctor,
this story of Norman Leigh gives me an idea. Wouldn't it be cool once Sentinel and others, maybe myself included, are ready to become the next Legendary folk that "Break the Bank" that we do it in style as Norman Leigh did. We can team up in groups of 6 each tracking a table at a Vegas Casino with high stakes tables and then we can give each the signal when a table has closed out its 7th Pattern. We then all surround the table and place large bets on the last sequence with base bets nearing the table limits enough to get our 3 step sequence in. Or alternatively, we can play as a team and place the table limit. If we lose we get two members to each place the table limit and then again on the third step 4 player can each place the table limit. Given the system should win more times than it loses we should be able to clean out the chips on that table in short order and possibly force it to close down. Imagine doing this with a team of 20 or so players playing in shifts 24 hours a day. PATTERN BREAKER will certainly show its strength. Sentinel could then go on to write his book and share the story with the world.


Andre Chass

Hi guys

Im having great daily profit playing PB variation baccarat and using another strategy playing Roulette. At the moment my only job is betting. I think I dont need a normal dayjob.

Today profit 270,00

I hope they don't stop me.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


Quote from: Andre Chass on Mar 12, 06:47 PM 2018
Hi guys

Im having great daily profit playing PB variation baccarat and using another strategy playing Roulette. At the moment my only job is betting. I think I dont need a normal dayjob.

Today profit 270,00

I hope they don't stop me.
Hi Andre,
Isn't it great. What I am finding though is I have been deploying 1-1-3 progression but getting a lot of wins on step 2 so not progressing with bankroll. are you experiencing the same. When this happens I sometimes resort to 1-2-3 to get break even on 3rd step.


Quote from: Ricky on Mar 12, 07:22 PM 2018
Hi Andre,
Isn't it great. What I am finding though is I have been deploying 1-1-3 progression but getting a lot of wins on step 2 so not progressing with bankroll. are you experiencing the same. When this happens I sometimes resort to 1-2-3 to get break even on 3rd step.
Since I have started playing seriously online I am now 22 wins 0 Losses. Attached is my current record. Getting a lot of wins on 2nd bet so net is zero profit with 1-1-2 progression. Have started using 1-2-3 progression and may switch to a d'Alembert using up on loss down on win to guarantee profit moving forward. Also added tab "PB BETTING BETTING PROGRESSION" to show a LADDER I will be using as my profits grow. I am starting at 5 euro and after 10 winning sessions I will increase to next level to a maximum of 40 euro. I will start using my profits to increase bets. Each time I win at the current LEVEL I mark off the game. If I break even I do not mark off. If I lose I will start deploying a recovery by going up 1 level for two bets until recover most of my loss. Hopefully I can get to the TOP of the ladder without losing my bankroll and/or profits and make the 750 euro goal before starting again.

The other tabs are:
PB BACCARAT TRACKER/ PB BACCARAT TRACKER2: Tracking 2 tables of Baccarat with PB and PB ANDRE version. I am betting on both.
Game Records: History of my games
GAMING RECORD TEMPLATE: Template I use for BM casino to record my session. Based on book ROULETTE Play to Win
PB BETTING BETTING PROGRESSION: Betting Progression I am starting to use with Positive Progression strategy to increase bets on winning streak.

I will update after 100 games played. Hope you find it useful



Quote from: Ricky on Mar 12, 07:22 PM 2018

Hi Andre,

Isn't it great. What I am finding though is I have been deploying 1-1-3 progression but getting a lot of wins on step 2 so not progressing with bankroll. are you experiencing the same. When this happens I sometimes resort to 1-2-3 to get break even on 3rd step.



I have noticed for quite a while now that well over 80% of the wins come on the first two spins.

And that is why I decided to move away from the 1 2 2 progression (that I was using for nearly two years ) to  my now preferred  1 2 progression (I have been using it profitably for both roulette and baccarat for the last six months).

In fact, I wish I had made the switch much earlier.

Well, I guess, better late than never !
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


dr. you have been playing this for years successfully on only the first two bet using 1 2?

I am about ready to jump in
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Mar 12, 09:45 PM 2018

dr. you have been playing this for years successfully on only the first two bet using 1 2?

I am about ready to jump in

I started playing PB (with my tweaks) in September, 2015 (only at airball machines).

To tell you the truth, I was very surprised that PB seemed to work. I used the 1 2 2 progression from the start.

So for nearly two years, I used that progression -- and it was holding up pretty well.

Then, as I mentioned before, I noticed that over 80% of the wins were coming on the first two wins.

That is why I switched to the 1 2 progression about six months ago.

Please do keep in mind that because I am now skipping the third bet, my strike rate has -- understandably -- gone down.

But on the positive side, I now only lose 3 units per losing session (as opposed to 5 units with the 1 2 2) and that is much easier to recoup.
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Mar 12, 10:02 PM 2018

I started playing PB (with my tweaks) in September, 2015 (only at airball machines).

To tell you the truth, I was very surprised that PB seemed to work. I used the 1 2 2 progression from the start.

So for nearly two years, I used that progression -- and it was holding up pretty well.

Then, as I mentioned before, I noticed that over 80% of the wins were coming on the first two wins.

That is why I switched to the 1 2 progression about six months ago.

Please do keep in mind that because I am now skipping the third bet, my strike rate has -- understandably -- gone down.

But on the positive side, I now only lose 3 units per losing session (as opposed to 5 units with the 1 2 2) and that is much easier to recoup.

Another thing that I should have mentioned in my previous message:

I only play 4 games of PB at roulette and only 2 games of PB at baccarat per casino visit (my average casino visit lasts about six hours and I can go there only on certain weekends).

I wish I could do the reverse -- my ideal would be 2 games at roulette and 4 games at baccarat. But I cannot do that because the baccarat tables are always crowded (sometimes I cannot get a seat even at 2:00 AM !).

Warning: If you play PB continuously -- one game after another -- while you are at the casino, YOU WILL LOSE.

So please play 2-4 games per casino visit -- NOT MORE.
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


good to know, thank you

are you still playing airball? if so that makes me feel better that is all i have here

is the baccarat real dealer?

are you playing with the PB tweak on all EC?
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Quote from: RouletteGhost on Mar 12, 10:29 PM 2018
good to know, thank you

are you still playing airball? if so that makes me feel better that is all i have here

is the baccarat real dealer?

are you playing with the PB tweak on all EC?

Yes, I play airball only. It is very difficult to play PB at table roulette because of all the tracking required.

Yes, I play PB for all three ECs (but NOT the way JL tracks them).

For my first game, I track the R/B only. Then for the next game, I go for the O/E.

Then I do not use PB for the next 2 hours or so.

For the third game, I target, the H/L. And for the fourth game, I go back to the R/B.

So basically, I start out with R/B, then go for the O/E for the next game.

Then I take a 1 or 2 hour break (play other methods).

Then target the H/L and after that the R/B again for one last game.

Baccarat is also live dealer.

You play PB continuously, you will most likely lose.

PB will only work if you play it on a hit and run basis -- and on top of that, you have to play it sparingly.
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Quote from: Andre Chass on Mar 11, 08:57 PM 2018
Yes I am

I just opened an account yesterday
Can you give me the exact details of how to find this site Andre please.


Quote from: Ricky on Mar 12, 10:37 AM 2018

Another thing I experienced was the dealer's "footprint" as they spin the wheel continuously in a rhythm. The same number kept coming up or its near neighbor. 14,14,9 and 24,24,10 and 25,21,2, 2 . This strategy of placing bets around the recently spun numbers on the wheel can really pay dividends if you use the right progression.


Dealer's signature is definitely one of the more effective bet selection strategies out there.

When you can spot one, and assuming it continues for a few more spins after you start betting, it can give a good bump to your bank roll in short order.
What is the fastest way of destroying your bankroll at the casino?

Play roulette with GLC's progressions.


Quote from: DoctorSudoku on Mar 12, 09:41 PM 2018

I have noticed for quite a while now that well over 80% of the wins come on the first two spins.

And that is why I decided to move away from the 1 2 2 progression (that I was using for nearly two years ) to  my now preferred  1 2 progression (I have been using it profitably for both roulette and baccarat for the last six months).

In fact, I wish I had made the switch much earlier.

Well, I guess, better late than never !
Hi Doctor,
I have an idea to get the best of both progressions. My concern with stopping at 2 has always been that you are ending up with a 1 in 4 chance of losing instead of a 1 in 8 and not betting on the third step you risk missing out on a possible win.

Now what if we gave the casino the benefit of the first step as a virtual bet and dependent on the result we bet the next two steps either FOR or AGAINST the 8th pattern forming. Early on in the PATTERN BREAKER thread there was discussion whether you have just as much luck betting for the last pattern as against the last pattern forming. This would imply that the last pattern did not form or form in its entirety. ie one step of the three steps matched our selection. So why not add some randomness in the way we decide to bet by using the result of the first bet as a trigger FOR or AGAINST.

I propose the following rule when the last pattern remains:
1. Do a Virtual Bet of 0 on the first bet. ie do not bet.

2. IF the result of the virtual bet was a WIN AGAINST the 8th pattern forming on the first step then bet the next two steps AGAINST the rest of the 8th pattern forming. This would mean the casino must MATCH the next two steps of the 8th pattern even though it was not able to match the first step.

3. IF the result of the virtual bet was a LOSS AGAINST the 8th pattern forming on the first step then bet the next two steps FOR the 8th pattern forming. The logic here is we saved a loss on the first step by not betting. So if we were betting AGAINST the pattern then we would have lost the first and, if we continued betting against the pattern, the next two spins could also match the 8th pattern and we would risk losing all 3 steps. So why not follow the trend of the first step and start betting FOR one of the next two spins matching. This would save us if we would otherwise have lost the three steps.

What I like about the above rule is we get to see what the result is and are not left feeling that we should have bet all three steps. We will truly know if we would have won or not. It will also create a little bit of a random situation dictated by random itself. So the only way for random to beat us in this 2 step bet is to choose correctly in resulting in the opposite of this situation

To give a concrete example lets say the last pattern is PPB for baccarat or LLHfor roulette

We wait for the result of the next spin or hand
Scenario 1 : Result is P or L (8th pattern starting to match) our next two bets will be PB or LH. The only way we can lose is for PBP or LHL resulting

Scenario 2:  Result is B or H (8th pattern NOT starting to match) our next two bets will be BP or HL. The only way we can lose is for BPB or HLH resulting.

So for Scenario 1 if we started betting immediately and the 8th pattern did start to form in first two steps but not make it to the 3rd step then we would rue the fact we did not see it through to the end. I know its only 3 units to recover but we are in effect not trusting our strategy enough to take it to the end. This is the whole point of PATTERN BREAKER. We should TRUST in the idea that we want to challenge the casino to the end and not "chicken out" and give the win unnecessarily to the casino.

In Scenario 2 we are not taking advantage of the immediate win but we are still challenging the casino to correct itself and get the next two steps to match the remaining pattern of the 8th. So we are still challenging the casino to overcome the random selection. If we still lose then we give it to the casino but have only lost in 2 steps and still only need to recover 3 units.

I would be interested to hear what others think of this idea. Are we still playing to the true idea of PATTERN BREAKER by creating this additional dynamic challenge for Mr Random to jump over?
I think I may try this for a while and see if my WIN rate still remains high but with the advantage of gaining profit with every win while minimizing my loss.

