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opinions please

Started by Skakus, May 14, 05:57 AM 2012

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Why is there a challenge - when there is noting to prove - i don't understand.
If JL wins that he has nothing to prove for others.

If i was JL i would let any one feel free to prove him wrong - not the other way around.
Why - because that would be a waste of energy and time.

Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


Quote from: ego on May 21, 10:34 AM 2012

Why is there a challenge - when there is noting to prove - i don't understand.
If JL wins that he has nothing to prove for others.

If i was JL i would let any one feel free to prove him wrong - not the other way around.
Why - because that would be a waste of energy and time.

Hello Ego

Its not about any ego trip :D   I guess that nobody has anything 2 prove here. If anybody agrees to do that i don't see any harm.  And i have lots of time and energy and an opportunity 2 learn something.  ::)



If i was JL i would let any one feel free to prove him wrong - not the other way around.


I fully intend to try to prove him wrong--following his instructions exactly.

Isn't this done is science?  Some doctor posts a hypothesis and the others--using the same methods of collecting data---try to prove him wrong.  If they can't, we have Enbrel and my arthritis is held in remission and I can walk the dogs.  We have Advair and my asthma is controlled.

How many drugs never see the light of day because some scientist finds a flaw in the hypothesis and it all goes down the toilet?  We'll never know.

Just the way I see it.....

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers



I understand what you are saying...

My point is if you where winning why would you care to prove your way or care about others.
Keep doing what you do and be happy with no worries.

We all already know what happens if we run any existing method for 1M.
Some tank with negative drawdown and some tank with some positive overall profit.

Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


Quote from: Rolletti on May 21, 05:17 AM 2012
Gentlemen, let me complete the list.

1. Bayes
2. Vundarosa
3. Robeenhut
4. Alberto Jonas
5. TwoCat
6. Sniper
7. Superman
8. Atlantis
9. skakus
10. Rolletti
Well, my first instinct appears to be correct.  I didn't want to comment upon that one until things started to firm up after my initial (blatant) "lalaland" reply to Mr. Legend, himself.  And being that Steve is a sort of a "conspiracy guy", this has turned out to be a good board to share such claims.

What invariably happens among the core-group of something, especially among the "rich and famous", is that when one of them "goes too far", they all "circle the wagon" to drive out, prosecute (in a court of law), etc, depending upon the circumstances.  Even a few of the major casinos have been thusly (quietly) "drawn-and-quartered" after putting the others at risk of losing their own public "credibilities".

A different sort of "dimming the lights", if you will.

So, don't forget to put in some 100, or larger bulbs, as studies have overwhelmingly confirmed that "living in the dark" kills the brain.  (Dark) panelling on the walls, back in the 70's, was another bad idea.


Quote from: iggiv on May 20, 09:00 PM 2012
John Legend, please take it easy when they declare your method as a failure. It would be really shame if u r gone from here. I believe that most of the members want u here and have great interest in your information. Well, this is a case for me.

So if u get negative responses about your methods, u better don't take it personally. and i appreciate  very much your info.
Thanks for that iggiv. I won't dis-appear off the face of the earth. I will be stunned if ten people can truly report negative numbers. After playing 1000 games minumum. Which you must to see a decent sample. If I have three members reporting excellent results to me for CODE 4, PATTERN BREAKER and DIVIDE and CONQUER. There should be at leat half of those 10 reporting postive numbers after a 1000 game sample. Because lets get this straight. CODE 4 REVERSE ATTACK. Is the most rewarding of them all in relation to RISK AND REWARD. You are about 3 to 4 hours away from its appearance on here. Be back later cheers.


Quote from: Johnlegend on May 21, 12:40 PM 2012
Because lets get this straight. CODE 4 REVERSE ATTACK. Is the most rewarding of them all in relation to RISK AND REWARD.
What happened to that sure million dollars from 100 when played properly?  American Idol speak, everybody's the "best of the best" all the time (to build ratings hype.)
Quote from: Johnlegend on May 21, 12:40 PM 2012
You are about 3 to 4 hours away from its appearance on here. Be back later cheers.
And about 6 monhs from "falling off the face of the earth".


Quote from: GARNabby on May 21, 01:53 PM 2012
What happened to that sure million dollars from 100 when played properly?  American Idol speak, everybody's the "best of the best" all the time (to build ratings hype.)And about 6 monhs from "falling off the face of the earth".
GARNabby do you actually do anything aside from attack anyone showing any positive attitude on this forum??? I mean what do you do? Why so down on everything MR NEGATIVE. So you couldnt beat this game or don't have the right stuff to stick with it?? So now you dedicate your existence to spreading doom and gloom on everyone else. Or so it seems. Can anyone tell GARNabby's story. Where did this super negative being spring from? ???


Quote from: Johnlegend on May 21, 12:40 PM 2012
Thanks for that iggiv. I won't dis-appear off the face of the earth. I will be stunned if ten people can truly report negative numbers. After playing 1000 games minumum. Which you must to see a decent sample. If I have three members reporting excellent results to me for CODE 4, PATTERN BREAKER and DIVIDE and CONQUER. There should be at leat half of those 10 reporting postive numbers after a 1000 game sample. Because lets get this straight. CODE 4 REVERSE ATTACK. Is the most rewarding of them all in relation to RISK AND REWARD. You are about 3 to 4 hours away from its appearance on here. Be back later cheers.

Hi JohnLegend,
Good to hear that. It truly sounds promising so look forward to some fair, honest and genuine testing from me. See ya later!
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: atlantis on May 21, 02:19 PM 2012
Hi JohnLegend,
Good to hear that. It truly sounds promising so look forward to some fair, honest and genuine testing from me. See ya later!
Thanks Atlantis, I know you are a solid and neutral person. You will tell it as you find it. I have some positive data for you too regarding your preferred playing style across the lines that might be of interest to you. I am a little annoyed with this GARNabby charactor. I really dont see his point for being here. He makes Bayes look super positive.


john theres no point responding to these guys if the system is so good post it up and it will shut them up thats your best defense not words


Quote from: StackBundles on May 21, 02:44 PM 2012
john theres no point responding to these guys if the system is so good post it up and it will shut them up that's your best defense not words
Stacks patience isnt you strong point is it lol?? Its coming im just chewing the fat and finalizing a few things. Besides for most its all downhill from the moment it goes public remember that. I will get the truth from those I expect it from. And be shocked if I get it from those I dont.


lol its not that i havent got any patients i just dont see the difference from code 4 betting opposite to this new code 4 of betting the same


Quote from: StackBundles on May 21, 02:55 PM 2012
LoL its not that i haven't got any patients i just don't see the difference from code 4 betting opposite to this new code 4 of betting the same
What you don't see a difference between 28 units risk and 80 units risk a game? The idea is to try and bring a bankroll friendly version of AMKS gem to the people. I can afford to play CODE 4 forever. Some can't. That means many are missing out on a great method. Wolfat brought something very interesting and powerful to my attention last week. That I was annoyed I didn't really see before. But oh yeah its there and it works. And I love it because I started out on a single dozen/column method THE ZONE. And this is much better. Its a gift. STAY WITH IT don't be drawn on to anything new and see how far it will take you. I have waded through thousands of past results and played 100 real games. Results will be posted under the rules 10pm GMT.

Then let it begin. As per usual it will require a degree of that word that begins with P. But those who step up will move up. that's for certain...


Quote from: Johnlegend on May 21, 02:15 PM 2012
GARNabby do you actually do anything aside from attack anyone showing any positive attitude on this forum???

Best just to ignore him. Every forum has a troll or two.

Hey, just noticed this is my 1000th post!  8)
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain
