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Precognition really works

Started by precogmiles, Jan 09, 04:18 PM 2018

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Quote from: ati on Feb 10, 05:05 AM 2021I have found a very good book and some youtube videos that put me back on track
Good to hear it Ati. Can you share links of your YouTube videos pls?
I’m currently on a bad run. I’d worked up to an 80k balance on RSim, all on rated games (so only 3k per session, playing largely singles at 50 per go), got ill for a couple of weeks and complete lost it all ability to now not picking anything up at all.
It seems to me a long term thing, ie you build it up gradually to a point where you see or sense numbers straight away, no meditation or anything and then something knocks you back and it’s completely gone. Very frustrating.


I watch tons of videos, but I usually don't save the links. Many of them were from Bob Proctor and Joe Dispenza. I have also watched a lot of videos about manifestation and high frequency vibrations.
Here is one link to a video that I liked - link:s://youtu.be/6cGNcgzWZT8
This channel has a lot of very good and long videos, but I only watched a couple of them so far.

Also the book that inspired me to be positive and to not give up, Thought Vibration by William Atkinson - link:s://youtu.be/am-afhz-CE4

These of course have nothing to do with Roulette. These are about manifestation, visualization, positive thinking, and knowing what you want.
The practice that I referred to as creating reality in my earlier messages, is the same thing as quickly manifesting your desired reality. This can be practiced and developed, but it takes serious dedication and time.
I'm quite sure that the forum member "nowun" got to a level in manifestation and had such a strong belief, that after a while he just pointed at numbers and they became. He didn't need to spend long minutes on focusing.


Thanks for these, will give them a go


One thing I realized early on was to not waste your time listening to every random person on YouTube.

I call these philosopher psychics. Great theories but unfortunately they can't not demonstrate anything.

Only focus on learning from people who can actually do what they claim.

For example

There are many fake psychis on YouTube. Trust me I have gone through all of them these are the most authentic I have found that actually attempt to explain how they do why they do. Learn from them. Good luck.



It depends on how you look at it. Most of the writers and authors are or were quite successful in life, I don't need them to show me telekinesis abilities. That's a very specific area that doesn't have much use in life, other than improving your focus. Trebor Seven uploaded a video last month, and even he said that he had stopped doing it for 9 months, and focuses his energy on other important things instead.

Being able to see/sense/guess the correct roulette numbers requires a strong belief that you can do it. It needs to be gradually increased. As a beginner, no matter how hard you try to tell yourself that the next number is going to be 16, deep down you don't believe it. And as soon as you have the slightest doubt, you are more likely to fail. And the more you fail, the more you doubt yourself. That's why it's hard.

Yesterday I had a pretty bad day, I couldn't stay focused, I saw several numbers, but didn't know which one to bet. I only hit one number, so after a while I started to lose my faith. I even tried to manifest a number again with a 20 minute meditation, but I was already in a bad mood, and I only hit a neighbor. My number never showed up.


Being 'successful in life' can not be the way we evaluate someone's psychic ability.

I think demonstration is a MUST. Otherwise anyone can claim anything.

Anecdotes should also not be accepted either.

Some people get lucky, some misunderstand what they experience. Some claim aliens/spirits are helping them. There are a lot of crazy theories.

People need to demonstrate their ability consistently and offer a meaningful theory. Those are the people I take seriously.


I've just proved to myself again how real this is. This morning I was still in my bed, waiting for the alarm to go off, when I fell asleep for a few seconds, and I dreamed of seeing a 9 and a 2.
I quickly opened a roulette app on my phone, spun the wheel and the next two numbers were 9 and 2  ;D :o

It's an amazing feeling. I rarely have precognitive dreams yet, the last one was in November. I was also half asleep when I saw a zero, and when I woke up, it was the very next number that came up.


The same thing happened to me last time however in the opposite direction !!!! I saw in my dream the lottery numbers 23 and 13, next day in the draw numbers 32 and 31 were selected !!!
A dollar won is twice as sweet as as a dollar earned


Do you guys believe in orbs?
I don't really, but in the past couple of weeks I have started to see "things". Only when I do my candle or roulette focus, sometimes dark dots appear in my peripheral vision, they fly by in a split second then disappear. I can't look at them, they are never in my direct line of sight. It's strange.

Mister Eko

Quote from: ati on Feb 27, 04:39 PM 2021
Do you guys believe in orbs?
I don't really, but in the past couple of weeks I have started to see "things". Only when I do my candle or roulette focus, sometimes dark dots appear in my peripheral vision, they fly by in a split second then disappear. I can't look at them, they are never in my direct line of sight. It's strange.

Orbs?what is this?


Quote from: ati on Feb 27, 04:39 PM 2021
Do you guys believe in orbs?
I don't really, but in the past couple of weeks I have started to see "things". Only when I do my candle or roulette focus, sometimes dark dots appear in my peripheral vision, they fly by in a split second then disappear. I can't look at them, they are never in my direct line of sight. It's strange.
maybe you are talking about this link:s://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floater


Quote from: Mister Eko on Feb 27, 04:43 PM 2021
Orbs?what is this?
I don't know, some paranormal spiritual thing. Many people believe they are ghosts. They usually appear on photographs, and many people claim to be able to see them with naked eye.
Of course there is no proof to this, so who knows. I skeptical about the existence of these things.


Quote from: outsider on Feb 27, 04:54 PM 2021
maybe you are talking about this link:s://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floater
It's possible. It's just strange that I no have these in my vision every time I focus.


Btw, recently I have made very good progress. So far I've been practicing with a simple random number generator, it has nothing to do with roulette, it just generates numbers as the name suggests. I did this so that I wouldn't get distracted by bet results and wouldn't have any pressure of winning.
Two days ago I started practicing with actual roulette rng in fun mode, and I'm doing great. On the first day I won â,¬164 in about 25 spins, playing â,¬1 per number. Yesterday I won â,¬96 in 13 spins, today I also won â,¬93 in 13 spins.
These sessions usually take between 30-60 minutes, and I always do 20-30 minutes of candle focus before I play. If I can keep this up, I may consider playing for real money. :)
