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4 X 4 DRIVE System

Started by Hermes, May 11, 06:10 PM 2010

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It is good idea to mark down both, the dozens and the columns at the same time because if one is disaster the other is smooth. D and C are only 1/3 similar and 2/3 different. You can see with the pure eyes which one is performing better for the system (The choppy one is a champion).
Cheers Hermes


Hi Hermes and all the guys involved,

Here's my first post today.

I send you now my results with the "famous" shitty numbers WITHOUT LW TRIGGER

I played with first basic rules (not with the 4 x 4 turbo drive, I will test it today or tomorrow).

So rules for this test was :
- Leveller 1 2 4
- After 0, we wait one spin
- All spins played (ASP)
- There is no trigger (No LW)
- Play = and x
- As soon i'm level or ahead, play only 1 unit

I finished the test on + 4 but I reached a very interesting + 17...

Of course it was a full test on tough numbers so I go till the end.
Normally I would have stopped early :)

Target win ? +8 +10 + 12 ? Not determined yet so all thought are welcome.



PS : next post with LW trigger... looks not so good...


English is not my first language...
but i try my best !
Welcome to my polish friends !


Here's my second post today.

Test with "Famous" shitty numbers...

Results with LW trigger.

Ok it' not a - 115 units session but it looks very bad...
- 41 units at the end !!

I played with first basic rules (not with the 4 x 4 turbo drive, I will test it today or tomorrow).

So rules for this test was :
- Leveller 1 2 4
- We use a LW trigger
- After 0, we wait one spin (LW trigger is actived so it's the same)
- Play = and x
- As soon i'm level or ahead, play only 1 unit

I finished the test on a very bad - 41 units...

So once again, to my mind, the stop-loss question have to be clarified...




English is not my first language...
but i try my best !
Welcome to my polish friends !


Hope you enjoy the contribution guys  :)
English is not my first language...
but i try my best !
Welcome to my polish friends !


Quote from: jordan69 on Aug 18, 05:48 AM 2010
Hope you enjoy the contribution guys  :)

Thanks for uploading your results.

Pretty-looking or not, we want the whole truth. That's the point of testing  :thumbsup:

Cheers fr contributing!
🡆 ROULETTEIDEAS․COM, home of the RIBOT FREE software bot, with GIFTED modules for the community! ✔️


Thanks Jordan for the early warnings. It must be pretty shitty in France and everywhere else on the planet when even the roulette numbers mirror the present rotten world. It is complicated to chose what version to play because in LV the original version did without problems 40-50 chips. It must be geographical!
After you scared me (ha,ha,ha) I play the modification with LW.  Probably more aggressive progression is needed? But it still wins even only a little.
Cheers Hermes


Quote from: VLS on Aug 18, 10:02 AM 2010
Thanks for uploading your results.

we want the whole truth.

Cheers fr contributing!
Yes Victor,
But I personally don't take this testing seriously....only past act.perm.
should be considered as a testing proof.

You can always get me on  


For your information, the numbers come from
a real permanence, in a land casino in France.
Single zero, European wheel.
English is not my first language...
but i try my best !
Welcome to my polish friends !


Quote from: jordan69 on Aug 18, 02:39 PM 2010
For your information, the numbers come from
a real permanence, in a land casino in France.
Single zero, European wheel.
Which casino,so we can check it up.
That is the only and proper way.
You can always get me on  


Man, i played roulette for more than 15 years...
it's a long time ago.
I have a lot of permanence.
It's impossible to check ! You even dont know this casino !
I live in Lyon, France.
Why check numbers ? you dont believe me ?
I'm here to contribute, not to be investigate, thanks.
English is not my first language...
but i try my best !
Welcome to my polish friends !


Quote from: jordan69 on Aug 18, 03:14 PM 2010
Man, I played roulette for more than 15 years...
it's a long time ago.
I have a lot of permanence.
It's impossible to check ! You even don't know this casino !
I live in Lyon, France.
Why check numbers ? you don't believe me ?
I'm here to contribute, not to be investigate, thanks.
Jordan dear,
You are trayin to prove that there is no CWB,which you repeating
aloud now and again.Not that I don't believe you but just mentioned
that only easy check up permanences should be valid.
Maybe I know the casino...Was playing in Le Pharaon there.
You can always get me on  


Quote from: F_LAT_INO on Aug 18, 03:44 PM 2010
Jordan dear,
You are trayin to prove that there is no consistent winning bet,which you repeating
aloud now and again.Not that I don't believe you but just mentioned
that only easy check up permanences should be valid.
Maybe I know the casino...Was playing in Le Pharaon there.

Man, sorry but you're wrong ! i'm not Jordan, the guy who try to prove there
is no consistent winning bet.......
I'm Jordan69, not the same guy :)
I just want to make my best to help and contribute to this system that i like.
I'm in touch with Hermes and we have some very good exchanges about it.

You're right, check up true and valid permanences are the best way
but these permanences are quite old, 8 or 9 years ago.
I kept it cause very often, the tests with these numbers are tough for the
systems. It's quite strange but it's true.
If you know Le Pharaon, great :) but it's the other named "Le Lyon Vert"
One of the biggest in France.
English is not my first language...
but i try my best !
Welcome to my polish friends !


Sorry thought you are the same person.
Yes valid,easily checked numbers should only count.
You can always get me on  


OK, I am giving you the numbers from LV to see how the system performs on "normal" wheels. Those are the numbers from LV when I first time played 4x4 on $1 table:
11,27,8,30,00,14,16,15,23,18,10,36,18,27,7,11,1,4,2,36,12,31,9,3,7,21,30,32,20,28,18,8,30,35,4,28,17,20,16,5,16,31,34,4,1,33,20,29,18,31,11,8,14,28,18,24,6,0,30,13,2,21,36,16, 13,12,30,24,7,10,19,1,1,35,36,23,33,17,28,11,18,16,31,12,10,32,30,34,3,14,0,29,5,4,23,00,3,23,28,24,28,28,5,11,26,23,31,9.
Now play 4x4 the original way, streaks and chops alternating, and tell me your score?

The next game in LV I played already on $5 table and here are the numbers:
28,8,27,36,36,3,22,35,13,7,8,12,20,16,19,13,2,17,35,5,22,26,5,7,12,27,20,30,18,26,2,18,4,19,25,12,24,23,6,27,0,29,29,6,31,14,11,33,30,22,18,8,34,14,4,17,10,6,20,6,16,18,29,00,7,33,7,36,28,20,4,25,9,23,22,31,36,8,26,3,2,33,4,26,12,10,15,29,33,27,17,32,19,29,11,0,14,14,12,23,3,0,00,18,5,21,23,16,33,23,2,4,29,20,36,21,28,5,21,12,26,21,30,11,17,12,25,17,21,7,29,32,32,00,27,19,00,2,22,18,13,34,6,5,30,00,23,0,12,28,31,9,26,36,24,33,30,28,5, 36,18,10,20,18,13,12,6,34,9,33,15,2,16,0,00,29,4,27,4,27,10,14,12,22,26,23,21,25,10,25,13,00,32,33,34,24,27,22,14,22.
Tired after that marathon game went sleep to hotel. Tell me the score from that game? You will be surprised.
Cheers Hermes
P.S. I can see the page screwed up to lanscape sheet. Not my fold.


Hermes mate,
Which hotel you were staying in,and which casinos you were playing.Asking this cause
am going there for a New year and need all available infos from the first hand.Thanks.
You can always get me on  
