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Started by RFMAXX, Aug 20, 03:35 AM 2015

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 :In this case u  will miss near repeaters.. Friend. What about putting few bets in  start of cycles...  May b some cycles u hit in 4 range two times.... And profit  for the day...


37 spin cycle always a roller coaster... Testing ur patience. Skill.. With utmost difficulty... Wide range of patterns.. Near misses..repeater misses one number range. with solid gameplay  need to cope with that..and follow what the wheel does. It will  always b thrill... No matter how strong ur strategy.ultimate goal is  a profit either minimal....greed destroy... Things... Cool things and before diving again in  cycle remember it can b more difficult than before. Fresh mind.... Required .. Longer gameplay will make ur mind slow in decision.. So whatever profit u ve  it's  better than.. U loose all my  view only


I have completed another 500 spins using the system described earlier in this thread. It looks like it's come un-stuck (badly). Very deflating... I guess this is why we test systems thoroughly.

If anyone is using this system based on earlier results, please proceed with extreme caution.

Nevertheless I'm going to push on for another 500 spins to see if it can recover. On a positive note, I'm collecting a fair bit of data as I go.

Further analyses of the graph.

500 spins consisted of 81 individual betting strings. A hit, either positive or negative, resulted in the end of the string and the start of a new string.

See totals below.

A hit after 2 spins occurred 4 times (136 units total)
A hit after 3 spins occurred 10 times (300 units total)
A hit after 4 spins occurred 7 times (168 units total)
A hit after 5 spins occurred 10 times (160 units total)
A hit after 6 spins occurred 17 times (102 units total)
A hit after 7 spins occurred 7 times (-42 units total)
A hit after 8 spins occurred 9 times (-180 units total)
A hit after 9 spins occurred 10 times (-360 units total)
A hit after 10 spins occurred 7 times (-376 units total)
A hit after 11 spins occurred 0 times
A hit after 12 spins occurred 1 time (-96 units total)


My last two gameplay longer sessions and I did mistake ultimately I stop with one unit  profit and in third session I able to make it 100... This all in three days 3 sessions.. And both of equal sessions I was up to 80 units. I hope u got my point to enjoy.


Repeaters range were out of balance and very few repeaters.. I able to cope that with neighbours... 12/4 and  24/8  is it valid for neighbour too  one thought to  test more....in progress..in case if repeaters not coming.. Only that case for this


Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 25, 12:10 AM 2019
I have completed another 500 spins using the system described earlier in this thread. It looks like it's come un-stuck (badly). Very deflating... I guess this is why we test systems thoroughly.

If anyone is using this system based on earlier results, please proceed with extreme caution.

Nevertheless I'm going to push on for another 500 spins to see if it can recover. On a positive note, I'm collecting a fair bit of data as I go.

Further analyses of the graph.

500 spins consisted of 81 individual betting strings. A hit, either positive or negative, resulted in the end of the string and the start of a new string.

See totals below.

A hit after 2 spins occurred 4 times (136 units total)
A hit after 3 spins occurred 10 times (300 units total)
A hit after 4 spins occurred 7 times (168 units total)
A hit after 5 spins occurred 10 times (160 units total)
A hit after 6 spins occurred 17 times (102 units total)
A hit after 7 spins occurred 7 times (-42 units total)
A hit after 8 spins occurred 9 times (-180 units total)
A hit after 9 spins occurred 10 times (-360 units total)
A hit after 10 spins occurred 7 times (-376 units total)
A hit after 11 spins occurred 0 times
A hit after 12 spins occurred 1 time (-96 units total)

Hi Juno very deep analysis... Ranges u shared are repeater ranges?   If  so  what  happens  after  12 spins... For these ranges


Here  another thought 24 / 8=3. U ve  average 8 repeaters if u get 3  using 8 numbers  single sequence... U are in no profit no  loss..  So for profit u ve  to  hit 4 out of  8 repeaters... 50 percent accuracy u in profit/ edge.... So avg profit  25 single unit and with 10units it's  250 within 24 spins or 20 minutes this I think vad referring for  a cycle...


We go for 100 units  profits in single cycle causing loss using 1 unit...what to do after first cycle... Break point as per bad vad 😅 ...chillout/break and start fresh cycle....i do start 4 no.  With low  bets allowed and go to base bet 1 or 2 units as per game stats after 4 spins


Quote from: Elite on Feb 25, 12:49 AM 2019
Hi Juno very deep analysis... Ranges u shared are repeater ranges?   If  so  what  happens  after  12 spins... For these ranges

Hi Elite

Here are the rules for the system.

First spin: #3. Bet numbers 2-4.
Second spin: #18. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19.
Third spin: #20. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19, 20-21 (19 was taken, so bet #20)
Fourth spin: #33. Bet numbers 2-4, 17-19, 20-21, 32-34, etc....

Continue until you get a hit. Re-set, start again.

It was doing really well until this last 500 spin session.

You're not betting for repeats in this system, you're betting on the neighbors of the most recent hit number.

The table just  represents what happens when you get a hit (or miss) For instance, a hit after seven spins will result in a -6 unit loss. Most hits occur in the 3-9 spin range. I have only ever gone as far as 12 levels once.

If a hit occurs on 2nd spin    +34 units   
If a hit occurs on 3rd spin    +30 units   
If a hit occurs on 4th spin    +24 units   
If a hit occurs on 5th spin    +16 units   
If a hit occurs on 6th Spin    +6  units   
If a hit occurs on 7th spin    -6  units     
If a hit occurs on 8th spin    -20 units   
If a hit occurs on 9th spin    -36 units 
If a hit occurs on 10th spin   -54 units 
If a hit occurs on 11th spin   -74 units
If a hit occurs on 12th spin   -96 units
If a hit occurs on 13th spin   -120 units
If a hit occurs on 14th spin   -146 units

Thanks Elite. Suggestions / improvements are welcome :).


Quote from: Elite on Feb 25, 12:55 AM 2019
Here  another thought 24 / 8=3. U ve  average 8 repeaters if u get 3  using 8 numbers  single sequence... U are in no profit no  loss..  So for profit u ve  to  hit 4 out of  8 repeaters... 50 percent accuracy u in profit/ edge.... So avg profit  25 single unit and with 10units it's  250 within 24 spins or 20 minutes this I think vad referring for  a cycle...

One more point. I think with 3 hits also can lead to  profit... As we removed last number on each hit.... Strength in system..... With low accuracy  than  50 percent still can lead to. Profit


Quote from: jono1167 on Feb 25, 01:14 AM 201912

This system u capturing singles  out  of 37 numbers ....ok  got the idea tq


Before going into cycle. Tighten ur seat belt. And ready for a free thrill ride... May b it's feeling like sitting on  a hot oven.... Now it's up to...how many cycles in a day.... 😀😈 easy win will urge u  to  play more while tough cycles will  blow your mind  but at  the end of cycles result will  b same.. 24/8...36/12


Another important  point.. Casino are more smarter than players. Their data analyser will not b ayk tracker.. It  will b big data... My thought only.so can see more thrill... Than expected


Those  fcking bastards can go any limit to save their profit.. Either it's one unit or1k .


Quote from: Elite on Feb 25, 03:11 AM 2019
Those  fcking bastards can go any limit to save their profit.. Either it's one unit or1k .

Lol! Savage! Technically speaking we are deemed “fcking bastards” by the casinos too! 😂
