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Vaddis Holy Grail

Started by RFMAXX, Aug 20, 03:35 AM 2015

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The conception you use is 2 streams of numbers, it has already been introduced by other users. I do not want to explain the strategies.
But this is a good way by half reducing the effectiveness of hits.
I just did not get into Vaddis strategy, but if it's based on what I think, it's a very good concept.

Recently, I have so many concepts to play, that I do not know what to take, to test. I have really little time to take over everything


What can I say
A certain person said everything on this forum, you should suggest something interesting.
I did not have the time to test  fully the concept, but as it says, if you have a chance to play, this concept shortens it by half.
In all my posts, I asked for information, I received it from one person, I gave in return my profitable forex strategy.
Like I said if someone will give me knowledge
I will give you 30% profit
If knowledge works, please contact me
But knowledge must work longterm


Well, good!  I'm sure you're onto something interesting.
What are your conditions to enter a game?

P.S:  is this google translate for Proofreader2000?
Life is hard, and then you die.
Mes pensées sont le dernier retranchement de ma liberté.


Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 01, 09:58 PM 2018
Finish the session collected in real casino face, hehehe less badly, it took a long time, I got tired ...
23 entries only 4 falls, which logically quickly recovered, surely this being analyzed is even more accurate than vaddis, he said it, surely could be improved, I hope he has achieved, hehehe.
Before confirming it I will quarantine it with my colleagues to do hundreds of sessions as if they were 3-6 years of game to verify, as we always do.
here is the finished graph.

You have to wait for conditions to enter the game. :xd: :xd: :xd:

Your knowledge is still behind. Not there yet. That's why you try to steal ideas from other ppl. >:D

This is real knowledge, play continuously, no waiting needed.

Only way to do that is to combine Vaddis with TG ideas.  :thumbsup:

When you have achieved that go to roulettesimulator to play your game then post your chart here. You should easily post charts like I do I achieve my 1000units target in 17 spins. The rest is bs.

I even allow you to see my final bet, no problem. :thumbsup:


Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 01, 10:41 PM 2018
I am very happy for you if you already have a way to win, it does not look like mine according to the photo of your bet and my winnings playing with chips of 1 if I put them to 10, it would be 2500 units, hehehe.

You did not learn what I try to point to you. You took 140spins to get to 1000+ units. I reach that target in 17 spins. Do you get it now ?

Tomorrow I send you a stay of 200-300 balls and make it in rx to have that, if you want.
I hope it continues like this, if it works, but I advise you to try real balls.
regards :thumbsup: :xd:
Ofc it is not the same like your bets. I already learnt your bet. Nothing special.

You want to be better then learn the PRINCIPLES of Vaddis and TG.

Vaddis is about paired numbers and balance.

TG is about repeaters and math(frequency distribution).

They both play continuously.

They refer to "patterns".

If you try to only find patterns you won't go very far.

You have to understand what those patterns mean from the PRINCIPLE point of view in random distribution.

That's the stumbling block for most people. They try to find patterns instead of what the pattern means in random distribution.

Disclaimer - roulettesimulator chart is played on rigged rng. If you understand how you can produce graphs like this.


Mathematically each number you play
on a European Wheel is minus the house edge.

So for every dollar I play I should get a return of 97.3 cents
Einstein was right.
Years ago I created a system called Network 111

I had some success with it (and it ties in with Vaddi's 'pairings')

These numbers go together:

A.) 1,4,7 & 30,33,36               D.) 12,15,18 & 19,22,25

B.) 2,5,8 & 29,32,35               E.)  11,14,17 & 20,23,26

C.) 3,6,9 & 28,31,34               F.)  10,13,16 & 21,24,27

Procedure: Play each group when it shows
and zero (for the required seven numbers in play)

*play both zeros on American wheel (eight numbers in play)

Stop when in profit.

Bankroll suggestion: 144 units


Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 01, 09:58 PM 2018
Finish the session collected in real casino face, hehehe less badly, it took a long time, I got tired ...
23 entries only 4 falls[/color], which logically quickly recovered, surely this being analyzed is even more accurate than vaddis, he said it, surely could be improved, I hope he has achieved, hehehe.
Before confirming it I will quarantine it with my colleagues to do hundreds of sessions as if they were 3-6 years of game to verify, as we always do.
here is the finished graph.
For the benefit of the members. I interprete the graph what he means with that bolded part.

The flat part of the graph is when he waits for the "right conditions" where imbalance occurs.


Quote from: cht on Jun 02, 04:22 AM 2018
For the benefit of the members. I interprete the graph what he means with that bolded part.

The flat part of the graph is when he waits for the "right conditions" where imbalance occurs.

Not really cht passion makes these graphs up...never go into Skype or pm him as he just wants what you have...
All his post are contradictory...
He does not have the method he’s still looking and wants people to do it for him...


Quote from: 6th-sense on Jun 02, 04:49 AM 2018
Not really cht passion makes these graphs up...never go into Skype or pm him as he just wants what you have...
All his post are contradictory...
He does not have the method he’s still looking and wants people to do it for him...
OK, Thanks 6th-sense. :thumbsup:


Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 02, 09:37 AM 2018
Sixth sense is angry because he contacted me by Skype and said a bullshit that he already knew and for that bullshit he wanted me to tell him how to really play the game and how he does not accept to give it to him, that's why he is like that.
If you want to pay attention to the sixth sense and let yourself be influenced by him, as you wish, but everyone who does what he wants.
If you want to chat with me, I have no problem.
regards :thumbsup:
You are so full of shit Passion! You are only here to mislead People and Let them believe that you Have the HG. But you know shit! Oeps! Just used that word for the second Time  :smile:
6th Sence is one of the Most honest People i ever met and a very nice Guy that is Always trying to help others Without benefit to himself. He has helped me countless of Times Without wanting something in return. You can't come even close to to the person 6th is passion. You are only after our money, with making false claims, kust after our money. If i were a moderator, i would Have removed you a LongTime ago.  >:(


Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 02, 12:38 PM 2018
Ok, so is the envy and anger that they have of losing money and wanting to detail them about vaddis and make it clear.
If we are interested do not come here to seek help and better clues.
I am giving clues, graphs and detailing the importance of vaddis, you are ungrateful, you only want things on a silver platter and nobody will do that.
Aora I understand why the best disappear or do not give more clues, there are many ungrateful people.
I also disappear soon from this forum, I already have my HG and I do not give a shit what they think or say, keep looking :thumbsup: :lol: :lol:

I’m not losing anything Sergio...your a con man just letting everyone one else know...thought you were going ages ago with the hg you had..lol
Here’s a pic of my balance right now...no charts where’s yours ?


Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 02, 01:15 PM 2018
Estoy fuera, pero esta noche te pongo lo que llevo ganado estos dias :thumbsup:
Yes yes, same to you. Now f... Off!
Go take your scam elswhere.


Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 02, 02:06 PM 2018
I meant that I will put what I have of balance in the casino that I won during the week, jo jo, who has won and who does not. You have lost an opportunity with me, I will not give more clues, do not reflect where to look, no graphics, I will help people for private, you do not deserve my help, you win right? Hahaha, or do you just lose?
It's past you two :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Your help lol your a joke Sergio...winning the last week? Thought you had this hg nailed ages ago ..won’t be expecting to see you again then ..you been working out at the gym to carry that holy grail of yours that was too heavy the other week to get out of the forum doors?
Your full of sxxt...
Nice knowing you buddy don’t slam it on the way out


Alright.  One more shot at this:

                                         -----*Vaddi's Perfect Balance System*-----

Procedure: Track until you have two repeat singles (qualifier). 

Bet those two, the newest two unique singles and
the next numerically higher number of all four respectively.

(Perfect balance: two repeaters, two uniques, two unhit singles)

Example: 12,0,28,7,9,31,5,28,1,35,31 (newest spin-value)

Bet 28,31: 29,32 & 35,1: 36,2 once.

Repeat steps until in profit.

Bankroll suggestion: 144 units


Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 02, 08:44 PM 2018

I say it openly, maybe to someone who offered me a good amount, I would give it to them, why not?

Hei Mr. lopez
I m very sorry for u that u could hook up any fish till now.

Here i m ur tuna. Tell me exactly how much do u want for ur grail. ??
