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Vaddis Holy Grail

Started by RFMAXX, Aug 20, 03:35 AM 2015

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Quote from: Kairomancer on Jun 11, 06:54 AM 2018
If you are really honest about the idea of helping others and earning something in return.
Why not just share it with no conditions attached.
I am absolutely sure if you give out what you claim you have and it really does work,
then forum members would be also nice to you in return
Just think about mutual trust.

Simply open a thread disclose your ideas and ask for something in return.
If you really share the working HG, forum member would be happily appreciate your intentions and you got back way more than 10k in donations.
You could also share the method with Steve for free to validate it first, then you can release it to donating members.

I encorouge other members to do the same with their ideas as well.
This is a how an open community model should be.
People help, share then contributors recieve back.
Now that's a very good idea. Just ask for donations passion or set up a private Forum with other members and ask a weekly donations of some kind, so we can learn. A private school for that matter. But not asking 10.000 euro and accept that we All bite... When you want to buy a house, don't you wanna Explore First and Have a look at it, so you know exactly what you are gonna buy?
Think about it. There is not a person in the world Who would give you 10 Grand Without knowing the ins and outs about the System, i Just can't believe that. If you say otherwise, you are a lyer.  :thumbsup:



Quote from: PassionRuleta on Jun 11, 09:50 AM 2018
Oki, vaddis I will not reveal it but I can say ideas that I have had about the time that vaddis studies and that I left behind, but they have nothing to do with VADDIS
Anything is as good as much money can be made on it in the real world.

Just spare us from the confusion. Share the real deal.


He doesent have anything guys stop asking for info.Is just some good runs thats all.And if someone has it he will never reveal it to nobody.Trust me.Nobody cares if you winning or loosing.And it wont be long till he realizes bragging about something you cannot prove you have wont get you anywhere


Got a new idea. Looking good so far:

Note the newest High and Low Streets.

Bet three chips on those
two streets, a chip on each zero.

(seven numbers in play, European Wheel:
Eight numbers in play, American Wheel)

Bankroll suggestion: 84 units Euro: 96 units American


A tweak on Irish88's idea re: streets:

Track the newest four outcomes. 
Qualifier is four unique streets in four spins.

After the qualifier bet the two unhit
numbers in those streets and zero.

*Nine numbers in play

(On the American wheel place a chip on the 0/00 split)

Repeat steps until in profit.

Bankroll suggestion: 108 units


So how much cash did vaddis  make outta this  method ????


Quote from: bigmoney on Jun 12, 05:43 AM 2018
So how much cash did vaddis  make outta this  method ????
Don't know know. He stated in the past that once he had reached 1.000.000 dollar, he would reveil it in the open. But or he hasn't Made 1.000.000 yet or he has but changed his mind in making it public.


Quote from: jekhb76 on Jun 12, 05:51 AM 2018But or he hasn't Made 1.000.000 yet or he has but changed his mind in making it public.

Or, he was full of shit....


Well it hasnt given the method ...and people still cant work it out ...ive backtested what i thought it was but it failed ......meanwhile theres always turbo genius .....lol


I hope Vaddis system is real.


I decided to share with my ideas about Vaddis .Point by point.Holders off Vaddis ,watch and don’t let me reveal something that shouldn’t be revealed yet.


1.Wait for 8 singles/non-repeats..........



Stage 1.
Bet on pair double-single / always choose single moving forward ,example 1-2,4-5.
Start with one pair.If won ,start all over.
If lost ,bet on 2 pairs,3 pairs,4 pairs.
Continue until you reach four pairs.
If didn’t get any profit bet on four pairs until you bankroll reach -36.
