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The real world stumps me

Started by Turner, May 20, 06:38 AM 2012

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I just wanted to talk about a small problem I seem to have.

If i sit at home on the laptop, on William Hill online, with RX set up doing all the tracking, I seem to do ok. I don't break the bank but I seem to allways be in profit. Pays for all the "eating out" me and the wife do. I fully understand loads of systems and stratedgies.

When I go to the Casino with the Wife on a Wednsday, I just completly blank. I turn into some "lets put some chips on my Dads birthday" kind of roulette player. I really don't get it. I try street bets, and mess it up....ok, I can track repeats, but the marquee is only 16 numbers.

Same happened with Chess. I spent years online, getting better and better, then when I joined a club, and it was wooden peices with someone real sat facing, I did silly things and couldnt remember stuff I knew online.

Blackjack is better, and that's where I go in the casino now. I really do know the rules like the back of my hand. I may not quite remember if i should double downor just hit with Ace,6 against dealers 5, but I know what to do 90%. I won 55 chips with a 5 chip start last week. It paid for the 40U I had lost on roulette.

I'm almost "scared" to go on the roulette???. I'm certainly scared to sit down facing someone at chess. I've stopped going to the club.


Well I don't want the name of a good shrink LoL. I just want a simple "real world" roulette idea for the casino on a wednsday. Something very easy that can win well enough to maybe have a free night but something that doesn't eat 50p chips up like no tomorrow.
Something that isnt biased so I'm saying " darn, I had 13 a minute ago, why didn't i stick with it"

Something like blackjack, that seems to play in the moment. (I just thought of that live as I typed)

Blackjack plays in the moment. Plays what you see. Something like that.

I don't mind losing...oh no! but I seem to get into a confusion and skip around with different ideas in a live casino.

I know what you are thinking..."Turner, wouldnt we all like a system that did that!!!" but i dont quite mean it like that.

Basically, I think Im trying to say that I didnt realise how much brain power I share using RX. I cant think when I get to the casio for real.


I have tried to reply, but the post went nuts.  Started jumping up and down.

An omen?

Tomorrow I'll try Word and paste it in.

I'm just like you!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


well...we went to the casino and came out £145 up.....

mabe I should have titled the post "heres a free system that will make you sh^t loads of wonga" rather than "I need your help"

tossers lol


OK, I said I'm just like you in my problems............

Hope I don't offend anyone, but smoke just kills me.  I have asthma.  No one smokes in my office.

I have poor concentration so I get distracted.  I deplore people who ask me questions.

I get distracted on what I am supposed to do.

Here is my answer..............

Can't do a thing about smoke.  Just feel sorry for them and try to ignore it.

Frankly, I try to look grouchy as I can so no one will talk to me.  People are usually just full of it anyway.  I get the Martingale explained to me regularly.

I try to imagine myself in a protective bubble and no one can get in. 

Here's the biggie.........

I actually write myself a permission card as to what I can and can't do.  "You may bet only X system and quit when you win X or lose X.  You may not make "fun bets" or start a Martingale because the second dozen has slept five times."  That sort of thing.  And I get it out and read it.

I split myself into banker and player.  Player makes the bets and banker watches the money.

I even write the card when playing at home.  "You're playing the G.U.T.  Play only the G.U.T."  ect....

So wherever I'm at, if I feel I'm getting lost, I pull out my card and read it. 

I tell myself.......the next time you come, you can write a new card and lose your arse if you wish.  But TODAY you must follow the card.

If I can't, I know I'm in trouble as I have no self control.  I got this stuff from a psychology book.

Some day I'll tell you about "Releasing".....

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Thanks for taking time sam. No smoking in any public building/vehicle or workplace in UK.
