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Reading Randomness ( The Real Way ) @ Roulette Simulator

Started by gizmotron2, Jun 02, 09:50 AM 2020

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Quote from: pepper on Jul 28, 04:42 PM 2020
Just because you've never done anything worthy enough to have a statue built in your name doesn't mean you have to go tearing down everyone else's.

Do you even know what a determinist entails?


Quote from: Moxy on Jul 28, 06:32 PM 2020Do you even know what a determinist entails?
Something to do with oral cavities being caused by past things, like eating sugar.
U got hungry after worshipping statues, so you ate some skittles. The skittles caused sugar acids to decay your teeth. Now you have to go to the determinist. duh!


I'm back at RS with another 50.

Basic principle used:

"Bet small amounts when you are in a downward sequence of any session. Bet larger amounts when in an upward sequence of any session. Make sure that you lose the correct number of spins so that the mathZombies are completely happy. Be prepared to defend or explain being able to see up and down sequences in a gambling session. Make the blind see & lead a horse to water and make him drink. Offer to polish a savior's Spandex suit. Get trolled."

I'm still holding up my 2 to 1 win to loss ratio in earnings as apposed to the mathematical expectation of slightly less than 50 / 50.
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
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Quote from: gizmotron2 on Aug 02, 10:29 AM 2020"Bet small amounts when you are in a downward sequence of any session. Bet larger amounts when in an upward sequence of any session.
Why not just wait out/don't bet during downward sequences and only bet during upward sequences to maximize profits?


Quote from: pepper on Aug 02, 12:18 PM 2020Why not just wait out/don't bet during downward sequences and only bet during upward sequences to maximize profits?
They don't let you wait out spins at live B&M casinos where I play.  So I bet minimum or half price for the slow grind down. It all comes down to not falling into laziness for me. It's my nemesis. You can see me get bored and pay my way down the slides. Everything is there. I'm sure that there are other people here and about that can do this with better self control than me.

I just use my characteristic's of randomness, I call it Reading Randomness to make my bet selections. That gives me a sense of consistency in bet selections, leaving watching for changes and types of movements in the up or down conditions. I've always said that anyone can use any consistent bet selection method to bring out the up & down conditions. It then becomes a simple game of watching for the conditions and the changes. This tends to leave out any concerns about any house advantages. In fact it all comes down to how well you can wait for good upticks in movements. You stand or fall on how experienced you are with watching for upticks.

So I watch 12 sets that form 6 groupings.  One group can be in a slow grind down while another group can be in a grind upward.

To think that this has been ridiculed for decades is comical. I've done a pretty good job of both sharing it and protecting it at the same time.
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
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Quote from: pepper on Aug 02, 12:18 PM 2020during upward sequences to maximize profits?
I no longer work hard for the monster sized super trends.  I bet that way for 12 years.  It works but it's much more difficult. So I don't give a hoot about maximizing profits.  I'm in it to win and be professional about it. I know I can get to two or three net wins at my base value bet. At RS I'm using $10 to $210 as the base value where I drop back to $100 and increase to as much as $400. Some times I go double then single, 2, 1. That's $200, $100 or $400, $200. I also go $200, then $100 or $400, then $200.  But I'm trying to get around 10% or $300 off each session with the $3,000 bankroll for each round. 

So, I'm actually short funded at $3,000 for that, in that I like to have at least 21 base value bets at the high point to weather any downfall during the sessions. 21 times $200 is a little more than $4,000. So I lose once in a while. $8,000 for $400 top level bets would be best.

More people should discuss this method with things like bankroll sizes, bet sizes, minimum bets, and maximized bet sizes.

This is not a revolutionary method. I just use Reading Randomness because when a strong trend happens so does a win streak.
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
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Quote from: gizmotron2 on Aug 02, 12:45 PM 2020I just use my characteristic's of randomness, I call it Reading Randomness to make my bet selections. That gives me a sense of consistency in bet selections, leaving watching for changes and types of movements in the up or down conditions. I've always said that anyone can use any consistent bet selection method to bring out the up & down conditions. It then becomes a simple game of watching for the conditions and the changes. This tends to leave out any concerns about any house advantages. In fact it all comes down to how well you can wait for good upticks in movements. You stand or fall on how experienced you are with watching for upticks.I just use Reading Randomness because when a strong trend happens so does a win streak
Why does randomness behave like this? I kind of wanted to avoid saying this b/c people love bashing God/His followers/beliefs like this that may be considered “magical”, but I will say it anyway: I believe God has made it like this or divinely intervenes for randomness to flow like it does, maybe even so players can take advantage through proper research and practice.


Quote from: pepper on Aug 02, 01:57 PM 2020Why does randomness behave like this? I kind of wanted to avoid saying this b/c people love bashing God/His followers/beliefs like this that may be considered “magical”, but I will say it anyway: I believe God has made it like this or divinely intervenes for randomness to flow like it does, maybe even so players can take advantage through proper research and practice.
That's a sign of magical thinking.

You need to throw out all magical belief or forces that make numbers on the wheel come up. It's just random velocity, gravity, centrifugal force, drag, obstacles in the path, and height of slot boundaries. Once you try to see or confirm a magical force you will see it confirmed. All that is fallacy. You need to stop looking for reasons for randomness. We all know that it is because of Trump and 666.
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
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Quote from: gizmotron2 on Aug 02, 05:22 PM 2020It's just random
I challenge you to give a clear explanation/scientific reason or other reason as to why randomness would have characteristics that would allow you to take advantage of trends or to take advantage of anything that would allow you to win more than you lose in the long run.


Quote from: pepper on Aug 03, 01:37 PM 2020I challenge you to give a clear explanation/scientific reason or other reason as to why randomness would have characteristics that would allow you to take advantage of trends or to take advantage of anything that would allow you to win more than you lose in the long run.

When a characteristic is in a longer formed state of continuing... Now that alone must be understood in order to continue. I just glaze over that much and continue making an informed statement. But I wonder if I even got that far with you?  There is no point telling you more unless you can relate to this and explain that you know what it means. Can you do that? Are you with me so far?

I can example the simple ones like 20 Reds in a row or 32 of the same dozen sleeping. Do you know what these are? To me they are characteristics. What are they to you?

If you really want an answer and are not just waxing rhetorically then please acknowledge that you are in this for an explanation to your challenge.
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
gamblingforums dot com/threads/reading-randomness.14733/


Here is another characteristic: In the EC's do you know what is meant by singles on the weak side?
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
gamblingforums dot com/threads/reading-randomness.14733/


Quote from: gizmotron2 on Aug 03, 02:34 PM 2020When a characteristic is in a longer formed state of continuing... Now that alone must be understood in order to continue. I just glaze over that much and continue making an informed statement. But I wonder if I even got that far with you?  There is no point telling you more unless you can relate to this and explain that you know what it means. Can you do that? Are you with me so far?
I probably get it. You see patterns that continue/repeat and are able to jump on them fast and stay on them while they last.
Quote from: gizmotron2 on Aug 03, 02:34 PM 2020If you really want an answer and are not just waxing rhetorically then please acknowledge that you are in this for an explanation to your challenge.
I am being genuine; I am not just being "rhetorical". I know that the HE doesn't mean squat compared to making good bets based on previous results and bets. One thing I do believe is that the HE is dominant when it comes to randomly betting or guessing, even though they may think otherwise, like everyone or almost everyone at the casino does.
Quote from: gizmotron2 on Aug 03, 02:41 PM 2020Here is another characteristic: In the EC's do you know what is meant by singles on the weak side?


Quote from: pepper on Aug 03, 05:15 PM 2020I probably get it. You see patterns that continue/repeat and are able to jump on them fast and stay on them while they last.
Almost. I hit them for one win. In EC's it's a war to get one win more than the number of losses.  If I only decided to break even then I could beat the HE also. I look to see if I'm in a condition of more wins than losses. You can see these conditions in any win/loss chart.

Example: wLLwwLwLL:L  In this case you have 7 wins and 6 losses. This is so tight. Nothing sticks out as a domination of wins. So I bet small. But if I get something like LLL:wLL:wLwwL: I have a domination of wins with a pattern of at least doubles when wins hit.  I bet big on those second wins in a row until I get my three net win stop point at the big bet value. The key is to take one bite at a time. It's not worth it to try to target the monster sized trends. They are too few and far between.

The name of the game is playing the win dominated waves. It doesn't matter that the house has a slight advantage. Things pile up together at times.  Losses pile up and dominate. It's what takes out most players because they can't avoid it when it happens.

The secret to beating randomness is in not getting upset when it works against you. Just take the losses at the cheaper price. It's more like boxing. To deliver that knockout punch you have to take punches. Just punch big when you see small openings.
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
gamblingforums dot com/threads/reading-randomness.14733/


Quote from: pepper on Aug 03, 05:15 PM 2020"Here is another characteristic: In the EC's do you know what is meant by singles on the weak side?"

Can you see it in this: BB r BBB r B r B r BB r BBB r B r  ....?

The strong side is Blacks and the weak side is reds. When red hits it never has a repeat. So it's a single.
Reading Randomness is a single thread. It is backed up by a software instruction thread and software download threads. The Even Chance Pro 1.4 version is the best version to practice on.
gamblingforums dot com/threads/reading-randomness.14733/

Richard Meisel

There is an absence of singles. There seems to more of a Dominance for Triples than Doubles. I would probably put $90 on Red. Or play a virtual Bet. What would you try?
