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4 X 4 DRIVE System

Started by Hermes, May 11, 06:10 PM 2010

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Could you withdraw? Will they not charge you something?
Yes twisteruk, always be in charge and careful when in casino.


Quote from: Hermes on Aug 25, 08:20 PM 2010
Could you withdraw? Will they not charge you something?
Yes twisteruk, always be in charge and careful when in casino.

We book each year throughout the  same tourist agency here in Croatia,
and they pre-book it as a agency.
In case of withdrawal you lose 5% of the money,which is about 165 doll.
in our case.Beter that then get poisoned by salmonela overthere.
When I showed her your post,and some other LV hints,she decided to withdraw.
You can always get me on  


bikemotorman's idea to alternate dozens and columns.  he is dead now.


Quote from: catalyst on Sep 21, 07:14 AM 2010
Bikemotorman's idea to alternate dozens and columns.  he is dead now.
Idea or him?????
You can always get me on  


Who is dead the idea or he? The dozens idea was always my he tested it with my permission and misused it for advertising his bike. When he played by the rules he always won and when he diverted from the rules always lost. He fought with the greed all the time.
Or it is you catalyst?


Hello Hermes,

Just wanted to say thank you for all the great systems.  BTW, I'm also from Canada.    :)

So back to the 4x4 Drive System.   Can you please explain in detail what you mean by LW and how you apply that to the system?  To confirm, do you always bet on the last two dozens (2,3) with the 1,1. . . 2,2. . . 4,4 progression?  I've been reading on some really good systems.   Which system do you recommend and use the most?




I live in Ontario. Nice to hear about another brave Canadian. The poor people in east got the hurricane Igor on full speed. I feel sorry for them but it is just beginning of the end. We all will be soon sorry that we were born. Oil spills, hurricanes that's just early warnings of Armageddon coming upon us. Where is no moral there is no life. We are going backwards in evolution. Sodom & Gomorrah, Babylon, Atlantis started the same way. History repeats. I hope there is a casino in hell!

LW strategy is easy. You play virtually and first virtual win (W) is the trigger to bet. If you lose play again virtually until next W. Eg. LLLLW bet WWL wait LLLW bet WWWW and so on...
You can play 4x4 drive or Figure 3 from the Figures system (it is easier to play than 4x4) but again use LW strategy!
Check the alberto's tweak.


Yeah I live in Ontario as well! Toronto actually.  What about you?  Indeed it is very tragic for the people on the east coast.   I don't know about the Armaggedon happening but it's true, we as a civilization is causing more harm to the environment every passing year.   As Stephen Hawking said himself we will need to colonize Mars for the survival of mankind.   Enough of doomsday, lets talk about the interesting game of roulette!    :)

Could you explain what exactly the L is for, what I'm guessing is it's a virtual loss? But what virtual loss and virtual win are we waiting for? Is there a pattern set in stone that we have to follow? For example: always bet on either (Dozen 1 & Dozen 2) or (D2 & D3) or (D1 & D3)?

Thanks for the assistance Hermes!



jk1m, I cannot explain it better than I did in previous post. Can Victor or somebody else who understand LW strategy explain it in different way to jk1m then I did it?
Thanks Hermes


Quote from: jk1m on Sep 22, 10:12 AM 2010
Yeah I live in Ontario as well! Toronto actually.  What about you?  Indeed it is very tragic for the people on the east coast.   I don't know about the Armaggedon happening but it's true, we as a civilization is causing more harm to the environment every passing year.   As Stephen Hawking said himself we will need to colonize Mars for the survival of mankind.   Enough of doomsday, lets talk about the interesting game of roulette!    :)

Could you explain what exactly the L is for, what I'm guessing is it's a virtual loss? But what virtual loss and virtual win are we waiting for? Is there a pattern set in stone that we have to follow? For example: always bet on either (Dozen 1 & Dozen 2) or (D2 & D3) or (D1 & D3)?

Thanks for the assistance Hermes!


JK1m  this is how you have to apply
the LW strategy to any two dozens system(see down  F3).
I only give you an example from other system.(Figures system)

For  4 x 4 you swich from  last two dozens
to last two columns.
So you start with play virtual  last two doz.  and
when appear w virtual is trigger, bet now  until appear the first L
and stop, wait virtual next w trigger but  on columns and bet for
::  streaks, but again when appear first L on columns ,
swich to dozens ...and so on...but have to wait the trigger W.

bet last two dozens , swich to last two columns

start with dozens
w  trigger  dozens ,bet now last two doz.
L   stop  wait new trigger w(but on columns)
w  trigger columns, bet now last two col.
L  stop  wait trigger w dozens

w  trigger doz.  bet now last two doz.
L  stop , wait trigger w  for col.

Same Leveller progression 1/1,  2/2,  4/4
stay on 4/4 until bank in plus or hit your stop lose.

F3 with Lw strategy.

Use this rules:

Progression Leveller  1/1  ,2/2  ,4/4   stay on 4/4   until in plus.
When bank in plus reset to 1/1.
Trigger is W, bet until appear first L, wait new trigger  W.
So at L stop and wait new F3, but still wait the virtual  W, than bet.
We bet the last two dozens from the F3 ( Ex: 232  bet 2 and 3)
or other Ex: F3 (122  bet  1 and 2 ).


12  1
13  2
9    1  F3(1,2,1)
15  2  w  trigger, bet 1/1
30  3  L  -2 wait  F3 and trigger w
33  3  F3 (2,3,3)
19  2  w  trigger, bet 2/2
26  3  w    0  bet 2/2
14  2  w  +2  bet 1/1
22  2  w  +3  bet 1/1
35  3  w  +4  bet 1/1
34  3  w  +5  bet 1/1
20  2  w  +6  bet 1/1
13  2  w  +7  bet 1/1
3    1  l   +5  stop wait F3
30  3
32  3  F3 (133)
18  2  F3 (332), no trigger w, no bet
5    1 
25  3
26  3  F3 (133)
1    1  w  trigger  bet 1/1
33  3  w  +6
23  2  l  +4  wait
6    1
2    1  F3(211)
23  2  w  trigger  bet 2/2
1    1  w  +6  bet 2/2
19  2  w  +8  bet 1/1
7    1  w  +9  bet 1/1
8    1  w  +10  bet 1/1
13  2  w  +11  bet 1/1
26  3  l  +9  wait
29  3  F3 (233)
4    1  no  W no bet
32  3  F3(313)
23  2  -
27  3  F3(323)
14  2  w  trigger , bet 2/2
18  2  w  +11  bet 2/2
12  1  l  +7   , F3 (221)
12  1  w  trigger   bet 4/4
34  3  l  -1   , F3 (113)
24  2  -
24  2  F3 (322)
17  2  w  trigger  bet 4/4
27  3  w  +3  bet 4/4
8    1  l  -5  wait
12  1  F3 (311)
25  3  -
10  1  F3(131)
26  3  w  trigger  bet 4/4
11  1  w  -1  bet 4/4
6    1  w  +3  bet 4/4
16  2  l  -1  ,  F3(112)
1    1  w  trigger  bet 4/4
2    2  w  +3  bet 4/4
7    1  w  +7  bet 4/4
19  2  w  +11  bet 4/4
9    1  w  +15  (new profit) bet 1/1
35  3  l  +13  wait
12  1  F3(131)
11  1  w  trigger  bet 2/2
23  2  l  +9  ,  F3 (112)
19  2  w  trigger  bet 4/4
23  2  w  +13  bet 4/4
10  1  w  +17 (new profit) bet 1/1
31  3  l  +15  wait
13  2
19  2  F3 (322)
3    1  -  F3(221)
20  2  w  trigger  bet 2/2
15  2  w  +17  bet 2/2
5    1  w  +19  bet  1/1
14  2  w  +20  bet 1/1
2    1  w  +21  bet 1/1
14  2  w  +22  bet 1/1
25  3  l  +20  wait
25  3  F3 (233) 
13  2  w  trigger  bet 2/2
4    1  l  +16  wait
31  3
27  3  F3 (133)
1    1  w  trigger  bet 4/4
7    1  w  +20  bet 4/4
5    1  w  +24(new profit) bet 1/1
33  1  w  +25  bet 1/1
20  2  l  +23  ,  F3(112)
8    1  w  trigger  bet 2/2
20  2  w  +25  bet 2/2
12  1  w  +27  bet 1/1
6    1  w  +28  bet 1/1
24  2  w  +29  bet 1/1
24  2  w  +30  bet 1/1
21  2  w  +31  bet 1/1
12  1  w  +32  bet 1/1
28  3  l  +30  wait
0    -
13  2
10  1
10  1  F3(211)
26  3  -
13  2
31  3  F3(323)
17  2  w  trigger  bet 2/2
33  3  w  +32  bet 2/2
29  3  w  +34  bet 1/1
15  2  w  +35  bet 1/1
6    1  l  +33  wait
35  3
8    1  F3 (131)
23  2
19  2  F3 (122)
4    1  w  trigger  bet 2/2
10  1  w  +35  bet 2/2
5    1  w  +37  (new profit) bet 1/1
8    1  w  +38  bet  1/1
34  3  l  +36  ,  F3 (113)
7    1  w  trigger  bet 2/2
16  2  l  +32  wait
10  1  F3 (121)
25  3
18  2
25  3  F3 (323)
17  2  w  trigger  bet 4/4
13  2  w  +36  bet 4/4
15  2  w  +40(new profit) bet 1/1
5    1  l   +38  , F3 (221)
17  2  w  trigger  bet 2/2
0    0  l  +34  wait
3    1  F3(1201)
13  2  w  trigger bet 4/4
21  2  w  +38  bet 4/4
26  3  l  +30  , F3(223)
11  1 
30  3  F3(313)
34  3  trigger   bet 4/4
16  2  l  +22  F3(332)
2    1
7    1  F3 (211)
25  3  F3 (113)
10  1  w  trigger  bet 4/4
35  3  w  +26  bet 4/4
9    1  w  +30  bet 4/4
25  3  w  +34  bet 4/4
14  2  l  +26  wait
16  2  F3(322)
26  3  w  trigger  bet 4/4
16  2  w  +30  bet 4/4
4    1  l  +22  wait
29  3
17  2
6    1
20  2  F3(212)
2    2  w  trigger bet 4/4
14  2  w  +26  bet 4/4
9    1  w  +30  bet 4/4
17  2  w  +34  bet 4/4
21  2  w  +38  bet 4/4
32  3  l  +30  F3(223)
33  3  w  trigger  bet 4/4
27  3  w  +34  bet 4/4
33  3  w  +38  bet 4/4
27  3  w  +42  (new profit) bet 1/1
31  3  w  +43  bet 1/1
7    1  l  +41  F3(331)
31  3  w  trigger  bet 2/2
8    1  w  +43  bet 1/1
20  2  l  +41  wait
17  2  F3(122)
2    1  w  trigger  bet 2/2
10  1  w  +43  bet 2/2
8    1  w  +45 (new profit) bet 1/1
25  3  l  +43  F3(113)
34  3  w  trigger  bet 2/2
25  3  w  +45  bet 2/2
14  2  l  +41  F3(332)
16  2  w  trigger bet 4/4
33  3  w  +45  bet 4/4
23  2  w  +49 (new profit) bet 1/1
7    1  l  +47  wait
1    1  F3(211)
2    1  w  trigger bet 2/2
10  1  w  +49  bet 2/2
8    1  w  +51  bet 1/1  new profit
16  2  w  +52  bet 1/1
26  3  l  +50  wait
8    1
1    1  F3(311)
25  3  w  trigger  bet 2/2
36  3  w  +52  bet 2/2
10  1  w  +54  bet 1/1  new profit
31  3  w  +55 

End  session  +55


Thanks Kattila, even I start to understand.


Quote from: Hermes on Sep 22, 10:35 PM 2010
Thanks Kattila, even I start to understand.

That was funny .....hahaha....     :)


hi kattila and hermes
we should admire BIKEMOTOMAN as he was the one who borrwed the idea from Hermes but made it popular by alternating dozens and columns.  He was running with this idea probably over hundred days with his own progression.  At the end he found himself in the quicksand and could not escape with his donkey progression.  therefore, I mentioned that he was dead.  Actually his idea with digger's progress.  But I appreciate his efforts to cannibalize us to follow him.  By the by, I am not him, he is probably a Texan hothead and I am from Melbourne. 



I am happy he is still alive! I told him to alternate the D/C after loss. You are right, he with his crocodile Dandy's progression. He was enthusiastic what's a good attitude.
I was afraid that he made the bike so fast that he hit the 2nd Mach speed and no parachute!
I have a friend in Melbourne always inviting me to visit him but I don't have a time.
Cheers Hermes


like the post.hermes...IV,E never seen a magnetic ball excuse before.BUT i have seen the fixed fixed table at william hill casino stop dead 3 times, each time the casino boss had to use the mouse for the computer to get it going again.THE 3rd spin stopped only a quarter of a turn.LAUGHABLE.ANYWAY onwards with your betting selection.it is quite true about the dozens and columns repeating from one to another,WITH study i would say its like climbing the rungs of a ladder dozens on the left and columns on the right when one misses the rung on ONE side of the same two dozens coming out you jump on the rung of the other side.,following the last 2 results of the columns....in total you only hit the missing rungs ie lose not that often and as a flat bet its usually as good as betting as single doz or col becouse of the losses to win ratio.i studied this for quite a while.the 4 x 4 name is a lot better than what i used to call it. the ladder system lol only to myself and close friends though.IMPRESSED I AM
