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Started by amk, Jun 08, 03:15 PM 2011

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Quote from: TwoCatSam on May 29, 01:08 PM 2012

It will be my last method on this forum SAM,ROBEENHUUT. So you can bust out the champagne. And its fitting that it is probably the best of the lot. The easiest to grasp. And one that leaves no door of excuses open for the maths boys. They cant say it only wins because your lucky JL no-one else can match your results. They cant say hmmm he is risking 80 or whatever units to win just a piddly 1. They cannot say it takes an age just to get a game like MATRIX VERTICAL 5 could. Because the very thing they fawn over and say tells them roulette is a game of negative expectancy. Is the very thing that tames random and shows you its behaviour. Its constants no matter how untamable and erratic it appears to be. It still has to abide by its keeper. MR PERCENTAGE.


Quote from: Robeenhuut on May 29, 12:58 PM 2012
Hello John

You make pretty decisive claim about your new and final method here  CODE 40.
After 130 sessions - are these games?. Don't you think its 2 early 4 such a quick paced method?
I can only assume that because we have not seen anything yet  ;)
I can give you a method that in 370 games involving 18k spins produced a 370/1 strike rate and anything over 31/1 strike rate gives you profit. Why I'm not posting it?
Because even it produced such stellar results i think its due 4 for correction although it would take 11 consecutive losses 2 go 2 break even level. But anything can happen  :D
After 10k games played CODE 4 you might go back 2 break even level as well.
There is always correction waiting 4 you and usually what goes up will come down eventually.

Good luck
Robeenhuut you may be right. Time will tell I've had an awful week with CODE 4. Three losses in only 80 games albeit ALL on the second game of the session. But CODE 40. NO, this method has absolutley NOTHING to do with luck. I absolutely assure anyone who plays it as I advise will see positive numbers. Profit margins might vary a bit player to player. Because they are dictated by the variance of each game. But this method will once and for all separate the men from the boys. It can be run with as little as 40 units. And there are simply no excuses other than your own. Lack of staying power as always would be one example.

If you people are REALLY and I mean REALLY here to win. I'm giving it to you on a plate. Excuse free. I know what I will be doing. And any who are serious about beating this game consistently. Will be doing the same. Theres a time for debate and endless testing. And what ifs. And theres a time for go getting. And winning. And Bankroll building. And where is AMK??. Much thanks is due to him. Much thanks.


Quote from: Johnlegend on May 29, 01:30 PM 2012
Hello Subby nice to hear from you. To your first question. that's fine. Me personally I am thinking of playing HIT AND RUN in its purest form. One game a session why? Because CODE 4 has delivered me 3 losses in the last week. And they have all been on the SECOND game of the session. My worst period to date. So I am going to start playing just one game a session as that's been by far the most successful way to execute the application.

To your second question. I have an overall BR. But this is my main income. So I have to cream off profits for living expenses on a monthly basis. So for example I have won over 6,000 units for Code 4 over the last year or about £12,000 british pounds. But I have used a fair amount of that to live on. Its not compounded. I use very little in my Bankrolls anyway For Example I would have a BR of 500 units for PATTERN BREAKER.. Contrary to the thinking you need this huge pot to deal with draw-downs. YOU SHOULDNT. If your method is any good. There are no big drawdowns. It ticks along with the expected strikerate.

So for PATTERN BREAKER for example. I know the strikerate is approx 12/1 PLAYED hit and run.. It might have a slight variance one way or the other throughout the course of the month. But Its solid consistency means it loses how I expect it to lose overall. You don't get 10 losses in a row for example. Like many of the inferior methods will throw up. Then you have to claw your way out of a big hole just to break even. No with all the methods I employ you get occasional setbacks. And you then continue to push forward. that's how a good method should be. No nasty surprises.

Thanks for that, I think I'll run it at 3 in AM and 3 in PM for a total of 6 games (6 units) a day until I'm happy with my BR being 12-15 times a total loss. Might move up a level from £1 units to £2 at that point but it will take time to grow to that point. This is for me, an ULTRA marathon.

I've setup a spreadsheet tracking system and I'm going to treat this as a business for 120 days and see where I'm at at that point and review how I'm getting on. It tracks units won, ratios of loss/win, total losses, etc...


Quote from: subby on May 29, 02:38 PM 2012
Thanks for that, I think I'll run it at 3 in AM and 3 in PM for a total of 6 games (6 units) a day until I'm happy with my BR being 12-15 times a total loss. Might move up a level from £1 units to £2 at that point but it will take time to grow to that point. This is for me, an ULTRA marathon.

I've setup a spreadsheet tracking system and I'm going to treat this as a business for 120 days and see where I'm at at that point and review how I'm getting on. It tracks units won, ratios of loss/win, total losses, etc...
Beautiful thats how everyone should be treating this. LIKE A BUSINESS. Well im disappoined with CODE 4s performance this week but Ive had an amazing run. Im due a bad spell I suppose.If luck does indeed play a part in HIT AND RUN. But the new Kid on the block. Is another ballgame alltogether. This is why we dont put all our eggs in one basket. And a smart player has at least 3 solid methods at his disposal. CODE 40. Now gives me a famous five. And its so different from the other 4. Maybe the best of them all. And reliant on nothing but what will be as that wheel spins.


Quote from: vile on May 29, 02:27 PM 2012
Haven't been involved in those code matters purposely
as only once said previously It doesn't work/we know it
as it was tested throughouly by some roulette experts,
Sam included,long before /and why persuading people.that
black is white continously.Just my 2 cents.
Vile I'm not persuading anyone. I will put my side across, most will scuff at my beliefs and claims and continue on their own path. A very few might say this JL is over the top, but lets see if he has anything. And by that I mean they give it a SERIOUS try out. Not some plastic test band run on a machine that has as much to do with roulette as Englebert Humperdink.
So you can fawn over so-called roulette experts totally unreliable test results. To know if my methods work. You get it done in the only arena worth a hoot. The arena you intend to make your profit in. THE LIVE WHEEL.


Quote from: Johnlegend on May 29, 02:55 PM 2012
Beautiful that's how everyone should be treating this. LIKE A BUSINESS. Well I'm disappoined with CODE 4s performance this week but I've had an amazing run. I'm due a bad spell I suppose.If luck does indeed play a part in HIT AND RUN. But the new Kid on the block. Is another ballgame alltogether. This is why we don't put all our eggs in one basket. And a smart player has at least 3 solid methods at his disposal. CODE 40. Now gives me a famous five. And its so different from the other 4. Maybe the best of them all. And reliant on nothing but what will be as that wheel spins.

JL, ...I wouldn't give those bad runs much thought...just look forward to the next amazing run(s).


Quote from: Chauncy47 on May 29, 03:30 PM 2012
JL, ...I wouldn't give those bad runs much thought...just look forward to the next amazing run(s).
Exactly Chauncy. CODE 40 is the next amazing run. Its a method that will make you profit  as long as you play the game. Theres no maybe, mystery to it. What I love the most is its as logical as can be. There can be no excuses from the usual sources about luck. I can see some of them throwing a hissy fit and running into the night saying they won't be passing anymore comments on the subject. That happens when the truth hits certain people and they realize theres been something missed in the summary of roulette and logical outcome. I remember one such member acting in such a manner a year and a half ago. But then what we had wasn't instant it was solid but could take an age to deliver a game.

This is where CODE 40 resolves that probelm of RISK,TIME, REWARD. I know you will love it Chauncy47. Your resolve and mindeset is the best I've seen, even better than mine. To test for 6 months before you played for real. I have to hand it to you. You have nothing but success coming your way with this game overall.


Quote from: vile on May 29, 03:24 PM 2012
You get it done in the only arena worth a hoot. The arena you intend to make your profit in. THE LIVE WHEEL.

Exactly what have been doing on daily basis for years
now.Just returned from arena 4 hours battle.

And the outcome of that battle, Victory---defeat??????????????


Quote from: jarabo002 on May 29, 03:40 PM 2012
We are impatient, Mr. Johnlegend, to know your new CODE40.

I keep very long in this forum and I learned a lot from you and other members. I know this time will be better than ever. ^-^

Nos sentimos impacientes, Mr. Johnlegend, por conocer su nuevo sistema CODE40.

Le sigo desde hace mucho en este foro y he aprendido mucho con usted y otros miembros. Sé que esta vez será mejor que nunca.
It will be if you can stay with it, I promise you that now. The method will drop on the forum this time next week. I will have a decent sample to report by then. And Unlike my testing error with CODE 4 reverse attack. This is solid no nonsense results from virgin spins not back testing on static results that had no relevance to the way that method played out.


Quote from: flukey luke on May 29, 05:49 PM 2012
It is funny reading the 'contradiction of terms' that we all walk into now and again.

Some of us like to use the term 'sweet spot'. What's that?

It's the optimum time to place a bet in the players eyes. It offers a good risk to reward if you get it right.

So what is 'hit and run'? Hit and run is placing a bet or possibly a few bets and then quitting. Some players don't think hit and run offers any advantage.

So is there any real difference between the sweet spot and hit and run. I could argue one can not exist without the other. (but I won't because a good method can definately have a sweet spot and therefore hit and run could/should be the best way to take advantage of it)

I don't know about sweet spot. What I look for in all my methods is a SWEET CONSTANT. Something that happens a lot, lot more than it doesn't. Once you nail that you have a winning method. It can be right in front of you sometimes but you cannot see it. And someone else might casually come along and say "But what is you did so and so". And all of a sudden you go bingo. My new Method has a sweet constant. Its happenned 130 times in a row now. Imagine you know something will always or at least virtually always occur in a maximum of 40 spins. that's a sweet constant.


Quote from: flukey luke on May 29, 06:06 PM 2012
I am looking forward to reading about it JL. There are definately sweet spots/constants in the game of roulette that are burried deep down.

A millionaire self-made man was asked by an interviewer to what single factor did he attribute his remarkable success.

'Luck,' he replied, 'but I had to work jolly hard for it!'
You have got to work hard full stop. Even when I deliever CODE 40. There will be several too lazy to run it properly and stay with it. This is to be expected. The few who are wise enough to stay the course are going to be making alot of profit over the coming years. Others will be making the usual excuses about oh this game cant be beat. And thats the way it goes.


John Legend is like a scientist. 

What i hear him saying is he's going to run a comparative test of CODE 40 on both LIVE and RNG wheels.  He's too good to run all CODE 40 testing on an RNG.  And the reason he's even considering RNG is, in my opinion, there have been reports indicating that either some RNG's may actually be fair, or some may be suitable for this type of system. It would be good to know which RNGs are fair in live play.  It would save a lot of effort down the road to making money.   But to be scientific, he needs to maintain what's called a control group.  He's saying CODE 40 performs so well, he'd be willing to test both side by side...in hopes of getting the same kinds of statistics his live play normally yields.   

Scientists sometimes get excited about their new findings.  Sometimes they publish their findings too soon, or with too much fan fare.  I find this less frustrating than secrecy and hoarding.  After all, none of this is costing anyone anything except the time to test it with a reasonable base unit.  Code 4 Reverse Attack "failed" with an 18/1 strike rate (some might debate that) over a break-even rate of 7/1 (did i get that right?),  and a less-than-controlled control group (some might debate that).  Yes, it was an alpha or beta and we looked like rats in a lab.  But it was free, and might lead to some better ideas down the road.

There are indeed symbolic comparisons to be made between this type of approach and some kind of prophet who preaches power (empowerment) and freedom.  There again, it could be worse.  This is less frustrating than the preachers of dis-empowering doctrines, or those who keep their magical powers under lock and key, shared only with an inner circle, or sold only to the highest bidder.

If i were to stand up and preach the truth, i would run into the same states of mind; those curious enough to follow along for a few miles (before falling by the wayside), those who utterly disbelieve from the get-go (unbelievers), and those who are willing to get up, get going, and get (sooner than later) to the end of the journey home (through perseverance).   

We can only be disappointed when we misplace our expectations.  The Twilight Zone we've been calling "the world"  has disappointment built in and everyone is some kind of gambler, hoping to gain something from it.  We have a little bit of random longevity...but not really a life.  The inevitable draw-down is always around the corner.  We postpone it as long as we can before starting over with a BR of pretty much zero.   Extracting anything constant out of chaos, confusion and random circumstances...is the closest this Twilight Zone will ever allow us to experience anything comparable to REALITY.

I say we believe in John Legend and his miracles.   Accept them as the symbols they are. It's a miracle anybody shares anything of value around here or any forum where there's money to be made from what most perceive as a limited source.  Seeking and finding the truth, believe me, is much more challenging, and requiring equal or more dedication.  So this is good practice.   



Mr. JohnLegend has contributed much to this forum in some cases with results sometimes more successfully, sometimes less but we have to recognize a great job by him. :thumbsup:
Uno de Badajoz que pasaba por aquí.


This thing is getting out of hand! I've never seen any forum shoot down someone like this, specially someone who's been around on this forum for a while, and as far as I know has always been constructive.

John puts down a method, and the first thing that happens is people start shooting it down.
Take some numbers, play the method, come back and post your results. (good old pen and paper)
If you don't have the time to test it, who the hell are you to criticize it?

Methods come and go, but what I don't understand is why does John have to prove anything?Then every single member here should start posting vids and screen shots WITH proof of their methods (ridiculous)

Play the method the way he does, (fun money) if you like it try it on a real money account.
If you make a couple of bucks, great....if you don't, so be it.

Who am I that anyone should listen to, no one, no one special or with fantastic methods or anything.
I'm just a regular guy, like everyone on here, that enjoys breaking away from my everyday life, reading some good topics of what people believe might work on a roulette table.

The beauty of it all is, I HAVE THE POWER to choose whether I want to believe it or not. I have the power to test if I want, but no one has given me the right to publicly break or humiliate someone.
I am very sad to see whats happening here.

... and people say Roulette is a gentleman's game!

Ever heard of "contrsuctive critism" ?
Let me Wiki it for those who haven't...

"Constructive criticism aims to show that the intent or purpose of something is better served by an alternative approach"

Now please explain where the better served alternative approaches are in some of these posts?

I end this with what I said previously... YOU have the power to choose and your choice is your right,but you don't have the right to change someone else's choice!


Trust the timing of your life!


With all due respect fellas/ladies....this is the Code 4 discussion thread. This e-arguing can be taken to general chat or whatever it is called....
